chapter 13: Lukes POV

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"Your mother right luke. Maybe you two could learn to study together." My dad said.

Perfect just want I need. A vampire boy studying with me...

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea." Mr. James said.

I look over to Zachary. He seems not to be paying attention anymore. However, he seems to be loving the lasagna he ordered. "Is it good?" I ask.

He seems shook when I asked "oh um yeah" he cleans his face off then asked, "what did you order?"

"Something Chinese. I like that kinda food." I don't remember the name of it though.

"Oh that's cool," Zachary said. "Did you have a girlfriend in Florida?"

"Oh um no..."

"Damn. My friend is trying to hook me up with this one girl. Not really into the dating life but I'll give it a go"

"I see..." so he's never had a girlfriend... I can't tell him I have had a boyfriend... or I'm into guys. My dad will be angry. I can't have a lover in this town...

*after dinner*

"I was so nice meeting you and your kids," my mom said.

"Likewise." Zachary's dad said.

"See you in school," Zachary said with a smile.

"Yeah," I said.

*note from me ( sailing-saphire )!*
Hello so if you didn't notice the updates are everywhere. Sorry about that. I'm kinda an everywhere person. Anyway if you could, can you follow me. I wanna see who likes my work! And I'm always open to suggestions. Friendly one of course. Have a wonderful day/night!

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