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*Iris P.O.V*

It took me a bit to snap out my regressed mindspace. I only came out of it because Adira had laid me down for a nap and I got too lost in my own head. Thinking over the day made me realize that I had revealed far too much.

I couldn't believe that I had told Opal that I was from another world. I had worked hard to ensure that no one knew about that. I made people believe that I was just weird since that seemed to be the best way to stay safe. It was what had allowed me to lay low for so long.

I think the fact that I insisted on staying low as well as the fact that no one had any idea who I was is what played into me getting such a low caste. To have a stranger show up and have no idea about anything in your world would always be a little concerning to most.

My thoughts turned back to my world and I found my thoughts drifting back to my old life. I wondered how my family felt about me disappearing without a trace. Did they miss me at all? Did they even think that I was alive or did they think that I was dead? I wondered if they were taking care of my cat O'Malley. I bet that he missed me, I had owned him since he was a kitten that I found outside my neighbors house.

The more and more I thought of my old life the more the thoughts in my head seemed to spiral. I had never been good at handling my emotions most especially when I was distraught. I also tended to have an issue with actually facing my emotions. Why would I do that when I could just run away from them?

My mind turned to the fact that I had nearly exposed my secret to the Elders. What would they think of me if they found out that I was from another world? What would they do to me if they knew?

I was out of my room before I knew it. My bare feet padded across the stone, my breathing erratic. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get out. I needed to be able to breathe. I found myself out in the gardens before I even knew it.

The ground was wet and muddy from it raining earlier. The mud was cold and stuck to my feet as I looked around before darting into the hedge maze. I followed the first path that I could find and ended up at a dead end with a little birdbath and roses lining the edge of the hedges. I collapsed on the ground, pulling my knees close to my chest as I tried to focus on breathing.

My eyes fluttered close as I rocked myself back and forth. I had no clue for how long I sat there but I knew that the rain had started back again. It quickly picked up and I could feel the rain soaking my dress. My thoughts were still running rampant when the rain suddenly stopped. Except it didn't really stop because I could still hear it, I just couldn't feel it.

I lifted my head up, surprised to see a thin dome of water surrounding me. What was more surprising was to see Selene just sitting there, resting on a seat made of water. I wiped my face off quickly, not wanting her to see that I had started crying at one point.

"Come here love," Selene held out her arms to me. A small whine escaped me as I scrambled up, throwing myself into her hold. Her arms wrapped around me as she pulled me close. One of her hands moved to rub my back gently. She held me close despite the fact that my dress was soaked and muddy. "What's going on in that little head of yours?" she questioned.

The mere question sent me back into a state of panic as I thrashed against her hold. She merely tightened her hold on me as she murmured soothing words. She continued to hold me as she rocked back and forth, humming softly until I gave up fighting her.

"Dove, it's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Selene said as she gently moved a piece of my hair back behind my ear. "Just tell me what I can do to help you," she murmured as she pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Just hold me please," I said as I looked up at her pleadingly. She nodded her head as she held me a little closer. I rested my head on her shoulder, turning my head so that my nose was tucked into the crook of her neck.

Her hand moved to rest on the back of my head. Her thumb gently brushed against the back of my neck as she soothed me. I settled down as we sat there for who knows how long. My eyes were on the verge of closing by the time Selene moved.

"Flower, I am more than happy to keep holding you but we should go inside. I can only use my power for so long before I get exhausted," Selene said. I tightened my grip on the neckline of her dress but nodded in understanding.

Selene stood up, resting her hand on my bottom as she carried me. She waved her hand which caused a little umbrella of water to form over us. The water seemed to ripple before it joined the umbrella.

"I wish I had powers like yours," I murmured as I nuzzled my head back into the crook of her neck.

"No you don't, they're hard to control especially when you first get them," Selene chuckled softly. "When my powers first started coming in I ended up flooding the town because I got so angry. You should see what Adira does when she gets angry," she said softly. I mulled over what she said before my eyes fluttered close, my thoughts going back to powers and how it would be a lot less scary if I had at least one.

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