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It had been nearly a month since Ryder last put his hands on me. Ever since Beck threatened him at the Boo Bash, he didn't even dare to come near me. And I did the same — we avoided each other.

About a week ago, a rumor, that finally wasn't focused on me, had started going around that Christine, one of the school's best dancers, started dating Ryder. A part of me was relieved that he would have someone else to give his attention to. Another part of me was worried for Christine. Would he treat her the same way that he treated me? The two of them could be seen fawning over each other in the halls in between classes. She would hold onto his arm and he would pull the charm that he had done with me to make her melt.

Christine and I weren't friends. There was no reason for us to be — we weren't in any of the same classes and didn't have overlapping talents or interests. Still, like a friend, I could sense something was wrong with her when she came out of a bathroom stall with strained eyes.

I was washing my hands when, in the reflection of the mirror, I saw her (trying to hide her distraught). I turned to her, with my arms crossed and my eyes squinted to try to read her. The look made her think I was angry with her for coming to the sink immediately next to mine, rather than a more distant one.

"Oh, s-sorry," she stammered and took a step to the side.

Having the reputation of the school's "mean girl" had pros and cons. A pensive face and a scowl looked equivalent to each other.

"Did you help him with an assignment?" I asked.

She turned back to me, looking confused for a second until she saw that my face had turned to something more understanding. Her eyes began to glisten again.

"A project. For Interpretive Dance class."

I nodded my head. That made sense — even I knew that she was a good dancer, so she'd be the perfect person to take advantage of to get a good grade.

"Did he get what he wanted?"

She laughed, trying to disguise her tears, "I mean he got an A, so..."

I spoke more softly, "That's not what I mean."

She couldn't bring herself to answer my question. Without meaning to, I had caused her tears to spill over and she left the bathroom in a hurry to avoid thinking about Ryder anymore. That gave enough confirmation.

I threw away my dampened paper towel and left the bathroom shortly after her. Some random guy saw both of us leaving and connected the dots in his own way.

"Dang, girl, what'd you say to her?"

I gave him a flared expression that told him not to test me. Keep up the act. Let people be afraid.

On my way back to class, I saw Beck entering the guidance counselor's office. I noticed him too late to call out to him, though. What's he going to Lane for? There's no way he got in trouble... Ohh, he's probably figuring out which classes he needs to take next semester. Lucky.

Once I figured out the most likely reason Beck would go to the guidance counselor, I thought back to Christine and Ryde, causing a scowl to return to my face. I didn't know to what extent he had taken advantage of her. Maybe he just led her to believe he was romantically interested and stole a few kisses. Or maybe he'd taken it as far as he had done with me. The severity of it didn't matter — at the end of the day, he had hurt us both for his own gain.


Beck and I stayed at the Asphalt Cafe after school. We didn't have rehearsal today, but neither of us wanted to spend time apart with the clock ticking. The only time I didn't have a rude expression on my face was when I was around him. It couldn't be helped but to be at ease next to him.

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