Chapter 20: Luke's POV

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"Luke!" Mia yells as she waves me down the hall.

The next thing I know someone is pushing me down the hall towards her. "You're coming with us."

"Wait wait wait. Where are we going?"

"Don't ask questions" Jason says.

After a few moments, we all leave the school without anyone knowing we left. "Mia where are we going?" I ask again.

"We, my friend, are going to see my boyfriend. Since he is not answering any of us."

"Why do I have to go?" given the fact I would rather be at school than go see him.

"Because you guys will become friends."

Ugh just what I need. I was happy to find out that he was not here. I didn't want to run into him because of yesterday...

After a while, we arrive and knock on the door.

The door opens and Stella answers the door. "Oh hey Luke!" she said not even looking at the other two. "I'm sorry but why are you here?"

"Well!" Mia starts up "I'm here to see if my boyfriend is ok, you see he is not answering any of my calls or text, nor is he answering Jason."

"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong place, it's just me and my bother here right now, and he has yet to have a girlfriend."

"Oh, he must not have said anything yet! Hi I'm Mia Zach's girlfriend"

"Oh uh okay then," Stella says, she looks confused "um come in I guess."

"Okay thank you very much!" Mia said as we walked in.

"He is in his room upstairs. It's the 1st door you see, just walk in."

"Okay! Thanks!" Jason says. "Let's go."

On our way Mia says "we should knock" but before anyone can say Jason opens the door to Zachary drinking some blood.

"you know there is a thing called knocking right?" He says.

"Told you we should have Jason!" Mia says.

"His sister said we didn't have to!"

"My sister!? You really listened to her about this? My privacy has been violated". Zachary says as he takes another sip.

"Sorry," Mia says leaving. She looked like she was gonna be sick.

"I'll go check up on her for yeah pal," Jason said also leaving.

"Well, you gonna tell me what you 3 are doing here?" he says looking down.

"Uh well, I um. I never wanted to come Mia kinda made me and-"

Jason appeared out of nowhere "What Luke is trying to say is we got out of class to see if you were alive."

"Well I am, so leave." Zachary sounded angry.

"Dude calm down, we are your friends," Jason says.

"Look I'm okay. It's okay if I miss school, it's ok to be drained. Just because I want time for myself and not responding to you guys does not give you the right to invade my home. I'm not okay and I need space, and that's 100% ok on my end. What's not okay is what you 3 did." 

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