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*Iris' P.O.V*

When I wake up, I'm very confused. I'm laid in a crib, one that I've never seen before. I whine, squirming slightly as I wriggle out from under the blanket I'm laying on. I fuss slightly as I rub my eyes, looking around for a moment.

"Mummy," I whimper, sitting up. Tears prick my eyes when I see that I'm alone. Hot tears roll down my face as I cry for Mummy, a startled sob escaping me when the door opens. I tense up, letting out a small whine as I see Mommy. She wasn't who I had been calling but she would certainly do.

"Mommy," I hiccup out, watching as she walks over. She pushes the bars down, scooping me up into her arms. I nuzzle into her, sniffling slightly as she pats my bottom.

"What's wrong baby?" Mommy asks, making me whine. I stick my fingers into my mouth, sucking on them to help soothe myself. Mommy raises an eyebrow when she sees my fingers in my mouth.

"Don't you want a paci?" Mommy asks, making me shake my head. I didn't want a stupid paci, I just wanted my fingers. They were much better than a paci could ever be. She hums as she nods, carrying me out of the room. I realize that it's attached to her and Mummy's room, something that makes me smile. Mummy is in bed, a book in her hands.

Mummy glances up, smiling when she sees me. She holds out her arms and I squeal happily as Mommy sets me into her arms. I can't help but be excited, I love cuddles and I was sure that Mummy would give the best cuddles.

"I thought you were still asleep," Mummy muses as she pats my bottom. Only then do I realize that there's some sort of barrier, one that's rather thick. I twist in confusion, trying to see what it was.

"What are you doing baby?" Mommy asks as I keep trying to look. I twist around until I'm upside down, my nightgown rolling up slightly. I whine when it doesn't help me see what I'm trying to look at, earning a small laugh from Mommy. She grabs me, pulling me over to her. She helps pull my nightgown up, letting me take a look.

"Diaper," I murmur as I look down at the diaper I'm wearing, confusion on my face. I hadn't been wearing a diaper earlier. Or a nightgown either. I look at Mommy in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes baby, you're wearing a diaper. Mommy had to change you to get you ready for bed," Mommy informs me, making me pout. I didn't like the fact that she had changed me, I coulda changed myself with no help from her.

"I big girl," I whine, throwing myself backward onto the bed. Mummy glances at me when my head lands next to her knee on the bed.

"You won't be feeling very big if you end up slamming your head onto my knee in the middle of a fit," Mummy says as she rolls her eyes, clearly amused at my fit. I whine, rolling over onto my tummy and staring over the edge of the bed. Maybe I could push myself off of it, that would be fun. I wriggle closer to the edge, squealing in protest when Mummy picks me up and sets me on the floor.

"Mean," I huff as I sit there, tilting my head back to look at her. She smiles slightly as I pout at her. She was such a meanie head. I had wanted to push myself off the bed, not be put down gently. Her doing that meant I wouldn't get hurt and how could I get their attention and affection without getting hurt?

"I can't allow you to fling yourself off the bed. You would get injured," Mummy says, making me pout at her. I puff my cheeks out, holding my breath to show her how angry I am.

"What is she doing?" Mommy asks, making Mummy look at her.

"I believe she is holding her breath to show that she's mad," Mummy says before she lowers herself off the bed, sitting right in front of me. She pulls my face closer to hers before blowing on my face, making me startle backwards and breathe in from surprise.

"Meanie," I burst into tears, not at all happy with what she had done. Heaving sobs escape me and I'm scooped up by Mummy. I push at her chest, trying to pull away from the mean lady who had just startled me.

"It must be so hard to be so little," Mummy murmurs as she wipes away my tears with her thumb, rocking me slightly. I sniffle as I nuzzle into her, seeking out some sort of comfort even if she had been mean just a couple of minutes ago.

"Is 'ard," I agree, making her chuckle as she looks down at me. I stare up at her with tear-filled eyes.

"Would milky make it better?" Mummy asks, making me nod my head as I reach up to her neckline, trying to tug her nightgown down. She laughs at my excitement, gently grabbing my hand to stop me as she slips her free arm out of the sleeve of her nightgown and lets it fall on one side.

As soon as I can, I latch on. I wriggle into Mummy's lap, kicking my legs out slightly in excitement. Mummy lets me, patting my bottom as I wriggle with excitement.

"You know how sharks act when there's blood in the water?" Mommy asks as she looks down at us from where she's sitting on the bed. "I think that's how Iris is going to be when it comes to your breasts," she says.

"You can say boobs, you don't always have to be so proper," Mummy sticks her tongue out at Mommy, making me giggle.

"Oh? Do you think that's funny, little miss?" Mommy asks, making me shake my head slightly when she turns her attention to me. I keep nursing, averting my gaze to look at the ceiling. I bet I could get up there if I jumped high enough on the bed.

"I can see you planning something naughty," Mummy says, making me tuck my head against her boob, hiding my face as I continue to nurse. I would just have to be sneakier next time, then she would never expect anything.

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