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*Iris' P.O.V*

My first rule is so stupid. I absolutely hate it. It says that I can't call people names. But I never call people names! I just call them what they are. If Mommy was being bossy then I should be able to call her bossy. If someone was being a meanie, I was going to call them a meanie.

I also had rules that I had to be respectful and that I can't run off whenever I want. I liked running off! Why was I being deprived of my right to have fun? It just wasn't fair at all. I am still sulking over these first three rules when there is a knock on the door. Mummy is trying to talk to me, trying to figure out more about me being a Blessed but I don't really want to answer any of her questions.

I smile when I see that it is Mumma, my smile quickly turning into a pout when I see that she has paperwork. That was boring, she shouldn't have paperwork. She should be coming to see me since I was much more important than any papers. I lean into Mommy, hiding my face since I don't want to see Mumma anymore.

"What's wrong with Iris?" Mumma asks, sounding almost bewildered. I huff into Mommy's neck, turning my head slightly so that I can speak.

"Why you have paperwork? You could just come see Iris but nooooo, you have to have paperwork!" I huff dramatically, making Mommy chuckle as she gently rubs my back.

"Poor baby, I'm sorry that not everyone is absolutely devoted to you at all times," Mommy says and her tone sounds strange... Is she teasing me? That is even worse than doing paperwork. I slip off of her lap, storming over to Mummy and throwing myself onto her lap.

"Give me some warning next time Iris," Mummy says as I lay down, burying my face into the couch.

"Everyone is so mean to meeeee," I whine as I dramatically turn over, making Mummy have to grab my arm before I can fall off of her lap and onto the floor. She gives me a stern look when I glare at her. She shouldn't have stopped me from falling, it would have added so much more drama to my whining.

"What has her in a fit?" Mumma asks and I roll my eyes as I look at her. I glare at her for even daring to ask, it was pretty obvious why I was in a fit.

"She's getting rules and has decided that the only way to deal with her feelings is whine and be dramatic," Mommy says. I think about glaring at her but she is much scarier than Mummy and Mumma so I decide not to. Just for my sake since she would probably would give me a rule that says no glaring at people.

"Getting..." Mumma pauses as she looks at the list that Mommy is making before continuing, "three rules has upset her this much?" she asks, amusement coloring her tone.

"Mhmm," Mommy nods as she taps her nails on the desk lightly.

"She's more upset because Adira scolded her for going out with the unicorns," Mummy says and I reach up to cover her mouth. She wasn't supposed to go around telling people that! No one was supposed to know that I had gotten in trouble.

"Okay," Mumma nods her head, pursing her lips slightly as she looks at me. I suddenly sit up as I realize that I can tell her about my new ability!

"Mumma! Mumma, guess what?" I ask as I stand up, walking over to her. I sort of cling to her as I lean my head on her shoulder so that I have her full attention. Mumma looks down at me as she raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Mumma asks as her hand moves to cup my face, her thumb stroking my cheek gently as she smiles at me. I lean into her touch for a moment before speaking.

"I can talk to animals. In my mind," I inform her, making her pause. Her lips twitch slightly as she glances at Mummy and Mommy. I pout at that. Why was she looking at them? It was my super cool power, she should be giving me her full attention.

"That is so cool darling!" Mumma says and I immediately sulk. That was the fakest thing I had ever heard. So Mumma didn't think my powers were super cool.

I still am sulking when I feel Mumma tilt my head up. I glare at her before stomping over to the couch, throwing myself dramatically down onto it. Mummy has already moved so I now have the couch all to myself for my dramatic fit.

I huff when I don't hear anyone talking to me which clearly means I am not getting the attention that I so clearly deserve. I turn on my side, sulking when I see Mommy and Mummy talking with Mumma. But they're talking quietly, like they don't want me to hear! So they were keeping secrets now, how rude!

'Stupid meanie head adults, leaving me out of all the fun stuff,' I think to myself as I move to sit up, glaring at their little huddle. I hear Mumma giggle softly and that makes me sulk anymore.

'Hope all of them stub their stupid toes,' I continue my thoughts as I cross my arms over my chest, staring at them with a frown on my lips. Mumma laughs and I can see her move to cover her mouth as she glances at me. It's almost like like she knew what I was thinking. But she couldn't know that...could she?

I slide off the couch, slinking closer to try and eavesdrop. I can't hear what they're talking about fully since they are whispering but I hear something about 'power' and 'blessed'. I wonder what they're talking about. Before I can try and scoot a little closer, their conversation ends.

"New rule for you Iris, no eavesdropping," Mommy says without even looking in my direction! How did she even know I was going to eavesdrop? Apparently I wasn't as good at being sneaky as I thought. I'd just have to be more sneakier next time.

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