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*Iris' P.O.V*

Even though I was no longer regressed, I didn't allow Selene to sit me down. I had to have something to hold onto and Selene just happened to be the one that ended up being the first option. It helped that she didn't ask questions, she just held me.

"Oh my little one," she hummed softly as she rocked her body slightly to try and soothe me. It was quite soothing but I couldn't fall asleep, I needed to stay awake. She was only holding me with one hand as I rested on her hip which was quite impressive. I wondered if her powers also gave her super strength.

"Not little," I retorted simply as I snuggled up to her. She was only a little bit taller than me. She had no right to call me little.

"Oh yes you are, you're my little one," Selene said softly as she rubbed my back with her free hand. I pouted at that, my mind feeling all fuzzy from the affection and being called her little one. She was trying to get me to slip, I knew that. I couldn't fight it though.

"Mama stop it!" My voice was whiny and I sounded much smaller. I squirmed, trying to get her to stop rubbing my back.

"Oh but you're just a little baby," Selene cooed softly. I whined even more at her words as she patted my bottom soothingly.

"I mad at you," I said when I finally managed to get my voice to work again.

"Why are you mad at Selene, little one?" Adira's voice was from behind me. I turned in Selene's arms to look at her.

"Mommy, she won't stop making me be little. I no wanna be little right now," I whined softly, my words catching in my throat. Adira took me from Selene's arms, setting me down on the floor and bending down slightly to make eye contact with me.

"That's fine baby, you don't have to be little," Adira said simply. "Would you like to go take a bath, you're all covered in mud and that can't be any fun," she suggested and I looked down at my muddy dress and feet.

"Yes p'ease," I nodded my head.

Adira took my hand, leading me down the hall. I turned my head back and stuck my tongue out at Selene for making me feel little. I wasn't little, I was a big girl. Even Mommy thought so because she was holding my hand and not carrying me.

Instead of taking me to my room, she took me to her room. I had never been here before so I was quite curious.

"Well what have you got the little one for?" Ember asked. I whined softly at being called little one and Mommy shushed me softly.

"She's not a little one, she's a big girl," Mommy said simply as she kissed the top of my head. "And she needs a bath, she's all muddy," she stated.

"It's raining," I informed Ember who smiled at me.

"Is it? Do you like the rain, Iris?" she asked softly.

"'es. Not when I get muddy though," I stated with a pout.

"Well Mummy is very sorry that you got all muddy," Ember stated. Mummy, that was a nice name. I was going to call her that from now on.

"Is 'kay, garden's pretty," I said as I wandered over to the window. Mummy moved from the bed to stand beside me.

"Do you like the garden?" she questioned curiously. I nodded my head as I turned to look at Mommy only to realize she wasn't in the room. "She's running your bath darling," Mummy said, clearly reading my mind.

"Boring," I huffed simply.

"Yes, Mommy is a very boring person," Mummy laughed.

"Mommy will be putting both of you in the corner if you want to talk trash about her," Mommy said from behind us. Mummy jumped slightly and I giggled when she shook her head.

"Mommy is very mean," Mummy said simply. I giggled softly as she lifted me up onto her hip, patting my bottom as she carried me over to the bathroom. She sat me down after a moment. "Now do you want help from Mommy or me?" she questioned.

"I can do it," I said simply.

"Alrighty then, Mommy and I will be right outside the door if you need any help at all," Mummy said as she left. She shut the door behind her and I looked at the bathtub. Mommy had made sure to put lots of bubbles in there so I was happy. I stripped down and got into the tub, sliding down to be covered by the bubbles.

I just laid in the tub, letting the warm water wash over me. I grabbed a washcloth and started to scrub at my skin with some of the bubbles. The mud that came off of my legs and feet turned the water brown but I didn't stop scrubbing until I could feel that all the mud had come off.

Once I got out of the tub, I wrapped a towel around myself that was left on the counter. I shivered slightly as I dried myself off, pausing when I realized I didn't have any clothes to wear. I opened the door a bit and looked out.

"I don't have any clothes," I said softly, making Mummy turn to look at me.

"Mommy went to get you clothes," Mummy said simply right as the door to the bedroom opened.

"Yes she did," Mommy said as she walked over, handing my clothes through the crack in the door.

I took the clothes before shutting the door in her face. I put on the underwear, pausing for a moment when I saw the dress. It was frilly and pink. Not a hot pink though, a pastel pink. I liked it a lot more than hot pink so I decided to just put it on. I couldn't button the back of it though so I left the bathroom and went to Mummy who was sitting on the bed.

"Button," I said simply as I turned around and sat in front of her, moving my hair out of the way. She buttoned up the back of the dress for me before pulling me onto her lap. "Hold," I muttered as I buried my face into the crook of her neck.

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