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*Iris's P.O.V*

"Come here," Adira said softly as she curled her finger in a come hither motion. I shook my head as I stared at her, a small whimper escaping me as she took a step towards me. "Little girl, come here," she said sternly. I shook my head as my mind raced with what was going to happen since I had dirtied her dress.

She was the head Elder, she could do anything to me and no one would question it. I had heard of her sometimes cruel punishments before but I didn't think I would ever get myself in a situation where I would get one. She was probably going to throw me in a dungeon forever or put me in stocks in front of the whole kingdom or have me whipped. I hadn't realized I had started crying until her hand touched my cheek lightly and wiped a tear away.

"Sweetheart what is wrong? It was my tone was it not? I am sorry little one, I should not have spoken to you that way," Adira cooed at me as she pulled me into a hug. I buried my face slightly into her breasts and stomach since her heels put her much taller than me.

"I am just overreacting for no reason, I'm sorry," I hiccupped, making her shush me as she rubbed my back. "I am sorry," I repeated as I rubbed my face into her dress, the soft fabric starting to soothe me.

"There is no reason for you to be sorry, I should not have made you think I was angry with you. My tone was off and I apologize, I just did not like your use of language. I will not speak to you like that again," she reassured me. My hand subconsciously moved up to my mouth and I popped my thumb into my mouth. Sucking my thumb had always been a bad habit of mine and that's why I had a small gap in my teeth. I mainly used sucking my thumb as a comfort option because nothing else could soothe me.

"Adira what is going on? Guards told me they heard crying coming from the stable," Ember's voice said as I heard heels click signaling the fact that she was approaching Adira and I.

"Nothing is the matter my dear, I simply upset this little one with my tone," Adira said as she continued to rub my back. I know my hand to have been digging into her since it was curled up in a fist but she didn't mention anything.

"Well what tone did you use with her?" Ember asked with a frown. Adira's body shook with a sigh as she kissed the top of my head.

"I used an upset tone with her since she swore before throwing her drink," Adira stated. "And the little one seems to have taken it to heart," she said.

"She swore before she threw her drink? I understand swearing if she had dropped her drink even though I don't approve of a little girl using such vile language but to swear before she threw her drink doesn't make sense," Ember said as she walked closer, her hand gently touching the back of my head.

"It does not make sense to me either but I think she knows that I do not want to hear her swearing again," Adira said. "Is that right little one?" she questioned to which I nodded. Her hand stopped rubbing my back and she leaned down, picking me up. I whined as I lost my hiding place, staying still as my thumb remained in my mouth.

"Aww you are just adorable," Ember said. I looked at her like a deer in headlights, a small whine escaping me. "I do not think sucking your thumb is good for your teeth though," she said as she gently tried to pull my thumb out of my mouth. I jerked away and turned my head to rest it on Adira's shoulder.

"Love, Ember is right. It's going to mess with your teeth," Adira said as she gently tried to pull my thumb out of my mouth. I whined, reluctantly letting my thumb be pulled from my mouth. I knew that I probably looked childish but it really did help calm me down when someone was upset with me. "There we go," she said as she kissed the top of my head. "Now what were you doing in the stable alone dear?" she asked as I stared at her, trying to comprehend what all the affection was for.

"Esme said she had to do something for you and I wanted to stay with the horses," I murmured softly, not wanting to get Esme in trouble.

"Esme," Ember said lowly, her voice taking on a dangerous tone. "She should not have left you alone no matter what Adira wanted her to do," she said softly.

"Why?" I asked causing Ember to look at me confused. "Why should she not have left me alone?" I questioned.

"Because it is dangerous. What if you had tried to get in a horses stall and they kicked you? What if you tried climbing the loft ladder and fell?" Ember stated as she looked at me, slightly concerned.

"I am not a child, I would not doing anything like that," I said feeling hurt that she assumed I was stupid enough to do that.

"I know you probably would not but it is still not safe," Ember said as she smiled at me, clearly trying to appease me.

"I probably would not? I definitely would not," I huffed as I glared at her before looking up at Adira. "You can put me down now," I said, making Adira slowly sit me down.

"Alright dear," Adira said as she looked down at me. "You are very light, have you been eating enough?" she questioned me.

"I have been eating just fine," I said as I looked past her with a small frown.

"That wasn't my question. You can be eating just fine but that does not mean you are eating enough," Adira said as she frowned down at me. "Now have you been eating enough?" she asked as she tilted my head up to make me look her in the eyes. I stuck my tongue out making her eyes narrow.

"You should not disrespect Adira," Ember said, her tone sounding hard. I turned to look at her, a small whimper escaping me when I saw the look on her face. I backed into Adira who picked me up.

"She was just upset that I was pushing for information that is not mine to know if she does not want me to know," Adira said as she held me close. She rocked back and forth slightly while cooing at me. "Apologize now Ember, you've upset her again," she stated.

"I am sorry," Ember said as she kissed the top of my head. "I did not mean to make you think I was angry with you, I just do not like when someone disrespects my wife," she stated.

"So you listen to girl in red," I smirked making both of them stare at me confused. "It's something that references the fact that you like women instead of men," I explained making them nod while looking at each other with a still puzzled look.

"Alright well Esme should be back any second, Adira and I have a meeting to attend to," Ember said as she looked at Adira for direction.

"Yes, please stay here," Adira stated as she sat me down, kissing the top of my head. She wiped my cheeks free from any tears before leaving. I watched her and Ember leave, waiting for a moment before moving towards the back of the stable. I knew I couldn't escape but I could at least try to find a way to possibly escape. I found the door hidden into the wall and pushed it open with a small grunt. I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me with a nervous expression on my face. I walked slowly, following the trail carefully. My shoe got caught on a rock and I tripped, waiting to hit the ground as I tensed up.

"Careful," I heard Opal say as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me up before I could hit the ground. I looked up at her, tilting my head back to see Adira, Ember, Nova, and Selene standing there, looking at me.

"Oops," I smiled innocently at them, noticing the frowns on their faces. They clearly weren't happy with me. "So I'm going to be honest here and say I was looking for a way to escape but I wasn't going to actually escape," I said, making them share puzzled looks.

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