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*Iris' P.O.V*

Opal had tucked me into bed before she left. I had insisted that I wasn't tired but she had said that I needed to rest. She said I didn't have to sleep but she still wanted me to rest. I had complied but only because it gave me more time with Mr. Slothy.

I turned over, looking around my room for something to do. I hummed thoughtfully when I saw my bag. I hadn't woken up with anything when I was transported to this world but when I went back to the field about a month later I had found one of my old bags in the same spot I had woken up in.

It hadn't even occurred to me that it had been brought with me. I got out of bed and went over to my bag, kneeling in front of it as I opened it. I couldn't even remember what was in the bag to be honest.

I hummed happily when I pulled out my color by number book. That would be a lot of fun to color. I pulled out another book and smiled happily when I pulled out a book on unicorns. The unicorn on the cover had a rainbow mane and so it looked different from the other unicorns that I had seen here.

A thought occurred to me and I stood up, holding the unicorn book close to my chest. I could go show the unicorns my unicorn book and they would probably like it if I read it to them. I slipped on my shoes, practically running out of my room. I turned around after a moment and ran back, grabbing Mr. Slothy off my bed and taking him with me.

I skipped once I made it outside, going to the unicorn field. My legs started to hurt from how long I was skipping so I decided to speed walk instead. As soon as I reached the field, I opened the gate and stepped into the field. One of the unicorns looked at me before it went back to grazing.

I walked over towards the herd of unicorns and one of them snorted warningly. I decided to take that as my cue to sit down at a decent distance and wait for one of them to come towards me. I opened the book as I waited, opening it to the full page illustration of a unicorn.

It took a bit but eventually one of the unicorn foals made its way over to look at me. I smiled happily as I held up my book to show the illustration to the foal. It nickered curiously as it came even closer with one of the unicorn mares following after it.

"This is what they say unicorns look like where I come from," I told the unicorns, pointing to the illustration. "Clearly they're wrong though because they say you have rainbow manes and none of you do," I pouted slightly.

I turned the book back towards me, flipping the page to read about unicorns. The unicorn mare laid down near me as the foal stood next to me. I hummed as I looked at the foal and held out my hand, feeling it snuff at my hand looking for a treat.

"You are very pretty," I told the foal as I gently stroked its face before going back to reading the book. "You know they say that unicorns serve those who are pure of heart, I don't believe that though. I don't believe unicorns serve anyone except themselves," I said as I continued to flip through the pages. "They also say you eat candy which is silly," I murmured.

I started to read the book out loud, hugging Mr. Slothy close. I flipped through each page of the book, carefully reading each thing out loud. I managed to make it through the book a lot faster than I thought I would.

While I was reading through the book, the unicorns had gathered around me as I read to them. When I looked up at them, they had simply stared back at me until I finished reading the book. Mr. Slothy was sitting on my lap as I read.

"Iris," I heard someone calling and I looked up to see Adira standing outside the field. I closed the book since I had finished reading it, holding it close to my chest as I held Mr. Slothy by one hand. I stood up, hurrying over to Adira who opened the fence so that I could exit the unicorn field.

"Darling, I would really appreciate it if you told one of us that you were going to be out here," Adira said softly. I ducked my head as I nodded my head in understanding.

"I'm sorry Mommy, I just wanted to show the unicorns my book," I said simply. Adira paused for a moment before holding her hand out for me to take. I switched the hand I was holding the book with so that I was holding Mr. Slothy and my book in one hand as I offered her my free hand.

"Where did you get a book on unicorns?" Adira asked as she started the trek up to the castle. I swung our hands back and forth as we walked.

"I've always had it," I shrugged my shoulders as I glanced down at my book that I was holding.

"Can I see it?" Adira asked as she held out her other hand. I shook my head as I moved to hold my book behind my back. "Why not?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You'll take it away," I muttered with a small pout on my lips. She frowned slightly as she shook her head.

"I promise I won't, you trust Mommy don't you?" Adira asked. I frowned for a moment before I nodded my head and handed it over to her. "Good girl," she praised. My face flushed from the praise and I hid behind my hair.

"Can't catch me," I said as I let go of her hand and took off running. I heard Adira laugh as she ran after me.

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