Late Night Walk

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When the lights slowly faded back in, I didn't want to leave my seat. I couldn't get over how beautiful and terrifying and... powerful Tawny was in this movie. A part of me desired to embody her if I could -- to be perceived by others the same way I perceived her. I could easily take it all in three more times in a row if it wasn't already getting fairly close to midnight now.

"Looks like this was a hit," Beck laughed, noticing my lingering fixation on the screen.

My eyes didn't leave the surface that now only showed the end credits that nobody could read with the hundreds of names that scrolled by too quickly.

"This is my new favorite movie," I said. "She was so gorgeous and horrifying. I mean, did you see her when she rose from the dead? And when she first stabbed Heather and then her husband-- oh my god! And when she looked right at us?! I think I'm in love with her."

I must have said that last part a little too seriously.

"Oh, I had no idea you were into girls," he said neither with much surprise nor dismay. With everyone filing out of the room, we were compelled to start making our way out as well.

"Oh no! I - I'm not," I started, but failed to find the right words. We made our way down the corridor to exit the theater and I considered his implication. I would be lying if I said Tawny wouldn't make me question my straightness -- especially now after having seen her in such a sapphic scene. Still, I only felt comfortable enough to confidently say that I am straight.

"Sorry, I guess I just assumed because you've turned down all the guys who've asked you out and you clearly love Tawny Walkerblack."

"It's okay. I think it's safe to say I'm just a big fan," I laugh. "And how did you know that I've turned a bunch of boys away?"

We exited through the doors of the building and walked at a leisurely pace toward our homes. The sky had turned pitch black, but the lights of the buildings around illuminated our way.

"Well, for one thing, I know almost every guy wanted to ask you out after they heard of your reputation --"

I gave him a look and he threw his hands in the air.

"I know! It's not true what they say, but they don't know that. And I saw you turn one or two guys down in the halls. I'm guessing there must have been more than that."

"There were a few," I said, putting it lightly.

"So..." he hesitated to continue, "Do none of them interest you or...?"

I wasn't sure how to tackle his question, so I deflected by countering with another one.

"Well, what about you? You have girls pining after you all the time, too. Do none of them interest you?"

He considered my question as we strolled along the sidewalk next to the main street. A handful of cars passed and small clusters of people having fun on a Friday night were chaotically roaming around. Looking at everything around us, I didn't notice that a man was pedaling on his bike directly in front of us. Going in the opposite direction that we were walking, he veered a little too close into my path. My instincts didn't kick in quick enough and Beck pulled my arm towards him so that I wouldn't get struck.

I froze for just a second after the cyclist passed -- he hardly acknowledged that he almost ran me over. My head had tucked in right underneath Beck's chin and the hand of my free arm was on his chest while he held a firm grip on my other arm. I flushed and swiftly straightened myself to where we were.

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