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Adira-Mommy (power: fire)
Ember-Mummy (power: portals)

*Iris P.O.V*

It turns out Mommy is not the one I had to worry about catching me. She was fast yes but I was small and could get through the gaps that she couldn't. Especially when I crawled under tables. She couldn't do that because it was in...indig...undignified! That was the word she used!

Mummy was the one I had to actually worry about. I know that because when a portal suddenly opens and you trip and fall into it, it's not fun. Especially when you fall out of it and land on your bottom. It hurts a lot!

"Darling, you can't just run from me when I try to talk to you," Mummy says, crouching down in front of me as she smiles softly. My lower lip sticks out as I look at her, sniffling slightly as I pout at her.

"Owie," I whisper, still upset her portal had caused me to trip. And I somehow had fallen on my bottom when I came out the otherwise. I didn't think gravity was supposed to work like that but maybe gravity was different in this magical world.

"I'm sorry baby," Mummy says as she lifts me up, kissing my cheek. I push away from her, taking off running again since she had fallen for my trick. I was never going to take a nap! Never ever ever!

I squeal when another portal appears in front of me, sticking my tongue out at it because I was prepared this time. I back up, yelling when I fall through another portal. I let out a cry of frustration when Mummy scoops me up, upset I had lost the game and the fact her trick had worked on me twice.

"Poor baby, so tired," Mummy coos as she rubs my cheek with her thumb, making my lower lip tremble even more. I was not tired! How dare she say that!

I push at her chest, letting out a grunt of frustration as she carries me down the hallway. I burst into tears of frustration as Mummy coos at me, bouncing me in her arms slightly as she carries me down the hall. I angrily push at her chest even more, upset that she was holding me against my will.

"Baby, I know you don't want a nap. But you need it. And I'd be a terrible Mummy if I let you skip a nap and be tired all day," Mummy coos as she kisses my forehead, pressing my face against her chest as she rocks her body back and forth.

"Mummy sucks!" I squeal in protest, making Mummy chuckle.

"I think you'll find that you're the one that sucks," Mummy mutters, making me furrow my brows in confusion. She glances down at her breasts, making my face burn at the reminder.

"I no...I no do that," I huff in frustration, saying the words even though I don't mean them at all.

"Sure you don't baby. And you also don't cling to me or throw fits when I set you down," Mummy says, making me bury my face into her chest. She combs her fingers through my hair, carrying me into her and Mommy's room. She waves her hand, making another portal appear. I peek out, watching as Mommy trips and falls through it.

"Em," Mommy groans, having barely caught herself before she hit the floor.

"I caught Iris," Mummy says as she rolls her eyes, laying me on the bed. I stare up at her, my nose wrinkling up angrily. My frown disappears when she undresses me, my top getting stuck over my head for a moment. I burst into tears when that happens, scared of the darkness that suddenly surrounded me.

"Shhh, you're okay," Mummy says as she finishes undressing me, pulling my head free from the dreaded fabric. I sniffle slightly, staring at her with a small pout on my lips. I whine softly when she pushes me back, giggling when she presses a kiss to my tummy before blowing a raspberry. I squeal in protest, feeling her hands tickle my sides as I giggle.

"What are you doing baby? You trying to escape your Mummy?" Mommy asks as she distracts me, leaning over the opposite side of the bed so her hair is right in my face. I coo at her, a babble escaping me as I grab at it.

"Such a little baby, so tiny and so cute," Mommy says as she kisses the top of my head, making her hair tickle my face. I coo happily at her, a smile on my face as she keeps me distracted. I coo as she lifts my bottom up, putting something soft under it. I whine when she pulls it up the front of it, taping the thing onto me. I whine softly as I look down, seeing the diaper that she had put on me.

"I no need that," I whine softly as I sit up, taking the sleeping gown she offers me. Mommy coos as she smiles at me, trying to get me in the sleeping gown. Mommy chuckles as she throws the sleeping gown at Mummy, who takes it and quickly gets it on me.  I fight the whole time, my fight consisting of just squirming and whining until Mummy guides my arms through my sleeves.

I grumble angrily, whining as Mummy pulls me into her arms and rocks me slightly. I coo at her, happy to be cuddled up to her. She tugs her top down, letting me latch on as soon as her bra is out of the way. I babble slightly, nuzzling into her as I continue to nurse.

My eyes close as I continue to stay pressed against her, cooing slightly as she rocks me slightly. I smile contently, sighing as my eyes closes for the final time. Mummy presses a kiss to my forehead as she continues to rock me, seeming happy that I'm just snuggling with her right now.

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