chapter 6: Zachary POV

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We walk into the living room and sit down. "Oh um I'm luke." 

"So nice to meet you luke!" My sister says way too loud. I kinda recognize him. Could be the 'hot new boy'? 

"Your a werewolf right?" When I said that I feel like I was integrating him. 

"Uh yes." I see his face go red. I'm not sure if it's because of embarrassment or something else.
His left ear is pierced with a shiny golden gem. "That's a nice earring you have. It real gold?" 

"Yeah..." his voice dragged on "well so I have been told it is. By my father" 

The next thing I know there is a woman that has to seems to appear out of nowhere. "Oh, Hunny you know your father would never lie to you." This lady was beautiful. Right out of a movie. Everything any guy would want. "He's just a stern man. You know." 

I whisper under my breath "wow". As soon as I did realize I should not have said that. Werewolves have a great sense of hearing. I see Luke give me a look. "Oh I'm sorry. I just meant your very pretty ma'am" I try to cover up my thoughts. 

"Oh, why thank you." She smiles and tilts her head. Luke's eyes still linger on me. "Luke Hunny stop starring" 

"But mom-" he was interrupted.

"Don't but mom me. I told you to stop. Your probably making the poor kid uncomfortable". 

"So..." my sister interrupts. "Where did you guys come from?"

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