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Characters in this chapter-

*Iris P.O.V*

I look at Selene when Opal walked in, nudging her with my foot. Selene startles when I do that, looking at me before seeing where I'm looking. She perks up when she sees Opal and scrambles up, running over to her.

"Mumsy, Iris and I are doing a puzzle and we are nearly done. That means you owe me stickers," Selene demands of Opal. I am quite surprised that she is so demanding because Opal doesn't seem like the type to put up with that.

"Ask nicely and maybe I will," Opal says as she crosses her arms over her chest. Selene whines as she grabs Opal's arm, pulling her towards the puzzle.

"Mumsy, stickers," Selene says as she holds her hand out.

"Ask nicely," Opal says as she bends down, looking at the puzzle. "Besides you're not even done, why should I give you a sticker when you're not done?" she asks as she looks at Selene.

"Give stickers," Selene stomps her foot, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at Opal with a frown. Opal crosses her arms as she grabs Selene by the arm, pulling her in front of her.

"You can ask nicely or you can stand in the corner," Opal warns as she crouches down to Selene's level, holding her in place. Selene whines as she tries to twist away, huffing when Opal doesn't let her move.

"Give stickers please," Selene finally says, not sounding very happy to add the word please to her sentence. I stand up, tugging Selene away from Opal as I wrap my arms around Selene's neck and cling to her.

"Mine," I huff as I stick my tongue out at Opal as I hide my face into Selene's neck. Selene was my friend, Opal couldn't get onto her.

"That's very sweet," Opal says as I peek out to look at her. "But Selene can still be in trouble whether or not she is your friend," she states. I shake my head at that, not believing her words as I cling to Selene.

"Come here sweetheart," Mummy says. I cling tighter to Selene as Mummy gets up, coming over to me. I stick my tongue out at her as I hide my face back in Selene's neck with a frown on my lips. Mummy tries to lift me up but I cling tighter to Selene who wraps her arms around me.

"You can't have her," Selene says, tugging me away from Mummy.

"I think I can so have her," Mummy states, sounding very amused. "Little Iris, do you want some milk?" she asks, making me lift my head up as I look at her with wide eyes.

"Milk?" I ask as I glance at her breasts, checking to make sure I was going to get the milk I wanted before I agreed to go with her.

"Yes," Mummy says as she holds her arms out. I wriggle away from Selene, running to Mummy who lifts me up and rests me on her hip. I tug at the neckline of her dress, trying to get to my milk.

"No ma'am," Mummy says as she taps my hand gently, pulling my hand away. I whine as I look at her with wide eyes, confused why she wouldn't let me nurse. "You can't pull Mummy's top down in front of everyone," she informs me, making me pout as I bow my head.

"But milk," I whisper sadly as I rest my hand on one of her breasts, wanting my milky. She had bribed me with milk and I was determined to get it one way or the other.

"We'll go to Mummy's room in a second and you can nurse until you are full," Mummy promises. I huff as I tuck my head into her chest, tugging her neckline out so I can push part of my face into her dress.

"Milk," I mutter into the space between her breasts as I pout.

"Poor doll," Opal says as I feel her hand touch my back. I turn my head slightly to look at her, my eyes widening when she disappears.

"So cool," I whisper as Opal reappears.

"Here is your sticker," she says as she presses a gold star sticker on my hand. I squeal happily as I turn to show my sticker to Mummy who smiles at me.

"What do you say dear?" Mummy asks as she bounces me on her hips slightly.

"Thank you Mumsy," I say, making Mumsy smile as she kisses my cheek. I grin as I show Selene the sticker who turns to Mumsy with an expectant expression.

"Oh I didn't forget you," Mumsy says as she presses the sticker onto Selene's hand. Selene takes it off, taking it over to a chart where she puts the star in a little jar drawn on the chart.

"I almost have enough to get it," Selene says proudly as she turns to face us.

"Get what?" I ask as my eyebrows furrow.

"Mumsy and Mumma say I can have a unicorn if I fill up the jar with stickers," she states.

"I want a unicorn," I say to Mummy as I look at her.

"I thought you wanted milk," Mummy teases. I pause as I tilt my head, glancing down at her top.

"Milk," I decide as I tug at her top again.

"I have to go feed the little one, I trust you three won't misbehave," Mummy states.

"I would never Auntie," Selene says as she smiles innocently.

"I wasn't directing it towards you," Mummy informs Selene, making Mumsy and Mumma gasp. Mumsy pretends to be hurt as Mummy shakes her head, carrying me out of the room.

"They bad?" I ask curiously.

"Oh they are very naughty," Mummy assures me as she continues to carry me over to her room. I smile as she sets me down on the bed, tugging her top down. As soon as I can latch on I do, nursing happily.

"Slow down baby," Mummy coos as she runs a hand through my hair. I reluctantly slow down, nuzzling into her. This was my milky, Mummy was never going to know peace again for as long as I needed to get my milky.

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