I'm Not (18+ TW)

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Ryder continued to take off the rest of his clothes while I waited nervously in the middle of his bed. I could just barely make out his form in the dark, but I could see enough. Once he stood completely naked at the foot of the bed, he descended himself on it and crawled toward me. He raised himself up when he was close to me — he stood on his knees. His body was nicely built with a suggestion of muscle tone on his stomach. His cock stood half erect, practically pointing to me.

"Touch it a little. Iit's not ready to go in like this."

I was happy to touch him again. He had a lot more precum coming out of him than yesterday. I used it as a lubricant again and stroked his member the same way I did before. It took no time at all for him to become incredibly stiff — the look on his face suggested that he was also hornier than he was yesterday.

"Okay, that's good," he said almost breathlessly, "I'm ready."

I'm not.

My heart started beating very hard as he lowered his body near me. I could hardly move or think. He spread my bent knees apart to give himself room to get closer. He held his cock in one hand and gave it another stroke while he felt for my entrance with the other.

I winced at his touch, it was so direct. Luckily, he didn't see my reaction with it being so dark. After a moment of uncomfortable touching, he found the right hole and inserted his finger slowly. He applied pressure to the top of my inner walls and stroked teasingly, gathering my natural lubricant on his finger in the process.

Ohh-yes! I ground gently against his hand. This feels so good. I didn't want this to end!

"I think you're ready," he said. Abruptly, he removed his hand which gave me a little discomfort again. He used two fingers to pry open my entrance and guided himself into me with his other hand.

"Wait, wait!" I said, "Don't you have a condom?"

"No, I hate those things. Trust me," he said with a smirk, "it feels so much better raw. And don't worry, I won't cum inside."

That wasn't quite enough to put my mind at ease, but I decided to let it be — this clearly isn't his first time and so far there have been no accidents. I stayed incredibly still now, not knowing what to anticipate. I felt his tip touch the outside of my entrance and felt the urge to grind against it, but let him take the lead. He pushed his hips down to force himself to go inside — my body didn't have time to adjust to the size of him.

I opened my mouth to cry in pain, but made myself stay quiet. Oh my God this hurts! I thought. Maybe the pain will go away, they say that it always hurts a little the first time...

Eventually, he got his entire length to go in. "Man, you're so tight! It feels amazing," he moaned.

He stayed still inside me for a moment. I tried to make the pain go away by grinding against him. I felt his entire cock touching my inner walls and finally felt some pleasure when the tip continually rubbed against the spongy textured part of my insides. I let a small moan escape, hoping the noise would turn him on.

Ryder wasn't getting the same satisfaction out of the grinding, he needed to thrust. So he pulled himself out a little and back in. For me, the friction was anything but pleasurable, but I didn't want to discourage him.

He continued to pull himself in and out, thrusting his hips faster after each go.

"Ahh, your pussy feels so good," he whispered in my ear. The words sent tingles down my spine, and wanted to reciprocate. I let out a few moans and groans to reassure him, but also masked my pain in the process.

My mind started to wander, I wasn't as lost in the moment as he was. I regretted agreeing to sex I'm not ready for this.. this doesn't feel good for me... why do I feel so gross? I want to go home.

I wanted to cry, but fought back the tears as I continued to moan for him.

"I might cum already if you keep making sounds," he panted. I took that as an invitation to escape and faked more moans of ecstasy.

His breathing picked up, as did his speed. He thrust himself quickly and deeply into me — he couldn't get enough. As he kept going, he hiked my skirt up so that it was above my belly button.

My fake moans turned into real cries, but I masked them to sound as if they were out of pleasure.

"You're going to make me cum," he cried, "I'm going to—"

Just as he was about to say the last word, Ryder quickly pulled himself out and came onto my lower belly. I tried to keep from it running down my sides and onto the fabric of my clothes as the warm fluid kept coming out in small bursts. It took everything in me not to cry. I thought that I would enjoy this.

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