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I got the beginning of a root canal yesterday or the third depending on when you see this. They numbed my mouth and stuff but I still felt everything when they drilled and whenever they would ask if I was okay, I would say yeah because my social anxiety said not to tell them I was in pain.

*Iris P.O.V*

I stared out the window for the majority of the carriage ride. I drifted off a few times, waking up every time one of the Seekers moved or every time the carriage stopped. Purple haired woman asked if I had to go to the bathroom, or as she called it the chamber, every time we stopped. My answer was always no even though my bladder begged me to take her up on the offer of going to the bathroom.

Besides the fact I was stubborn and didn't trust her, I was too anxious to use the bathroom anywhere. I always felt like I got stared at when I went anywhere and had to constantly be alert. I did however accept a water bottle from her and I regretted drinking all the water now. I pressed my legs together, squirming slightly as I forced myself to sit up straight to avoid putting pressure on my bladder.

"Are you sure you don't need to use the chamber?" she asked me again making me look at her. "I mean...we're going to be at the kingdom soon and I don't think you'll have much time to relieve yourself then," she told me.

"I'm fine," I said with a shrug as I looked out the window again with a sigh. I rubbed my hand up and down my leg nervously as I felt my hands grow sweaty. I glanced at my legs with a frown as I ran my hands over my freckled skin. My skin was pale but had dimpled little marks all over it, most of them were natural. A few dots were scars from when I had landed on something sharp. I had another scar on my face but that was barely noticeable. It was old and it was from my face hitting a metal chair when I was younger. I had been standing on the side of it and rocking back and forth when it tipped over, my face ended up slamming into the edge of the chair.

"If you're so sure," she stated with a shrug. "By the way Iris, my name is Maria," she said making me nod my head. "And the doofus that you called an emo is Braxton," she stated making me snicker slightly. "What is so funny?" she asked with a frown on her lips.

"Of course his name is Braxton," I said making her raise an eyebrow. "It's a joke from where I'm from. It's a far off place that most haven't heard of," I lied as I looked out the window, squirming with a frown on my lips.  

"Sure," Maria said as she shared a look with Braxton. "Now I want you to know that while you may see the Elders you will not be formally introduced to them until possibly tomorrow. It could be later or earlier then tomorrow but it depends on their moods," she stated.

"Ooh so now my life depends on the mood of some stuck up snobs and what they want," I stated with a frown on my lips. I gasped as I felt a hand grab my wrist, looking at Maria with a frown.

"Listen to me and listen to me well," Maria stated as she stared me in the eyes. "If you ever and I mean ever disrespect the Elders again then I will personally dismember you," she said making me nod as I pulled away. She let go of my wrist as I pulled back and turned away from her.

"Maria you can't threaten her. She is the Elders now and you basically just committed a crime by threatening her," Braxton spoke making me curl up slightly in my seat. My wrist did hurt slightly from how hard she grabbed it and I still had to go to the bathroom really bad. 

"You're right, you're right," Maria sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry," she told me. I simply turned away from her more and clenched my hands into fists. She reached over to touch me and I kicked my leg out, barely holding back a whimper as a small trickle of urine spilled into my underwear. Oh I really wish I had gone to the bathroom now.

"I have to go to the chamber now," I said quietly as I looked at her. She glanced out the window and pursed her lips before looking at me.

"I'm afraid it's a bit too late for you to use the chamber. We're almost at the kingdom and as soon as we get there then I hand you off to someone else," she told me. "And once I hand you off then you are under the jurisdiction of whoever you are assigned to," she stated. I whined softly as I pressed my thighs together as best as I could, staring out the window at the moving landscape. 

"I really have to go though," I said as I bounced in my seat slightly with a huff. "Are you sure I can't go before you hand me off?" I questioned her as I clenched my hands into fists to distract my mind from the urging matter of my bladder. 

"I am sure," Maria said. I grabbed the side of the carriage as the terrain changed, the road becoming rocky. I held my breath as the air seemed to change, becoming heavier the further the carriage went. I noticed that Maria and Braxton didn't have an issue with it which was surprising to me but I figured that they had just gotten used to it over time. 

"You okay?" Braxton asked me. I suppose he had noticed that I looked uncomfortable which I was. My bladder hurt and I felt like breathing was becoming harder as the air got more and more compressed. 

"I'm fine," I said with a frown on my lips as the carriage pulled to a stop. "Just the air feels really weird is all," I stated making him frown and glance at Maria. 

"Yeah it feels weird when you first get here but you'll get used to it," he said as he smiled slightly. "It'll feel a bit weird but I promise that you'll feel better soon," he stated as he opened the carriage door and stepped out. Maria got out after him and turned to me.

"I'll try and make sure to hand you off to someone who will let you go to the chamber," she promised as I got up slowly. I inched my way to the edge of the carriage and she helped me down the steps slowly. "If you have to go so bad then why didn't you go earlier?" she asked making me look down.

"I was too nervous to go to the chamber then. I felt like everyone was going to stare at me," I stated softly as she grabbed my hand, leading me to a large castle. We had managed to get through the main castle gates, the stone walls standing up high. The air had gotten an even more compressed down onto me, my breathing becoming slightly heavier.

"Well to be honest more people are likely to stare if you end up wetting yourself rather then asking to go to the chamber," Maria stated making me nod my head. "So next time just ask whoever you're with to go to the chamber that way you can avoid any embarrassment," she said. I sighed, regretting my decision to not go to the bathroom now. Maria ended up speaking to this one man who wore a finely pressed tunic and a pair of leather leggings.

My eyes wandered around the castle, stopping on a figure on the balcony. It was clearly a woman, a quite curvaceous woman who seemed to be looking at me. Her hair was a dark color and I couldn't quite see what her face looked like but I could see that she was smiling at me. She had a black dress on with some red tints on it. I blinked and she was gone, a frown on my lips as my name was called. I shook it off and followed the woman Maria had directed me to, my bladder having a more present impression on my mind then the mysterious figure.

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