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If no one has figured it out yet this world is a matriarchy. I just like the idea of having it be a matriarchy seeing as it makes sense for all the Elders to be a female if it's a matriarchy.

Also I had another story idea. This story would be more domestic discipline. It would be about a girl whose father marries the queen. The girl finally gets some discipline in her life seeing as her father had always been to busy to actually put some structure in her life that is affective. I don't know, it seems like it would be fun to write plus it would be nice to have a stepmother that isn't pure evil and shows off that stepmothers can be nice.

Also I got 900 followers which is amazing so thank you all so much.

*Iris P.O.V*

Esme came into my room the next morning, a smile on her lips. She gave me a puzzled look when she realized that I was already up, the bed still made from the previous night. "Did you not sleep at all last night my dear? The bed looks completely untouched," she questioned me as she came over to where I was sitting on the floor.

"I wasn't tired," I said as I glanced at her. As soon as the Elders had left Esme had escorted me ack to my room where she said that while they wouldn't force me to go to bed, I needed to stay in this room. Even if I had wanted to leave, she had locked the door behind her. Did they really think I was going to attempt to escape when I had only arrived yesterday? I was going to plan out an escape plan first, like all prisoners did. 

"Well you could have at least laid down in bed. I'm sure it would have been much more comfortable than sitting on the floor all night," Esme told me. I shrugged making her frown as she sat down next to me. "Are you okay?" she asked as she gently touched my arm.

"Don't touch me," I said as I jerked away with a frown on my lips. She stared at me confused as I scooted away, glaring at the floor. I don't know why I reacted that way towards her, she was only trying to be nice and it wasn't her fault that I was in a bad mood because I was exhausted. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," I said softly.

"What's going on with you darling? You tired?" Esme asked as she scooted closer to me. I nodded and she cooed softly as she wrapped her arm around me. I leaned into her slightly, resting my head on her shoulder with a sigh.

"Yeah," I nodded my head making her smile as she turned and kissed the top of my head gently. I felt a small bit of calmness flush through me but didn't want to admit to how nice that it actually felt to get a kiss on the forehead.

"Well let's maybe take a nap soon then darling," Esme encouraged as she rubbed my back gently with her free hand as she looked at me, concern etched into her eyes. For some reason her eyes really reminded me of Ember's even though they didn't look much a like. The thought of it being Ember doing this for some reason made me shiver slightly in excitement.

"No way, today I get to do whatever I want. Adira said so," I stated as I smiled slightly, noticing the way Esme grimaced slightly. "Did I say something wrong?" I questioned with a frown.

"It's just that you are supposed to refer to her as Madame. All of the Elders technically have titles you are supposed to refer to them as. Adira is Madame, Ember is Lady, Miss is used for Opal, Missus is for Nova, and ma'am can be used for Selene. Let it be known though that their ranks don't really determine how they behave," Esme smirked slightly.

"What does that mean?" I asked as I tried to memorize what I was supposed to call them. Adira was Madame, that one I knew. I think the Miss and Missus titles would be confused often but I hoped I could learn them quickly enough to avoid trouble.

"I mean they're quite immature at times. Adira is the only one to always be mature and she is also the main disciplinarian of the group so don't anger her," she stated making me giggle. "I'm serious," she said making me shrug.

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