chapter 3: Luke's POV

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"Mom, Dad, do we have to leave..." 

"Yes, Hunny. We have to. Hopefully, this will be our last time leaving." My mom said. I can hear the sorrowness in her voice.

"Don't sweet-talk him! He knows why we have to go. We cant stay here if he is going to act like that. No sun of mine will be that way" my dad sound fired up. "We will tell the other school that you were kicked out for your anger."



"Son listen you know your dad is a big deal. He can have you running around doing those things." My mom tried to calm the situation but it just mad me rage even more. I don't want this life.

"At least tell me where we are going...?"

"A school with NO werewolves."

Like that's gonna stop me.

*a few days later at the 'new' school*

This school is different. Not like my last one. I went to a school full of my kind. "So there are no werewolves here?"

The lady that was showing me around looked at me and said "Nope. You will be the 1st one ever at this school. Your making history" 

"Zachary L. James jr.!" I hear what I assume to be a teacher yell down the hall. "What was that!?"
"Probably Zach getting in trouble again."

I turn around to see a thin, redheaded, kinda tan boy walk out of a classroom. He looks over at me and I quickly turn around. "Was that Zach?" 



"He is cute right? Ugh, I would love to date him." I can see her face redden up.
"Why don't you?" 

"His dad's a big deal... and I'm kinda scared"

"Oh..." he was very good-looking.

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