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Two of the Elders^^

Also I got most of my character casting ideas from BowtieLauren since she knows the best people for characters.

Also yes I reuploaded the chapter since the picture wasn't working.

*Iris P.O.V*

The nice lady that Maria sent me off with told me that she would allow me to use the restroom. She said chamber but it was always going to be the restroom for me since I was clearly normal. I followed her quietly, my legs pressed as close together as I could get them. I would not wet myself, I could not deal with the embarrassment of wetting myself. I felt like I was about too wet myself by the time that we got to my bed-chamber. I always found it weird how the bed room was referred to as bed-chamber and the restroom was the privy-chamber if you were feeling formal about their names but they could both be referred to as a chamber. That meant that there could be some confusion if you just said chamber.

I shook my head as I managed to get my train of thoughts back on track. I mean technically it was on the same track just then since I was thinking about how bad I had to pee. I really should stop thinking about how bad I have to go, it really makes it hard to not go.

"Here we are," the woman said as she opened the door to a bedroom. It was nice although a bit dingy. My eyes were drawn to the lock on the outside of the door, clearly meant for keeping people in. I barely registered how the rest of the room looked with how bad I had to go to the bathroom.

"Where's the privy at?" I asked, shortening privy-chamber for my sake as I held still. Normally I would have been bouncing from side to side except I was pretty sure that I would wet myself if moved anymore then I had to.

"Door on the left," the woman said making me nod. I shuffled to the bathroom, each move sending a pang to my bladder. I entered the bathroom, the floor going from stone to even rougher stone. I shut the door and let out a sigh of relief. I had made it the bathroom without wetting myself. I moved towards the toilet, relaxing slightly since I had made it to the bathroom. My foot slipped when I stepped on a little bit of water on the floor and I barely managed to stop myself from falling. I gasped softly as I lost the fight with my bladder and felt my panties grow wet. I felt it trickle down my leg and a small noise of shock escaped my lips as shook from shock. I stood still, not wanting to risk making a bigger mess than I already had.

I carefully shuffled to the door and opened it slightly. "Umm...miss, I sort of need help," I said as I peeked out. The woman came over to me and raised an eyebrow slightly with a frown. "I..sort of...didn't make it," I muttered.

"I can't hear you, speak up," the woman ordered making me whine and shift slightly. I bit my bottom lip with a small puff of air pushing past my lips.

"I had an accident," I stated softly as tears started to trickle down my face from embarrassment. The woman's look softened as she looked at my face.

"Alright sweetheart, it's okay," she said as she shushed my whines. "I'll get you some clothes. The tub should be filled with warm water so go and take a quick bath," she told me making me nod.

"Okay," I whispered as I shut the door and turned to look at the tub. The water looked inviting since there was slight steam coming off of it. I slipped my wet skirt off, throwing it on the floor. I glared at the skirt with a frown on my lips as I started to pull my top off. On top of the stupid caste system this world was quite sexist when it came to clothing. Women were expected to wear dresses and men worse pants. The lower rank you were, the stricter the dress code was. If you were about middle class then the dress code lessened slackened on you significantly. If you were high class such as an A or a B then the dress code got stricter on you once again because you were expected to follow it.

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