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Characters in this chapter-

*Iris' P.O.V*

Mummy rocked me back and forth, letting me cuddle with her. I felt so small as I was in her arms, a small babble escaping me. I felt so tiny in her arms as she rocked me slowly. Her hand was gentle as she rubbed my back, soothing me to sleep.

When I woke up I was feeling very tiny and I was all alone on the bed. I burst into tears at the fact that my Mommy and Mummy had abandoned me, the sobs escaping me as I sat up. I rubbed at my tear filled eyes, squealing happily when I saw Mommy sitting at a small table. She was looking at me with concern but my tears had stopped as quickly as they had started once I knew she was in the room.

I clambered off the bed, slipping down onto my knees and crawling over to her. I didn't feel like trying to be a big girl. I just wanted to get to my Mommy and have her hold me. She picked me up and I realized that she had been looking at a chess board. It looked like she was in the middle of a game but no one was there.

"You playing?" I asked as I reached for a chess piece. Mommy grabbed my hand gently to stop me from grabbing.

"Me and Mummy are playing, you can't just pick up pieces," Mommy informed me. I whined as I jerked my arm away from her and then moved to pick up a piece that wasn't on the board. I held it in my hand, tossing it up in the air. I tried to catch it but it just hit me in the face.

My lower lip trembled as I looked at Mommy. She sighed as she kissed my cheek where the piece had hit me in the face. "You poor baby, that's why we don't throw things in the air," she said as she patted my back. I just felt so tiny and small at the moment, I wanted Mummy.

Mummy came inside the room right at that moment and I reached for her. She cooed as she sat down a teacup she had been holding and came over to pick me up. She lifted me into her arms, resting me on her hip.

"Chess evil," I whined as she rocked me. She chuckled as she sat across from Mommy.

"Is chess really so evil or did Mommy put you up to this so she wouldn't lose to me again?" Mummy asked as she kissed the top of my head. I huffed at her words, not believing that she would say something so rude to me. I turned to bury my face into her chest.

I felt so tiny, tugging on Mummy's top of the dress. I tugged even harder but the fabric didn't budge. I didn't know why but I just felt so small and I felt like that was how I was supposed to satisfy this urge in my mind.

"What are you trying to do darling?" Mummy asked as her hand moved to cover my hands. I whined at her words as I continued to tug at her top.

"Thirsty," I whimpered as I tugged at her top even more. Mommy sighed as she slid her sleeves down which allowed me to tug her top down.

"Ember," Mommy said, sounding surprised.

"What? She asked to nurse and I don't want her to be fussy all night," Mummy said. She undid her bra, sliding it down. I grinned as I latched on, nursing happily. My eyes closed as I drank the milk quickly. Her hand ran through my hair as she hummed, making me slow down slightly.

"We're still playing chess so I hope nursing her doesn't distract you," Mommy said.

"The only one distracting me is you. I told you to take your turn while I was gone," Mummy pointed out.

"I refuse to do that. You would say I was cheating," Mommy said as I heard her move her piece. Mummy leaned forward slightly, the sound of another piece moving after a moment. I had my face nuzzled into her boob, continuing to nurse happily.

"I would not," Mummy retorted as she sighed. My eyes opened up after a moment and I looked up at Mummy. She cooed as she looked down at me, her eyes meeting my gaze. I cooed up at her, reaching up to touch her face. She took my hand gently as she rocked me back and forth.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy," I repeated happily. She chuckled softly as she took my hand over to me, kissing the top of my hand gently. I squealed happily as my hand moved to touch her necklace. It was a simple golden chain with a gem hanging from it. I babbled happily as I twisted it.

"Do you like Mummy's necklace?" Mummy asked. I nodded my head slightly, a small giggle escaping me as I continued to play with her necklace. The gem shined in the light and it captivated me. Small babbles escaped me as I turned it around and around again.

I felt so tiny and small. It was so nice to be held and Mummy was now rocking me back and forth. I babbled to her, telling her about the pretty gem she had on her necklace. Mummy smiled down at me as she and Mommy kept playing chess.

"Your story is so interesting," Mummy whispered down at me as she kept rocking me. After a while of this, she got up and I huffed when she realized that she tried to set me down on the bed. I whined, bouncing off the bed and going to Mommy. She took me in her arms as Mummy fixed her top.

"I never be put down again," I informed Mommy sternly. Mommy chuckled softly as she nodded, kissing my head gently.

"Okay clingy girl," Mommy said as she ran a hand through my hair. I was quite content to let her just hold me for the rest of the night, if she tried to then I would throw a fit.

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