Chapter 24: Zachary pov

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"Come on, let's go inside," I say

"W-what?" he stuttered out. You know it's kinda cute how he stutters when he is nervous.

"Yeah, my dad and sister are not home so it would be nice to have someone to talk to."

"O-oh okay. Just let me tell my dad I'm coming over!"

"Okay, sounds good."

I walk inside and head to my room. Since he is talking to his dad I'll clean up a bit, but before I could I heard a knock at my door.

"Hey", Luke said.

"Oh hey. Not gonna lie, I thought you would be a few so I was gonna clean up a bit, so sorry for the mess."

"Eh, it's okay, whoa. I guess I didn't realize how many books you have, hey and is that basketball!?

"Oh uh yeah, you play?"

"I wish... I'm not good at it though."

"You know I could teach you I know a place by the border! It's kinda abandoned and it's really cool. I think humans built it!"

"Wait so you play? And you are willing to teach me?"

"Yeah of course! I mean it's what friends do right?"


I can feel my heart race. I just wanna know this feeling. What does it mean...? "Yeah, friends!" It's not like I like him. I mean he is nice and cute, but it's like I see him and my heart starts to go fast. I don't think any other person makes me feel this... thirst.

"You okay...?"

"Oh yeah sorry I'm in my own little world."

"Oh okay, makes sense. You kinda zone out." Luke smiles. It is really cute how one side of his smile shows his wolf fang but the other side does not. "So um what's your favorite book?"

"Ah...Hm... if I'm being honest I don't really have a favorite book. I like a lot of books from the romance genre."

"Romance??" Luke looked shocked . Did he not expect that from me?

"Hm? Yeah!" I stop for a moment then ask "what did you think I would like..?

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