Are You Ready?

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I walked up the two steps of Ryder's front porch again and rang the doorbell. Before I biked to his house, I looked up some terminology in case I needed it. Ryder had said words like 'cock,' 'cum,' and 'blowjob' last time, which were all foreign to me. Thanks to the internet, I now knew what those words meant as well as dick, pussy, fingering, handjob, and masturbation. There was a whole collection of words out there that I never knew existed. Thanks internet.

Ryder opened the door and gave me a cheeky grin. He was dressed this time — in dark jeans and a dark red t-shirt — so he stood true to his word. I opted for a blue v-neck shirt that showed off my cleavage and a stripey-blue skirt to match... in case he needed easy access...

"Come on in," he said as he motioned to the door. I smiled almost giddily at him as I crossed the threshold. I knew that once we finished writing the script he was going to 'finger' me according to the internet, and my nerves, while they were still there, were dissipating. I was impatiently excited.

I started making my way to the couch where we sat last time until a hand grabbed my wrist.

"I think you might prefer going to my room," he suggested. My cheeks reddened.

"Um, yeah okay," I said nervously. "That works for me."

He led me to the end of the hallway and opened the door to his bedroom. His family obviously has good money. Like the rest of his house, everything looked sleek and followed a neutral color scheme. One wall was covered in floor-length windows that showed the view of the backyard; all to be seen were some trees, the fence surrounding their property, and the in-ground pool they had. The bed next to that wall looked to be a king sized one. He must've made it before I got there. A plethora of pillows leaned against the headboard and the dark grey duvet was spread smoothly across the mattress.

"How do you manage to sleep in until 2 in the afternoon when you have all of these windows?" I asked. He laughed at the question.

"Oh I'm glad you asked," he said as he went to pick up a small item from his nightstand. Is that a remote?

When he pushed a button, a black curtain that spanned across the whole wall started rolling down. The room started getting darker until the curtain reached the floor. If I didn't know any better, I would think that it's the middle of the night.

"Wow," I said, "that's impressive."

I found my way to the edge of his bed and sat down with my messenger bag so that we could begin working on the script.

"Do you want to raise the curtains so we can get started?" I asked.

"Well actually..." Suddenly, I felt a hand touch the inside of my thigh which sent a signal straight up my spine. "Since you were so good to me yesterday, I figured you deserved your treat first."

My heart was already racing. Just his hand on my thigh felt amazing.

"Okay," I said breathlessly.

He moved me to the middle of the bed and had me lay down. He placed both of his hands on the inside of my thighs again and slowly made his way down. How can this already feel so good?! He grabbed the seams of my underwear, pulled them down and off. I felt one of his fingers slowly touch the outside of my vagina and I breathed audibly.

"Man, you're already wet," he said approvingly. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." My body was so ready to be fingered.

I liked having the curtains drawn down -- this way I could lose myself in the moment and wouldn't have to feel too self-conscious about my body. But I could still make things out due to my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I closed my eyes and anticipated his hands. Instead, I heard a zipper.

I opened my eyes again and saw Ryder taking his jeans off.

"What are you doing?" My heart beat fast again, but this time more out of panic than excitement.

"Taking my clothes off," he said. "I prefer not to have them on when I have sex. But you can keep the skirt on, I don't care."

Wait what?! Sex? I thought he was just going to finger me as an exchange for the blowjob I gave him yesterday. This isn't what I signed up for! I don't think I'm ready for that.

"I thought you were just going to finger me," I admitted. He almost looked disappointed.

"Well, you don't have a problem with having sex do you?" he asked almost belittlingly.

The honest answer would've been yes. But I didn't want him to know how inexperienced I was. And I didn't want to disappoint him; I could see that his cock was raised.

I tried talking myself into it. You can do this, West. Sex will probably feel better anyway! This way, you can both get high off of each other's pleasure. People do this all the time.

"No," I answered, "I don't have a problem with having sex."

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