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*Iris P.O.V*

Once I was done getting my milky, I wriggle out of Mummy's hold. I still feel small but not as small as I did when I was cuddled up to her and nursing. Maybe that was part of her magic, making me feel all little and small when she held me.

"Where are you going little one?" Mummy asks as she fixes her dress back up. I was fine with that for now, I knew she would have to pull it back down to let me nurse later. Maybe she didn't know that? That was part of my magic, maybe, being smarter than a grown up.

"Gonna go play," I inform her as I spin around for a moment, stopping when it makes me feel dizzy. I huff at that, not liking how it makes me feel. Stupid spinning always had to make my head hurt when I was done. I wait for the feeling to fade before spinning again. I let out a startled noise as I bump into someone, tilting my head up and smiling when I see Mommy.

"What are you doing sweetheart?" she asks.

"Spinning," I say since it is very obvious what I am doing. I think Mommy was just being silly asking that.

"I see that," Mommy says as she smiles, kissing my head gently.

"I going to play now," I inform her before trying to dart past her. She grabs my hand before I can, pulling me to a stop. I look back at her with a pout on my lips.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"Don't know," I shrug as I look at her with a pout on my lips. I couldn't believe that she would try and stop me from running out of the room and playing.

"Well I do not know if I want you running around the castle without supervision," Mommy states and I whine, stomping my foot with a frown on my lips.

"I don't need to be watched Mommy, I'm good," I huff as I try to twist out of her hold, glaring at her hand that was holding mine. I had not wanted to hold her hand, she needed to let go of it.

"I do not think so," Mommy says as she lets go of my hand after a moment. I stick my tongue out at her before I run off, knowing that she can't catch me. It was her fault that she was so slow.

I trip over a door sill, falling down. My knees are all scraped which makes me pout since I hadn't wanted to scrape my knees up. Stupid doors had to ruin everything is all I can think as I get up, stomping off to outside the castle.

The guards watch me like they are scared I am going to run off. I wanted to run off. I would have done it. I like it here, it's nice and plus I can't have Mummy's milk anymore if I don't stay here. I head towards the unicorns, climbing over the fence even though I was right next to the gate.

"Why put a gate in? Can just climb the fence," I mutter out loud, landing lightly on the grass on the other side. I walk quietly over to the herd of unicorns, smiling when one walks up to me. I reach out to pet it, whining when it side steps my touch.

'Not so fast young one,' a voice sounds in my head. It startles me and I come to a halt, looking around in confusion. One of the unicorns walks over to me and I can see the intelligence in his eyes. He is taller than me so he lowers his head a little, looking me in the eyes.

"You can talk?" I ask as I tilt my head.

'Only in your mind,' he says. My hand reaches out on its own merit, gently touching the fur on his chest. He nudges my hand with his muzzle, knocking my hand back.

"Is this my superpower?" I ask with wide eyes, looking at the other unicorns. It is like a static in my mind, the voices all blurring together. I can not believe that I can understand unicorns! This is so cool!

'It has been long since we met a mind speaker,' another unicorn's voice echoes in my mind. This one is more feminine but sounds younger. Maybe not as wise as the other one though. 'Hey' the voice says indigently.

'Well the little one isn't wrong,' the male unicorn says, snorting when the female one nipped his shoulder lightly.

"How come I have this superpower? I am just a normal person," I say with confusion.

'You are one of the blessed,' the male unicorn says.

"What is a blessed Mr. Unicorn?" I ask as I look at him with curiosity.

'My name is Euros and a blessed is one that a goddess has blessed with a power. I have never met a blessed so powerful as you,' Mr. Unicorn, or Euros, says. I thought Mr. Unicorn was a better name than Euros but I wouldn't tell him that.

"How does one get blessed?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing. He wasn't very good at explaining for being a wise old unicorn. I hear a snort of amusement from him and I realize he can hear my thoughts.

'You must have a pure mind and heart,' Euros says as he paws the ground with his hoof. I tilt my head, realizing I am kind of like a princess in a fairytale. That was so cool! I couldn't believe that I was magic and could talk to unicorns!

'It's not just unicorns young one, any animal will suffice,' the female unicorn says. My eyes widen and I pout after a moment.

"How come this is the first time I've heard any animal in my mind then?" I ask with a pout.

'You have to be around magical ley lines for your power to gather enough magic to work. The castle sits upon a ley line which is why we stay here,' Euros states. I nod in understanding before I realize I have to tell Mommy about this.

"Thank you Mr. Unicorn and other unicorns, I have to go tell Mommy," I inform them before turning around and running off, so excited to tell Mommy and Mummy!

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