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*Iris's P.O.V*

I was still cuddled in between them all when the door opened. I hunkered down slightly to hide as I watched the door, Adira tightening her grip on me with a frown on her face. "Why are you interrupting this moment?" she asked the person who entered the room. I scooted closer to Ember and cuddled into her quietly.

"You told me to remind you when you had court Madame," the man said, making her nod and dismiss him.

"Madame, no. You promised we would have today off," Selene said with a whine in her tone.

"I can't help the fact we have court today," Adira stated, making Selene get off of her lap as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes you can. You promised that today would be a day off for everyone," Selene argued making Adira raise an eyebrow as she stood up.

"Selene, whether you like it or not we have court today. We have a duty to do so stop it with the arguing," Adira said. "We will continue our day off after we listen to this one court case," she stated as she put her hands on her hips while staring at Selene.

"No," Selene said, making Opal blink in shock.

"Excuse you?" Adira asked as her eyes widened slightly before narrowing.

"I'm not going to do court with you," Selene stated simply.

"Yes you are, it's quite literally your job to attend," Opal said. "You need to knock it off Selene because you're about to get sent to your room for the rest of the day with that attitude," she warned. Selene crossed her arms across her chest and stomped her feet with a whine. "What has gotten into you Selene? You were doing so well and now you just want to fight me on this?" she asked.

"Yes because Adira promised we would have today to spend together with no work. She promised," Selene said as she looked away. "You promised too," she muttered softly while looking down with her lips pursed in sadness.

"Selene, I know I promised and I hate breaking my promises to you more than anything, you know how I feel about breaking promises. If we could put this off until tomorrow I would gladly do it but it requires immediate attention," Adira stated as she tilted Selene's head up. "How about this? You and Iris can go to your room and pick some movies and pajamas out and the rest of us will go deal with court as quickly as possible. Does that sound fair love?" she asked.

"I guess so," Selene nodded her head. "You promise that I can pick some movies out? Whatever I want," she said as she looked at Opal and Nova who nodded. "Okay," she said with a sigh.

"Go with Selene and keep her company please baby," Ember whispered in my ear, making me nod as I got up. Selene grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

"Why did you act like that?" I asked, earning a look from Selene. "You kind of acted like a child throwing a tantrum," I stated, making her shrug.

"I'm a switch," she said simply, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She giggled when she noticed the look on my face. "Adira, Ember, Opal, and Nova are all caregivers. They like to care for people called littles who have a headspace that they slip into and they have a younger mind when in headspace. Say someone is my age which is physically quite old but when I'm little I'm mentally around 6 years old. I am both a caregiver and little depending on the day and how I feel. What you saw back there was little me coming out and throwing a bit of a tantrum. Opal and Nova are my main caregivers but Ember and Adira also care for me," Selene explained.

"Okay," I said, still slightly confused. "I don't think I quite understand what you mean," I admitted, making her smile slightly.

"I can show you what I mean. You can see the room I sleep in when I'm little," Selene stated. "You can also borrow some of the pajamas I sleep in when little. The rest of the time when I'm not little my pajama clothes are a bit too see through to wear around the rest of the Elders," she said with a blush.

"So are you like dating Opal and Nova or anyone really?" I asked, making her nod her head.

"Yeah, yeah I'm dating them both," Selene said with a smile. "They really love me which is good because my last partner didn't really seem to love," she murmured with a sigh. "Whatever, that's the past," she stated. She paused in front of a birch door with her name carved into it. Her hand pulled a bracelet off and she grabbed the key that was dangling on her bracelet to unlock the door which she opened and let me go in first.

"Woah," I said as I looked around the room. It was predominantly pastel rainbow colors. The walls were rainbow and so were most of the toys. "You really like rainbow huh?" I asked as I looked at Selene who nodded.

"Yeah, little me really likes rainbows. It's something that really comforts me for some reason," Selene stated. "Uh...the movies are over there in the cabinet. You can pick one and then I'll pick one. Maybe we can both pick two movies to watch depending on how long the court session lasts," she said with a smile. "I'll get pajamas for us both. You have a favorite color?" she asked.

"Blue or like a silver color," I said, making her nod as she went over to a closet door and opened it. I wandered over to the cabinet she pointed out and opened it up, looking at all the movies that had been stuffed into it. I looked through them for a bit before Selene joined me.

"I want to watch A Mermaid's Tale," she said as she grabbed the movie towards the front of the case. "Your pick," she stated with a smile.

"I guess this one," I said as I picked a movie with a cartoonish wolf on it.

"White Fang? Good choice, it's a great movie," Selene said with a grin as she grabbed it as well. "Here's your nightgown," she stated as she handed me a black nightgown with silver stars all over it. It had ruffles at the bottom which made me smile as I took it.

"So do we put them on now or do we wait until later?" I questioned, making her shrug as she looked at the clock.

"I say that we put them on later," Selene stated. "Come sit on my bed, we can watch cartoons until they come get us," she said as she grabbed my free hand and pulled me over to a twin sized bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed, her grabbing the remote as she sat down in the middle of her bed. She turned the tv on and clicked on a random channel where cartoon characters filled the screen. I blinked in shock before focusing on the characters with a small smile on my lips. "This is my favorite show," Selene whispered as she lay down on her bed, her head down by my knee. She propped her head up with her hands as she focused on the show.

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