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*Iris P.O.V*

I found Ember in what looked like a sewing room. Mannequins lined the walls with dresses on them as well as a few suits. Ember was standing on a pedestal, having her measurements taken and she seemed quite displeased with it.

"Dear, I have already told you. Your measurements are correct, there is no reason to measure me repeatedly to check that," she chided, looking down at a woman who was currently measuring her waist.

"I will not risk getting this wrong Ember so with all due respect, please hold still and stop the arguing," the woman retorted, a slight accent to her voice. "I have much to live up to if my predecessor's last designs are anything to go by," she stated with a worried looking frown. I quietly made my way into the room, remaining silent.

"Oh hush, I chose you personally for a reason. I have the utmost trust in your judgement Claire," Ember said simply. The woman who I now knew was Claire, looked up to say something. She seemed to see me in the corner of her eyes, her eyes looking me over.

"Hello," Claire greeted coolly, catching Ember's attention. Ember turned her head to look and smiled when she saw me.

"Claire, this is our newest pick Iris. Iris this is Claire," Ember said as she seemed to move to get off the pedestal to come speak to me.

"Ember, you better not get off the pedestal," Claire ordered with a frown as she glared up at Ember. "You will ruin all the measurements I have just taken," she stated with a huff. Ember rolled her eyes as she sighed.

"Fine, Iris come here then," Ember said, making me reluctantly go over to her. "I have heard that a war of fire and water broke out between Selene and Adira. You managed to get out of it unscathed?" she questioned.

"Yeah," I nodded my head as I watched Claire continue to measure Adira. "Now I just need to see yours, Opal's, and Nova's," I informed Ember with a small smile. She sighed at that, an amused sounding sigh that escaped her.

"You will not see mine nor will you Opal with any amount of ease. You will have to work hard for that privilege as our powers are very sacred to us," Ember informed me. I pouted at that as Claire finally allowed Ember off the pedestal. I was not really paying attention as I was led onto the pedestal, only paying attention when Claire started measuring me.

"You will be fun to make dresses for. You are probably better behaved than any of the Elders are when I have to take their measurements," Claire informed me. "Now shoo Ember, I wish to get to know her without you standing around like the girl's shadow," she said, giving Ember a pointed look. I heard the door open and shut after a moment before Claire grinned. "Tell me about yourself," she said while glancing up at me.

"What do you want to know?" I questioned as I stood there, looking into the full length mirror in front of me. Claire sighed softly in thought as she looked up at me.

"Why were you picked? Where did you come from? Why does Ember seem to look like she wants to hug you and never let go?" Claire questioned as she jotted down some numbers on a notepad. She seemed to redo measurements several times although she never changed the numbers.

"I thought picks were random," I answered her first question before thinking on how to answer the other two. "I worked in a factory far from here although I can not remember the name and Ember looks like she wants to hug everyone and never let go," I stated.

"Picks have not and never will be random. I am sure you heard the nonsense of F's and G's on the caste lists being sacrificed or enslaved. It is nothing like that. F's and G's are specifically picked so that they have a better chance at making a life for themselves. They usually get new jobs and identities if they so choose and are placed much farther up in the castes. The Elders review their picks for months before the Selection and only those who have the drive to make their lives better are chosen. Of course they can not pick every F and G but they help them as best as they can," Claire answered, making me blink in surprise. I didn't know if I was more surprised at the fact that the picks weren't random or that she did not pause to take a single breath when relaying all that information.

"That is very interesting to know," I said carefully, glad that it seemed like many people had been told what I had been at first so I had not aroused any suspicion. Sometimes I forgot that I was from another world which meant that many people might want to find out how I got here. I couldn't imagine that they would be nice about trying to find out about that information. Claire finished with her measurements as she looked up at me.

"Most people are shocked when they find out. Although most of them are more verbal with it, a few like you are shocked into a sort of numbness," Claire stated. "Would I be right in assuming that Adira and Ember seek you out as their little?" she questioned, making me nod with a blush. "I can see that you would make a good one," she murmured more to herself than me.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at her with confusion. I leapt off the pedestal, landing in a superhero type pose. Claire raised an eyebrow slightly while looking down at me.

"I think you just proved what I meant by that," Claire stated, making me pout. "There goes another thing that proves it," she said as she started to draw in her notepad, her hand moving quickly. "I think you and I will work quite well together. I am finally going to have someone fun to help make outfits for. The Elders act so regal and boring most of the time so I need to draw them out of their shells. You can assist me if you would like," she said, making me smile.

"Deal. Only if you never try and point out that I would be a good little ever again," I said. She seemed to ponder that for a moment before agreeing and we shook hands.

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