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*Iris P.O.V*

Selene had found me and dragged me along with her. She seemed to be in littlespace and seemed to be very hyperactive. I was dragged to her little room and she started showing me all the stuffed animals that she had on her bed. She had lined them up from biggest to smallest and introduced them all to me.

I sat on the floor and watched her curiously, my head tilted to the side. She seemed really happy and really relaxed. I felt a small surge of jealousy at the fact that she could just so easily relax and be happy. It usually took me so long to relax because I had to be super comfortable and she had the whole littlespace thing to help her relax.

"Staring is rude," Nova's voice whispered in my ear. I turned my head slightly after I repressed my urge to flinch. She was laying across the bed and watching Selene quietly. "You can always ask if you want to play so much," she stated as she glanced at me.

"I do not want to play, I was just watching," I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest tightly. I sat up straight, barely keeping my eyes from wandering back to the stuffed animals Selene was holding.

"If you say so," Nova stated while smiling slightly. She slid off of the bed and went over to Selene, catching her attention.

"Mommy," Selene said as she threw her arms around Nova's legs. Nova crouched down and Selene latched onto her, her arms clinging to Nova tightly. Nova kissed her forehead and ran her fingers through her hair, scratching her scalp gently.

"Hello baby," Nova cooed as she pulled Selene close. I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart as I looked away, my eyes flicking to the ground. I wish that I had someone I could cuddle with and be held by. I pushed down that pang of jealousy and pretended to study my nails, looking at the skin around it. My nails were finally getting long now that I had stopped biting them.

I was surprised when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up, surprised to see Adira. "Come with me," she said as she held her hand out to me. I frowned slightly as I reached out and grabbed her hand, letting her pull me up to a standing position. I followed her out of the room and she turned to face me. "Are you alright?" she questioned curiously while staring at me.

"Of course, why would I be upset?" I questioned with a fake smile, tilting my head to stare at her. My face must have betrayed something because her lips twitched into a frown.

"You are a terrible liar," she said simply, her arms crossed over her chest. "I have been running a court for a long period of time and if you think that I can not see through a liar by now then you are incredibly wrong," she stated while leveling me with a warning look.

"Fine, I am kind of jealous of what Selene and Nova have together," I admitted after a moment. Her eyes were piercing and I felt like I had no other choice but to be honest with her. I felt vulnerable and exposed when I admitted that.

"Why are you jealous darling?" Adira said as she cupped my face, studying me slightly. "You could have that anytime you want," she stated, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion as I stared at her. She sighed after a moment and closed her eyes while pinching the bridge of her nose when I did not catch what she was saying. "I am saying that I can do that with you love," she stated.

"Oh," I said dumbly as I stared into her eyes. I felt comforted by her gaze and hesitantly wrapped my arms around her neck. She returned the hug, squeezing me tightly. I took a deep breath as I felt her hands on my back. She rubbed my back gently while kissing my forehead.

I slowly relaxed into the hold, my body losing the tension that it normally held. I buried my face into her chest, leaning into her touch with a soft whine. "Shh darling, everything is okay," she stated as she ran her fingers through my hair. I clung to her, my body shaking slightly as I clung to her tightly. "Shh, shh," she shushed me as I felt small in her hold.

Adira rubbed my back as she lifted me up, resting my head on her shoulder. She supported me by my legs, letting my legs wrap around her waist. She waited for a response but when I did not say anything, she carried me along with her. She took me back to my room, Ember meeting up with us at some point.

"Ember, open the door for me," Adira whispered as she bounced me slightly. I heard the door open and clung tighter to Adira when I felt her try and pry me off of her. I felt her sit down and lifted my head up to look at her. She laid back while holding me, letting me cling to her. "Look at this," she cooed as she picked up a stuffed animal off the bed, a little sloth that had been resting on my pillow.

"Mine?" I questioned as I hesitantly took it and cradled it in my arms.

"Of course it is yours," Adira stated as she bounced me slightly. I paid little attention to her and more attention to the plush sloth I was holding. I petted its fur gently and pushed Ember's hand away when she tried to touch it.

"Mine, no touch," I said as I curled up against Adira while holding my sloth. I pulled the blanket over us, tucking the sloth under the covers so that its head was resting on the pillow. "Mine," I whispered again as I cuddled with the sloth, putting my arm over my sloth to keep anyone from trying to take it.

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