Chapter 18: Luke's POV

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Note from me ( sailing-saphire )

Hello everyone! I know it has been a really long time since I posted, I'm sorry about that. The reason being is that I have had little to no motivation to do anything, along with school being a pain. I'm not sure the next time I can post but. I'll try to be more active. Anywho on to chapter 18!

I really don't wanna do this project. I am sure the teacher won't let me switch people. Anywho I should text Jason my address.

**later at Luke's house**

I look at Zachary and ask "where is your friend?"

"You mean Jason?

"Yeah, he was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago"

"I'll call him" Zachary pulls out his phone. "Yo, where are you?"

I can hear Jason over the phone "hey listen there is a really hot girl here at the Stop n' Shop"

"So we have a project that needs working on!"

"Eh... just do what you guys can ima get this girl's number, okay!?"

"What!? You said you would help us on this, dude you can't just leave us hanging!"

"Just tell me what I need to do later I got to go! Bye!"

"Well?" I say even though I know everything.

"Jason can't make it, something... erm... came up."

"Oh okay," Damn what kind of spell does Jason have on Zachary for him to lie like that.

After some research and sitting in silence for about an hour my mom came into my room. "Hey, boys want anything to eat? I have leftover cookies!"

"I'm good mom."

"Okay Hunny, and what about you Zachary?"

"Uh I'm good ma'am, but thanks."

"Okay sounds good!"

After a little more time in silence and more research Zachary brakes the silence, "we should compare what we found."

"Yeah sure," we start to compare notes. I never realized how organized he could be. He has everything so neat. On top of that, his sources are all cited in MLA format. That is something I didn't even think about. "Wow, your... organized..."

"What?" Zachary said sounding confused. "I mean yeah I try to be."

Shit. I think I might have offended him. "Well, it's just my notes look like trash compared to yours."

"Oh, thanks?"

"Oh yeah, your welcome..." I say looking up at him. We lock eyes for a moment before he looks away real fast but at that moment something in me stopped.

"I-I should go, it's getting late and I have to make dinner for my sister."

"Oh uh yeah see you t-tomorrow..."

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