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This is more information on extra characters in the story!

Full breeds

A full breed is a mystical member of society with both parents bing/possessing mystical abilities

Fairys - A small, flying humanoid with magical abilities. Depending on the fairy depends on the magic. Normally cannot mate when any other breeds.

Life Fairys - give life to the earth

Health Fairys - help heals any mystical members of society/other things

Ground Fairys - can't fly but can grow any type of flowers ( typically helps life Fairys )

Goblins - a creature that does not look human, has no magical abilities.

Vampires - blood-hungry humanoid creatures. Cant be in direct sunlight or will burn without a protection ring.

protection ring - a ring that will stop a Vampire from burning in daylight. Vary expensive most who have it are big leagues.

Stops aging at 18

Werewolfs - human by day wolf on full moons. If they don't want to change will need a changing ring.

changing ring - stops a Werewolf from changing on full moon nights. Most who have it are big leagues.

Giants - human but are super tall

Witches - humans born with magical power

Normally they don't have kids with other Witches so when there s a full breed which they are pretty powerful.

Half breeds

A half-breed is when a human and a full breed have a kid.

Fairys - most of the time the baby will not live, if it does live it is deformed and will not age right.

Goblins - most of the time the baby will be born deformed. Will age okay but in some cases will not live.

Vampires - still will need blood to live but also need normal human needs.

Can go into sunlight; does not need the ring

Werewolfs - has the wolf trait(s) but does not change.

Giants - taller than most humans. Uncommon to have a half Giant.

Witches - most of the time are half breeds. Will have the same powers as a full witch just less powerful.


A mix-breed is kinda like a half-breed just instead of having a kid with the human it's another mystical member of society. This is really uncommon

Fairys -

Fairys x Goblins

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Fairys x Vampires

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Fairys x Werewolfs

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Fairys x Giants

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Fairys x Witches

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Goblins -

Goblins x Fairys

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Goblins x Vampires

The child will look like a goblin but need blood to survive. Will not burn it the sun.

Goblins x Werewolfs

The child will look like a goblin but will change on the full moon to a deformed-looking wolf.

Goblins x Giants

A very tall goblin

Goblins x Witches

a goblin with mystical powers


Vampires x Fairys

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Vampires x Goblins

The child will look like a goblin but need blood to survive. Will not burn it the sun.

Vampires x Werewolfs

Needs blood but will change on the fool moon

Vampires x Giants

Tall vampires

Vampires x Witches

Vampires with mystical powers


Werewolfs x Fairys

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Werewolfs x Goblins

The child will look like a goblin but will change on the full moon to a deformed-looking wolf.

Werewolfs x Vampires

Needs blood but will change on the fool moon

Werewolfs x Giants

Tall Werewolf, when transformed will be monster looking

Werewolfs x Witches

A werewolf with mystical powers. Can stop themself from changing on the full moon.


Giants x Fairys

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Giants x Goblins

A very tall goblin

Giants x Vampires

Tall vampires

Giants x Werewolfs

Tall Werewolf, when transformed will be monster looking

Giants x Witches

A Giant with mystical powers


Witches x Fairys

Fairys cant mate with others or the baby will be deformed and not live for long

Witches x Goblins

a goblin with mystical powers

Witches x Vampires

Vampires with mystical powers

Witches x Werewolfs

A werewolf with mystical powers. Can stop themself from changing on the full moon.

Witches x Giants

A Giant with mystical powers 

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