Late Night Wonderings (18+)

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I tried to sleep, but my mind was racing. He's totally going to touch me tomorrow. Would he even know how? Probably... But my body is more complicated than his! There are folds and crevices — which sounds kinda gross. All that he has to worry about is a stick. But that's all external and easy to see. My parts are hidden away like it's something to hide rather than to show off.

I turned from laying on one side to my other to try to get more comfortable. I felt little prickles on my legs as they rubbed against each other. Oh my gosh, I need to shave my legs in the morning. He probably wouldn't like it if I looked scruffy. Should I shave my pubic hair, too? Would too much hair gross him out? Do boys like girls to be smooth?

Nobody at school ever talked about such things -- at least nobody I sat with. Cat was probably even more naive than I was. She still brought her stuffed animals to school for Pete's sake! But even if Cat wasn't so innocent, we couldn't talk about sexually related things at the Asphalt Cafe. Does Cat ever get horny, too?

There's so much confusion on the subject! The only things that get taught in Sex Ed are: penis enters vagina; penis ejaculates semen; semen plus egg equals baby; always practice safe sex or else you could contract a disease or infection. That's all very methodical and scientific, I thought, but what about the social customs? They don't talk about blowjobs, but people give and get them all the time! What other practices exist that I haven't been exposed to? And what about the expectations put on me? Am I expected to shave my pubic hair like I'm expected to shave my legs? Should I act submissive? (No acting necessary in my case). I don't even know what I don't know!

I tossed again and tried to think on the brighter side this time. Tomorrow could be the greatest moment of my life! Touching myself feels amazing already, but by another person... I can't even imagine! When I touch myself, there's really two types of feeling — the walls of the inside of me and my clitoris feeling the touch of my hands, and my hands feeling the touch of them. Tomorrow I get to only feel one touch without the distraction of the second. It's going to feel so intense!

I imagined what it would feel like for Ryder's fingers to enter me — touching me the same way I touch myself — but of course I couldn't possibly know. I could just lay there and feel instead of concentrating on my own movements. The thought turned me on a little, and I still had some heat lingering since the event at Ryder's house. It was taking me a long time to fall asleep anyway and a good rubbing helps to knock me out.

I rolled myself over so that I had my legs wrapped around my blanket and then positioned myself so that I was laying flat on my stomach, on top of the bunched up fabric. My hands grabbed the corners of the blanket by my feet and pulled them up near my shoulders. At this point, I was both laying on the blanket and being covered by it at the same time with the turning point being between my legs. I tugged the fabric up with my hands and simultaneously rubbed my crotch against the gathered blanket. The gentle friction felt amazing.

I kept on fantasizing about what Ryder would do to me while I continued to hump my blanket. my heart was beating fast again and my breathing became staccato. It didn't take very long for me to reach my peak. After a few vigorous grinds against the blanket, my body went rigid and waves of pleasure pulsated through.

I can't believe that it can actually get better than this.

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