The Scissoring

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My eyes were absolutely glued to Tawny Walkerblack's character. She was beautiful as always. When the movie opened on her, we could see that she was just a sweet and innocent seamstress. Cat was right in saying that horror movies lead you to believe that everything will be happy-go-lucky in the beginning.

Tawny's character was the very definition of angelic: she wore light colored clothing, had a charming demeanor, and a heart of gold. Her passion was to create -- particularly clothes. She designed everything she wore.

Within minutes of the movie starting, her character is proposed to by a gentleman who had a heart that matched hers. Everything about the two of them together was picture-perfect. Time passes over the Summer and Autumn months and Tawny's character is preparing for her Winter wedding. Being a seamstress, she decided to design and create her own wedding dress.

There was a montage of her cutting fabric, pinning it on a mannequin, sewing it together. The camera was zoomed-in particularly close to the scissors she held in hand as she was cutting. The large, silver shears glided through the white fabric effortlessly. The sound it made could be felt through your whole body. After several moments of sensuous snipping, her final wedding dress was revealed -- her magnum opus.

One week before her wedding, on a particularly cold day, her best friends, Heather and Courtney, played a practical joke on Tawny's character. The two of them were to be in her wedding party: Heather was to be the Maid of Honor and Courtney a Bridesmaid. In appearance, Heather was clearly the more attractive friend with her slender figure and perfect, brunette hair. Courtney was conventionally attractive as well, but was definitely outshined by her.

Heather was not only the more attractive friend, but also the closer friend to the main character -- they knew each other since middle school, had frequent sleep-overs, and saw each other almost every day. Heather mentions how hard it will be for her to share her friend with her new husband when they get married and live their own separate lives.

Heather and Courtney thought Tawny's character deserved a proper bachelorette party before she gets married and spends the rest of her life with one, boring man. However, they take her to the one of the last places on Earth she could ever be found. Completely unaware of their plans, Tawny gets taken to a night club.

I grabbed some more popcorn from the bucket in Beck's lap and watched intently. I had the sense that this would be a turning point in the movie.

The club her friends took her to was incredibly overstimulating for her -- the music was so loud you couldn't hear the person next to you and there were so many people dancing on the floor with flashing strobe lights, it was impossible to tell where anyone was. Tawny's character was clearly outside of her comfort zone and didn't know what to do other than drink the alcoholic beverages her friends gave her.

She set one of her drinks down for a moment while someone yanked her out onto the dance floor again. It looked suffocating for her as she tried to get out of the crowd and back to the sidelines. On her way back to where she felt safe, some men were trying to coerce her to stay and dance or touch her.

I stiffened in my seat.

During the time that her drink was left unattended we, the audience, could see that an unknown powder was slipped into it by a hand belonging to a person we could not see.

A bit later, we see that she is losing her sense of awareness and isn't feeling quite herself. Heather and Courtney thought it was funny to watch the main character lose herself in the crowd and attributed her shift in behavior to being "shitfaced."

The two of them continued to whoop and holler at Tawny when a strange man grabbed hold of her and started dancing. He pulled her in close by the hips; by the beat of the music, he would thrust himself on her.

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