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*Iris' P.O.V*

"Mummy, mummy, mummy," I run inside saying, ignoring the looks the guards gave me. I run down the halls until I end up at Mommy and Mummy's room. I knock on the door before barging in.

Neither of them are there! Well that wasn't nice of them to hide from me. I huff as I turn around to leave their room, intent on finding them. They had to hear about my super cool power and how they were mean for not being where I needed them to be.

I do eventually find Mummy but she doesn't look happy to see me. That doesn't make any sense though because Mummy loves me! At least I'm pretty sure she does.

"Where did you run off to?" Mummy asks and I bounce on my tippy toes. She would be so happy to hear about my powers, her frown would soon turn upside down.

"I went to visit the unicorns and..." I start to say before Mummy cuts me off.

"You went to see the unicorns? Without telling anybody?" Mummy asks and I pout. It was rude to not let people talk, didn't she know that?

"Yes," I huff, wanting to keep telling my story.

"You did this after you ran off from Adira without any supervision," Mummy says and I nod since that was true. I squeak when she grabs my hand and starts walking down the hall. The fact that Mummy did not seem to want to hear my story was quite upsetting.

We find Mommy in an office of some sorts. I whine when Mummy makes me stand in front of Mommy, looking down at the floor since it is much more comfortable to look at.

Mommy tilts my head up with her finger and I try to look anywhere but her face. It's impossible though so I give up, looking her in the eyes.

"Where were you?" Mommy asks. I don't like how her voice sounds, it sounds scary. The quiet scary, like when you're going to get in big trouble. At least I could tell her about my cool power!

"I was with the unicorns and..." is all I can say before I get cut off again. It was really starting to get annoying that no one would let me talk.

"Did I not ask you to tell one of us if you were going to be out there?" Mommy asks and I nod after a moment. I did remember her saying something like that. "But you did not tell anyone?" Mommy asks and I shake my head slightly.

"No," I whisper. I was going to be in so much trouble and I knew it now. I felt tears prick my eyes as I try to look away. Mommy was going to be so mad, she was going to hate me forever for not being good.

"Now I don't think it's fair of me to punish you for doing that. It wasn't a rule for you not to, it was a request that I made that you chose not to listen to," Mommy says. I feel a crushing weight of relief at her words as I nod my head, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, not fair," I agree quickly. As long as Mommy didn't punish me and didn't hate me then I was happy.

"So from now on I think you should have some rules," Mommy says and I frown slightly. I didn't like rules, rules were so stupid.

"I have to have rules?" I ask, huffing when Mommy nods her head. I turn to look to Mummy but she is also nodding her head.

"I not like rules," I mutter as Mommy pulls me closer, letting me sit on her lap. I rest my head on her shoulder as she pulls out a piece of paper.

"I can tell," Mommy says as she kisses the top of my head. I rest my head on her shoulder as she starts to write on the paper. She writes 'Rules' in fancy looking handwriting.

"Now I think the first rule should," Mommy starts to say before I cover her mouth, looking up at her.

"I tell my story now so you shush please," I say, glad I had gotten my revenge for her and Mummy both interrupting me. Mommy looks down at me, raising an eyebrow so I slowly move my hand off of her mouth.

"Tell me your story baby," Mommy says as she pats my leg slightly. I smile happily at her words while I swing my legs back and forth slightly since they aren't touching the ground.

"I went to see the unicorns and I climbed over the fence," I say, seeing Mommy's eyebrows furrow slightly at my words. I can tell she wants to say something but she doesn't interrupt me. "And I can talk to unicorns," I inform her.

"Can you?" Mommy asks and I can see her eyebrows furrow as if she doesn't believe me.

"I can," I whine as I cross my arms. "In my head," I turn to look at Mummy who is looking at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"Is that right?" Mummy asks as she walks over, crouching down to be at eye level with me. I think she can tell that I'm upset with Mommy for not believing.

"Yeah. They called me a Blessed," I say as Mummy grabs my hand, her thumb rubbing across the back of my hand.

"So you are a Blessed like Mommy and I?" Mummy asks and I nod my head happily. We were all blessed which means we all had super powers.

"Mhmm. A superhero," I inform her, making her smile.

"Are you? My little baby is going to solve crimes?" Mummy asks. I nod happily as I pull my hand away from hers, clapping them together excitedly.

"Don't encourage her to get into trouble," I hear Mommy say and I roll my eyes.

"She bossy," I whisper to Mummy, apparently not as quietly as I had wanted to.

"How about your first rule being no calling me bossy?" Mommy asks which makes me pout. I had forgotten about the stupid rules! It's not like I planned on following them.

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