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*Iris' P.O.V*

Selene had eventually convinced me that we had to leave the unicorn field so with much reluctance I did. She practically dragged me the last few steps, shutting the gate behind me.

"Why do we have to go?" I questioned as I looked at her with a small frown on my lips. She stayed silent as she walked quickly back towards the castle, frowning slightly as she glanced back at me.

"Because Adira doesn't know I took you out here and would be upset if she found out that I took you here without telling anyone," she said eventually.

"Adira already knows," Nova says as she stood in front of us with her arms crossed. Selene stuttered when she saw Nova and looked back at me, frowning slightly.

"Nova, I..uhm..how did you know?" Selene questioned while looking at her with a nervous expression.

"It didn't take a genius to figure out that you were here seeing as you whined about not being able to all night," Nova stated. "Selene, you were told not to take Iris out here by me, Opal, Ember, and Adira. You deliberately disobeyed all of us," she said.

"You four always act like you can control me and I hate it," Selene glared at her. "I am an adult, stop treating me like a child," she stated.

"I am your caregiver, it's my job to take care of you," Nova said.

"You don't want to care for me, you just want to be bossy and I hate it," Selene frowned deeply while crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are acting a bit bratty," Nova stated as she frowned. "Iris, are you injured?" she questioned as she approached me. I squirmed while looking away, worried about her reaction since she had switched from angry to concerned so quickly.

"I am fine," I said as I straightened up, looking her in the eyes hesitantly. "I didn't get hurt," I stated as I looked her in the eyes. She hugged me, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"Thank the gods," she murmured while rubbing my back. I froze, standing completely still as she kept me wrapped up in a hug.

"I told you I know what I'm doing, Celestial liked her," Selene said, sounding slightly smug.

"And what would have happened if Celestial did not like her?" Nova questioned. "What would you have done if Celestial chose to attack Iris?" she asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"I wouldn't have let that happen," Selene said, sounding upset. "I would never let Celestial hurt her," she said, sounding a bit choked up.

"Stop arguing," I said with a frown on my lips. I pushed away from Nova and glared at her. "Selene kept me plenty safe and I liked getting to meet the unicorns," I stated.

"It's not about whether or not you liked it, it's about whether or not that you were safe," Nova stated.

"And Selene kept me safe, I told you that," I said as I went to Selene who wrapped her arms around me, hugging me close. "Selene is my friend, you're just bossy," I stated while Selene rested her head on my shoulder.

"You two will do anything to argue," Nova said with a small frown on her lips. "You don't know how much danger you were in," she informed me while sighing.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't get hurt so you should just drop it," I said with a frown.

"I can't just drop it. What if either of you had gotten hurt? I couldn't forgive myself if that happened," Nova stated softly. "I mean I was the one who first mentioned it and then you took the idea and ran with it so it would have been all my fault if you two got hurt," she said as she approached us both, a slightly worried look on her face.

"Nova," Selene said with a small frown as she looked at Nova. "It would not have been your fault if either of us got hurt, it would have been mine. I chose to take us out there and I knew there was a small risk but I also knew that she would not be in danger. Esme told me how the horses reacted to her and they acted differently than normal," she stated.

"What do you mean by that?" Nova questioned as she frowned. I went to her and rested my head on her shoulder. She hugged me close, taking a deep breath.

"I mean they weren't as fearful as they normally are. She said the horses actually approached Iris and they've never approached anyone before," Selene stated. "And apparently they were really friendly and they're usually not because they're like Adira. They're standoffish and don't really like people," she said.

"I am not standoffish and I quite like people," Adira's voice rang from above us. I looked up and noticed that she was standing in a tower, leaning over the edge to look at us.

"Don't lie," Selene said as she rolled her eyes.

"Are you calling me a liar?" Adira asked, a soft laugh escaping her lips. She flicked her hand and a flame flickered out of her hand, it moving towards the ground. I was surprised when Selene raised her hand and a burst of water shot out, extinguishing the flame. "Don't you dare get me wet," Adira stated.

"Oh you mean like this?" Selene asked as she sent a wave of water straight up, it splashing Adira before she could respond. "Have fun catching me," she said as she took off running, Adira pulling back from the edge of the tower.

"Those two are going to be the death of me," Nova sighed as she shook her head. "Come, let us get you inside so we don't get in the crossfire of Fire and Water," she stated with a small smile. She took my hand and led me back to the inside of the castle with a small chuckle when Selene ducked past us.

"So I've seen Selene and Adira's power so now I just have to see yours, Ember's and Opal's," I stated with a small smile.

"Good luck with that. Especially with seeing Opal's, she hardly ever uses them," Nova said with a small smile on her lips. I crossed my arms and sulked, knowing that I would find a way to see all their powers.

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