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*Iris's P.O.V*

"Where did your wife go?" I asked as I tilted my head back to look at Adira who smiled at me as she played with my pigtails. She pushed my head back up making me groan as I let it fall back again.

"She went to check on your new room," Adira stated as she pushed my head back up and I let it flop back again with a frown.

"I don't need a new room, I like the room I'm in now," I informed her, making her shrug her shoulders.

"You should not have been planning an escape and you would have been able to keep it. Instead you have to be moved closer to all of our bedrooms so we can keep an eye on you," she stated making me groan. "Do not sulk about it," she said.

"I don't want a new room, I like the room I'm staying in. It has a canopy bed," I stated making her raise an eyebrow.

"Your new bedroom has a canopy bed as well," she promised me, making me frown as I tried to think of another reason so I didn't have to move to another room. "No ifs, ands, or buts about it. You will be moving to a new room until we deem you trustworthy to have your old room back," she stated, making me cross my arms.

"No," I said, making her raise an eyebrow. I turned to look at her so I didn't have to tilt my head back anymore. "I'm staying in the room I have now, you can't make me move," I stated firmly as she straightened up while looking at me.

"You do not tell me where or where not you will stay. You stay in the room I allow you to stay in," Adira stated, making me glare at her.

"I'm not moving to another room and if you try to make me I'll throw the biggest fit you've ever seen," I said. I frowned when she leaned down and picked me up, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment over the fact she could pick me up so easily.

"You are welcome to throw any fit that you like but there are consequences to your actions," she stated as she sat me on her lap. "So remember that," she told me as she looked at me with an almost challenging look.

"No there aren't," I rolled my eyes as I scoffed slightly. "And even if there were consequences, you couldn't punish me," I said as I stuck my tongue out making her eye twitch slightly.

"Corner now," she said as she lifted me off of her lap and stood me up in front of her. "You want to act like I can not punish you then I will show you that I can. Go to the corner now," she said as she pointed to the corner. I shook my head which made her get up. I shrunk down underneath her gaze and went to the corner with a huff escaping my lips. I kicked the wall some as I stared at the wall with a frown.

"Stop kicking the walls," Nova said as I heard her book close.

"It is fine, let her throw her little fit. Her timeout does not really start until she can stand there quietly without a fuss," Adira said, making me whine as I sat down with an angry huff. I wasn't going to stand, she couldn't make me stand either. I heard the door open and shut which made me frown knowing that Ember was probably back.

"Why is she in the corner for?" Ember asked. I heard what sounded like Adira's voice speak to her in hushed whispers. I rested my head against the wall as I started to suck on my thumb with a frown. I sat there quietly as I stared at the wall. I felt myself start to grow frustrated after a bit and when I got frustrated, I usually ended up crying. I usually cried when I had any sort of negative emotion. I sniffled softly and heard the sound of heels approaching me. I was picked up making me squeal as I tried to twist around.

"Shh it is okay," Nova said as she turned me around and let me rest against her hip. "It is okay baby, do not cry," she whispered as she pushed my head into the crook of her neck. I sniffled softly as I closed my eyes, enjoying the darkness. I also enjoyed the comfort of her holding me.

"Bring her to me," Adira said, making me clutch onto Nova's top while clinging to her. Nova moved towards the sound of Adira's voice making me whine softly. I whimpered as I was handed to who I presumed was Adira. Nova pulled my hand off of her top and I was turned around.

"Open your eyes," Ember said, making me open my eyes slightly before shutting them. "That is not what I meant and you know that Iris," she said. "I promise that you will like your new room. You can even help us pick out the flooring and paint and furniture," she stated.

"Where do I stay if you have to do all that to my new room?" I lisped around my thumb while slowly opening my eyes. I blinked before turning my head to look at Ember as Adira had me sitting on her lap.

"You will stay in your old room until your new room is finished. However you will have guards outside your doors and they will accompany you and Esme wherever you go from this point forward," Adira said, making me nod my head as she looked down at me. "Have we not had a talk about this?" she asked as she tapped the hand of the thumb that I had in my mouth. I shook my head as I looked away with a blush.

"Clearly you have not had a talk with her about. Would she lie?" Opal said from the couch across the room. "Madame you must get your memory checked out," she said with a teasing tone.

"Yes dear, I do think your memory is being affected with your old age," Ember said, making Adira turn her head and glare at her. "What? I was just saying," she said as she looked away.

"Well I am just saying that the age comment just got you in trouble," Adira said as she frowned slightly. "I will put you in the corner too, try me," she said, making Ember shake her head as she looked down.

"No thank you," Ember said as she turned her head to look at Adira. "I think I like not being in the corner so I will just keep my mouth shut Madame," she stated as she played with the ends of her dress. Adira smirked slightly as she leaned over and kissed her cheek making Ember smile.

"You are so easy to mess with my love," Adira said softly as she pulled Ember close. I sat quietly and for some reason felt a pang of jealousy that their attention wasn't on me. I scooted in between them earning a laugh from Ember as she kissed the top of my head. "No one forgot about you silly girl," Adira cooed as she wrapped her arm around Ember.

"I mean clearly we just were not giving her enough attention," Ember said as she smiled softly. I noticed that Selene was watching with a small pout before she got up and came over.

"I want to be included please," Selene said softly. Adira chuckled as she pulled her down to sit on her lap, kissing her cheek. Selene smiled as she blushed.

"Opal, Nova," Adira said, making the two of them look at her. "You can join as well if you wish," she stated, making Opal get up and cross the room quickly, sitting beside Ember who smiled. Nova crossed the room and sat down on Opal's lap. For some reason it felt nice to be cuddled in the middle of all of them. Although it was a bit embarrassing when they all started to coo over me, making me hide my face into Ember's chest which made them coo over me even more.

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