Sikowitz Get Your Water Gun!

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In the narrator's voice from Spongebob: Three months later...

I know!  It's been a ridiculously long time since I've updated this fic.  I finally forced myself to sit down for a while to churn out another chapter.  As Summer approaches, I'll definitely be better about updating more often.  Hope you enjoy this one!

As usual, I went straight to the Black Box after school to rehearse Spring Awakening. Every time I stepped into the room I felt less and less like an imposter. My confidence in my abilities grew stronger as I came to understand Wendla's character and her voice. Soon enough, I felt that I could embody the part completely.

The rest of the cast was making their way in as I was and nobody thought anything of Sikowitz standing on the stage with a giant water gun in his hand – hardly anything he did could surprise us. As per our routine, we pulled our scripts out of our belongings and made our way closer to the stage where Sikowitz was.

"Ah! Nay nay, not today!" Sikowitz declared from above. "We're halfway through our rehearsals therefore we should be halfway ready for the show. Today, you're all going to perform the first Act without using your scripts–" a few groans escaped from the cast "- Silence! In a few weeks, you'll have to have the entire show memorized anyway, so this will be good practice."

"What happens if we can't remember a line?" Robbie asked from a feet away.

Sikowitz took hold of his weapon. "I will shoot you with this water gun. Like so."

He aimed right at Robbie's chest and shot him twice with quick jets of water. The pale blue shirt he was wearing instantly drowned to navy and clad onto his skin. Robbie squealed, but didn't say anything as he's used to being the one with rotten luck.

"I hope he aims for your crotch next time," Rex amused himself.

"I expect that there will be a few mistakes from everybody. We will run through as far as we can in this show until everybody but one person is sprayed with water. Whoever can make it the longest without making a mistake will win. Chop chop! Put those books down and let's get this show on the road. Act one. Scene one. Jade and Meredith, get up here!"


The first 20 minutes went by smoothly. We had all practiced the first scenes several times and could probably do them in our sleep. Normally Sikowitz would interject us with notes on how we could perform the scenes better, but he let us have complete reign on the show. Beck and I hadn't interacted on stage just yet, but I couldn't wait to act out our scenes together – after all the times we rehearsed in his RV, I was certain we would nail it.

We had our first casualty in scene four.

"Look at me," Robbie said to Beck, as Moritz, "I'm trembling! Last night, I prayed like Chrsit in g- ghostemane–"

"Nay!" cried Sikowitz as he shot at Robbie several times with his water gun.

"The word is 'Gethsemane,' Robbie. Now keep going!"

Drenched in water and with a bruised ego, Robbie corrected his line and continued on.

"Last night, I prayed like Christ in Gethsemane: Please God, give me consumption and take these sticky dreams away from me!"

"With any luck, he'll ignore that prayer," Beck said. The rest of us always laugh at that line.


Over the next several minutes, a couple others fumbled on their lines and got shot by Sikowitz's toy. I think paranoia was starting to get the best of Robbie – he was so worried about falling victim to the shots that it caused him to mess up his lines even more. I decided that I would do my best to pretend that the water gun wasn't even there and focused solely on my lines.

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