Chapter 25: Luke POV

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"Hm? Yeah!" Zachary stops momentarily and then asks "What did you think I would like..?

"Ima be honest I thought you would be more of an action reader."

"Oh? Not a real big fan of action," he says. "I like the cute soft romantic stuff."

Damn, who knew Zachary would be a hopeless romantic. "So... uh why did you invite me inside?"

"Well I uh..." he stopped for a moment "wanted to work on the project I guess"

After some uncanny hours of putting a slide together, we finally decided on a deceit slide show. "I think it's best if I head out..."

"Oh uh okay... well see you tomorrow then!"

"Yeah," I smile, open Zachary's door, and head out. On my way out his father stops me.

"What were you doing here" Mr. James sternly barked.

"Oh sorry I thought Zachary would have told you. We have been working on the project for science class sir."

"That kid actively doing homework? You a good influence on him you know that boy?"

"Oh, thanks sir" As shocked as I am I try not to show it when I speak. "Well, it was nice chatting with you. Hope you have a good day, but I have to get going back to my house I'm sure my mom and dad are worried."

"Alright go home, but don't be afraid to drop by anytime."

"Thank you, sir"

I awkwardly skerry out of their house and run to mine. That was really unsettling, not in a scary way more less like in a way that was what the hell just happened way. It's like Zachary just seems so different. What happened? Before he seemed like he didn't like me. Now it's like he is... warming up to me..? "Hunny dinners done," my mom said interrupting my thought process.

"Okay be down in a minute." I need to stop thinking about him. I can't continue to be the family's disappointment. As I head to the dining room I realize my dad is nowhere to be found. "Hey, mom? Where is Dad?"

"Oh, he will be out of town for a meeting for a few days. He left when you were at the

James' house. He said to be good." Mom says as she gives a little chuckle.

"Oh okay. How long will he be gone?"

"Two weeks. I believe Zachary's dad will be going too. It's a big league meeting."

Dang, I wonder what it's about...

"Anyways Luke you sure were over at the James for a while. What were you doing?"

Oh boy does she think I'm getting into trouble again? "Well, Zachary invited me in to work on some homework. For our project."

"Oh, I see. Nothing more?"

"I mean we talked about life..?" what is she getting at?


"Everything okay?"

"Yes just pondering some things. Hurry let's finish."

I finish eating. Then proceeded to head to my room and lay down for a bit. Ding! I check my phone. Oh, it's Zachary. 'Still wanna learn basketball? My dad will be out for a while lets meet up tomorrow after school!'

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