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*Iris P.O.V*

I ended up falling asleep while leaning against Ember. Her arms were wrapped around me and she was pretty warm so I found it easy to fall asleep. I cuddled into her subconsciously as I hid my face into her top. 

When I woke up I was in the room that they had first assigned me. I stretched out with a small groan escaping my lips. "I did not expect to fall asleep so easily," I muttered as I rubbed my eyes before sitting up slowly. The curtains on the windows had been parted allowing moonlight to shine through and I reached my hand out, watching the glow of the soft moonlight on my skin.

I climbed out of bed slowly, pondering what to do now that I was awake. I could try going back to sleep but I knew that would be pointless as once I was awake, I was awake for good. I figured I could try wandering around the castle. It was late at night and I doubted the Elders were still awake. I mean they had to sleep at some point so if they were awake then I could try and wait until later to sneak out of my room.

I went to the door and slowly opened it up, peeking out carefully. I grinned when I saw that there were no guards and took it as a chance to leave my room. I quietly walked down the long hallway, feeling a little nervous about the dark shadows that loomed down the hallways. I walked quickly, flinching when a hand appeared out of the shadows. 

"I am sorry ma'am, I was simply trying to get your attention," the man said as he smiled softly. "The Elders gave us strict instructions that we were not allowed to let you wander the hallways without one of them," he explained.

"You don't have to tell them what I'm doing," I said innocently as I smiled.

"I already have," he apologized.

"How did you even know what I was doing?" I questioned with a frown.

"The Elders warned us that you would probably wake up and try to wander around the castle," he shrugged simply. "Madame," he said suddenly as he straightened up. I spun around and smiled innocently at Adira who raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nice to see you at this lovely hour," I said as I looked up at her.

"Yes, I am so sure that you are happy to see me and not upset that I ruined your little nighttime adventure," she stated.

"I actually am upset but I did not want to tell you that but since you already said that you are right," I said. "You ruined all the fun," I sulked as I glared at her, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"I know, I am so mean," Adira said as she sighed softly. "Let's get you back to bed," she cooed to me.

"No thank you, I am not tired at all Miss Elder," I said as I tried to walk around her. She grabbed my arm before I could and pulled me back to her.

"Where do you think you are going?" she asked with a small frown on her lips. 

"I am going far away," I said as I pushed her hand off of my arm. "I am hungry and you have not fed me. Take me to where you keep your food," I told her with a smile.

"If I take you to get food will you go back to bed after you are done eating?" Adira questioned. I nodded my head quickly as I crossed my fingers behind my back. "Alright, let us go get you some food then," she said as she put her hand on the small of my back and guided me away from the guard. I turned around slightly and waved goodbye to him before turning back around. "I know you crossed your fingers," she whispered in my ear. I froze slightly as I bit my bottom lip.

"No, I did not," I said with a frown as I looked up at her. "You do not know anything," I said as I frowned deeply while walking ahead of her.

"If you say so," she said as she brushed past me, a small smirk on her lips. "Although you will find out that I know quite a lot," she stated.

"You do not," I argued, feeling quarrelsome for some odd reason. "If you know so much how come you had to ask me who told me that you had magic?" I questioned as I stuck my tongue out.

"Keep your tongue inside your mouth young lady," Adira scolded as she turned around. I sulked as I crossed my arms over my chest while staring up at her.

"You are mean," I said as I huffed softly. "You did not answer my question," I pointed out as I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"I had to ask you that because while I know a lot of things, I do not know everything and it would be foolish to assume that I knew everything," she stated simply. 

"You are supposed to know everything though, you are an elder after all," I said as I huffed softly with a frown.

"You can not expect me to know everything, I can only know so much," Adira stated as she smiled softly. "You will realize that in due time," she promised as she rubbed my back gently. "What are you hungry for?" she questioned.

"I want something sweet," I said as I walked beside her slowly. "So find me something that's sweet," I demanded softly, looking away when she looked at me. "Please," I added after a moment.

"That's more like it," she said as she pushed open a door.  I smiled before she looked away and stuck my tongue out at her turned back. 

"You're bossy," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" she questioned as she paused in the doorway.

"I said that I would like some chocolate please," I said with an innocent smile on my lips as I looked up at her.

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