chapter 11: Luke's POV

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It was getting closer to 5 so I decided to get ready. I don't know who the big league's kid is and honestly, I'm not interested. I only care about- what am I even thinking... I can't care about that.... damn it.

"You almost ready?" I hear my mom say as she knocks on my door.

"Yeah give me a minute" now I have to hurry. I got to pick a shirt and pants. I don't need to worry about shoes I have only one good pair. I decided on black pants with a button-up white shirt. I also put a silver earring in. I tuck my shirt in and hurry to comb my hair. Spray a bit of breath referencing and done.

"Oh, my handsome baby look at you. So dolled up!"

"Mom stop," I say slightly annoyed.

"We got to hurry. It's almost 5." I could tell dad was slightly annoyed too. "We are going to be late if we don't leave now"

"Okay let's go boys." My mom said rushing us out the door. My mom looked elegant She had on a tight dress however was slightly loose at the top giving her room to breathe. The dress was a pastel blue. And she had sapphire-colored earrings. Her hair was up in a half ponytail with the rest down. She looked like a model. My dad on the other hand just wore black pants a blue button-up to match my mom and a black tie. He looks just like his normal self.

As we find our way to our seats I see a boy who looks oddly familiar... then I see her. Zachary's sister... "hello sir." My dad says to Zachary's dad. This is my son Luke and my wife.

"Nice to meet you," mom says

"No, no it is my pleasure. This is my daughter, Stella, and my son, Zachary."

"Oh, we meet them before haven't we Luke. They come over to greet us. Such good children you have." My mom said.

"That's good to hear. I did my best to raise them. Since their mother passed"

"I'm so sorry to hear that, what's your last name?" Mom asked

"James" he replies "shall we have a seat and eat?"

"Yes let's do so." My dad said. We all sit and I can see Zachary looking at me then my mom and then dad. His sister gives him a little elbow the whispers something to him.

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