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*Iris' P.O.V*

Mummy takes me out of her and Mommy's room, carrying me down the hall with her. Normally I would protest being carried, however Mummy had tried to let me walk and I couldn't take more than a step before tumbling and falling on my bottom. After a few times of this, Mummy had just scooped me up into her arms, chuckling when I pout at her for daring to carry me.

"Where goin'?" I ask curiously, shifting on her hip to try and look around. I had a pretty good guess on how to get around the castle most of the time but sometimes I just took random turns and hoped for the best. Okay...well a lot of times I did that but it always worked out so I couldn't complain. Neither could Mummy though, seeing as she didn't know I got lost a lot.

"We are going to ruin Opal's night of having a peaceful night, yes we are," Mummy coos as she pats my bottom. She pauses to knock on a door, the only thing I know is that it's Selene's door which makes me squirm to get down. I want to play with Selene, that sounds like much more fun than whatever Mummy was planning.

"Now is not a good time," Mumsy says as she opens the door, not looking happy. I furrow my eyebrows, realizing why she was saying that when I hear Selene's loud cries. She doesn't sound happy, I wonder why.

"What's going on with sunshine?" Mummy asks as she sets me down, seeming concerned by Selene's cries. I cling to Mummy's nightgown, not wanting to fall on my bottom again. Mummy keeps one hand on me, seeming to sense that I might fall without support.

"She had an accident earlier and is so distraught about the fact that she may have to wear a pullup to bed again," Mumsy says, sounding defeated. "I have told her that she doesn't have to wear one if she doesn't want to but she's gotten it into her mind that she's just a baby now," Mumsy murmurs as there's the sound of something being knocked over again.

"Poor thing," Mummy says as she runs her fingers through my hair, glancing down at me. I take a toddling step forward, falling into Mumsy who raises an eyebrow.

"She's regressed quite a lot and is struggling with walking," Mummy explains as I lean against Mumsy, looking up at her as I babble happily. Mumsy chuckles as she lifts me up into her arms, swaying slightly with me in her arms.

"Maybe you could play with Selene? I think that would settle her down some," Mumsy says, making me squeal as I reach past her, trying to make her move towards Selene. I jump up and down, nearly falling out of her arms as she takes me into Selene's room.

Selene is laying in the middle of the floor, a doll house laying on it's side as she cries angrily. Her blonde hair is tied up into two pigtails. She's half dressed, wearing a shirt and a pair of overalls that aren't strapped into place so they're barely staying on her. Her crying gets louder when Mumsy stops next to her.

"Selene, darling, look who came to play," Mumsy tries to convince Selene to look at her. Selene sobs harder, burying her face in the blanket that she was laying on. Mumsy kneels down, setting me down before she pulls Selene up. Selene lets out a cry of anger, hitting at Mumsy's knees as hard as she can before her eyes open. She lets out a small whine as she sees me, trying to hide her face against Mumsy.

"Noooo, go 'way!" Selene demands as she looks at me with teary eyes, seeming distraught by me being in the room with her. She seems even more upset when my lower lip starts trembling, tears falling down my face. I just wanted to see Selene, how come she didn't like me anymore?

"I think this was a poor decision on your part," Mummy says to Mumsy from where she's standing, one hand already over her ear. No one had even started being loud yet though so I didn't know why she was doing that, she had no reason to be doing that.

"Selene not like me?" I ask hesitantly, a frown on my lips.

"No baby, Selene still likes you, she's just not in that good of a mood right now. She think she's a baby because she had an accident earlier," Mummy says gently, trying to reassure me. I sniffle in confusion, staring at her with wide eyes. I had had an accident before, no one had ever said I was a baby.

"Not a baby," I feel Selene, reaching over to hold her hand. Selene lets me but she gives me a dirty look, not seeming happy at the moment.

"Not a baby," Selene sniffles, wiping her tears away. I smile at her, furrowing my eyebrows as a yawn escapes me. I can't be tired already because I just woke up.

"I think it's someone's bedtime," Mummy says, trying to pick me up. I swat her hands away, crawling over to Selene and cuddling into her. Selene giggles as I lay against her, watching Mummy and Mumsy through half lidded eyes as my thumb slips into my mouth.

"Oh, I see how it is," Mummy chuckles as I lay on Selene who seems confused.

"What doing?" Selene asks.

"Little babies like Iris get sleepy really fast," Mummy says, making me huff as I hide my face against Selene.

"I not sleepy," Selene says shyly.

"I know you're not sweetheart, do you want to help me with getting Iris to bed?" Mummy asks, making me whine as I look at her. I couldn't believe she was trying to get me to go to bed.

In response to that, I try to crawl away which earns a giggle from Selene who gets up. "I get her," Selene assures Mummy, making her laugh as I crawl away quickly. There was no way that Selene was going to catch me, I was too fast.

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