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The last three Elders ^^

By the way the dominant order from most to least dominant is: Adira, Ember, Opal, Nova, and then finally Selene. Also if you're wondering why they're all women it's because I suck at writing male doms and my second reason is...women.

Also this is the longest chapter that I've ever written so far

*Iris P.O.V*

I woke up with a warm hand on my cheek, a small whine escaping me. The hand moved from my cheek to my shoulder and I was gently shaken. My eyes opened as I blearily looked around with a small yawn. "What's going on?" I asked as I wiped my eyes with the backs of my hands. I rolled over and was surprised to see the woman who had been helping me earlier standing over me.

"It is time for you to get up. It will soon be the time for supper," she said making me nod. I yawned again as she took it upon herself to lift me up. I whined softly as I rubbed my eyes, turning and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I hadn't paid much attention before but the bed was actually quite nicely made. It had plain brown sheets which were a little scratchy but otherwise fine. There was also a canopy on the bed that had been tied back. I reach over and untied one end allowing part of the canopy to fall free. "Let's not do that darling," the woman stated as she pushed the canopy back into place and tied it there.

"Why?" I asked as I got up and allowed her to lead me to the vanity. I sat down in the chair and she washed my face off with a warm washcloth, humming softly as she did so.

"Because there's no reason to do that when you probably won't return to this room until much later," she told me. I sighed with a pout as she dried my face off with another washcloth, being extra gentle around my eyes. "Would you like me to do your makeup?" she asked.

"Yes please," I nodded my head as she sat the washcloth down. She turned to the vanity and got out several powders. I held my arm out and she tested them on it, smiling softly as she picked one of the lightest shades. I couldn't help that I was pale and I actually quite liked being pale.

"This should work," she said as she applied it to my face lightly. I watched her in the mirror, smiling when she didn't go too heavy on  the powder.  

"I never asked but what is your name?" I questioned making her smile. She lightly applied some green eye shadow that matched my dress as I waited for her answer.

"It is Esme," she said making me nod my head. She held my face still with her free hand with a small smile on her lips.

"That's a pretty name," I said as I sat still. She finished my eye shadow and added a bit of glitter to it making me grin. A little sparkle never hurt anyone and it had certainly never hurt me.

"Thank you," Esme said as she sat the eye shadow brush down. She slid open the bottom drawer and brought out a pair of black shoes. She crouched down and went to slip them onto my feet, pausing as she saw how raw they were. "I'll have to let the Elders know how raw your feet are," she stated as she swapped the shoes out for a pair of white shoes. She gently slipped my feet into them and I smiled at how soft they were on my feet. They didn't squeeze my feet too which was great because my feet were sore enough at the moment.

"Alrighty," I said as I lightly swung one foot back and forth as she put the other shoe on. I couldn't help that I was impatient when it came to things that bored me. The only way I could sit still was if I was doing something that was exciting to me and all the things that excited me meant I had to move so I never sat still if I could help it.

"Alrighty? Well aren't we feeling a bit better then earlier," Esme cooed at me as she got up making me blush. "Tell me little one, what's your classification?" she asked making me frown and squirm.

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