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*Iris' P.O.V*

I had abandoned Mumma to go chase after O'Malley, knowing that he needs a bath. He's much quicker than me and he can crawl through places I can't. Right now I'm currently under a hallway table, trying to grab him. I whimper, trying my best to grab ahold of him.

"Please O'Malley, Mommy won't let me keep you if you don't have a bath," I plead, trying to grab him. He swats my hand away with a paw, not using his nails just yet.

'That woman isn't the boss of me. I'll stay here if I wish,' O'Malley retorts, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looks at me.

"But you have fleas and you smell! Don't you want me to get rid of the fleas?" I ask with a small pout, my lower lip trembling. He hisses at me as I try to grab him again. Tears of frustration are already running down my face and so he stares at me for a while.

"Fine, but you will do it quickly," O'Malley says as he lets me pick him up. I scoot on my bottom until I'm out from under the table, carrying him with me when I get up. It's hard to get up with your hands full but I manage to do so.

I walk with O'Malley in my arms, holding him like he is a baby. He doesn't seem to care all that much, occasionally trying to crawl over my shoulder using his claws. I ignore that for most part, taking him to Mommy and Mummy's room.

I go to their bathroom, filling the bathtub up with warm water. I sit O'Malley in it, cupping my hands together to cup the water and pour it on his back. He growls as I do this, glaring up at me.

'I would rip your throat out if you weren't my owner,' O'Malley informs me coldly, not at all sounding happy with me. I shrug as I get some of Mommy's shampoo in my hands, liking the flowery smell this one has. I started to rub the shampoo into his fur.

'Flowers? Are you serious?' O'Malley asks. I nod my head, not bothering to verbally answer as I watch the fleas and dirt come off of his fur. He growls, trying to move away as I let the shampoo soak into his fur.

"Stop it, you're gonna smell good," I huff as I hold him still, continuing to scrub him. He growls and grumbles the entire time but doesn't scratch me. I cup water into my hands, pouring it onto him. He looks even more aggravated at that.

'You have three seconds to get this smelly shit off me before I make you have a hospital trip' O'Malley informs me, his tail lashing back and forth in the water. I huff at his words as I have to keep using my hands to pour water onto his back. At one point I just splash him with the water in the tub, something that helps me get most of the shampoo off.

I lift him out of the tub, wrapping him up in a towel and drying him off. As soon as he can get away from me, he does, leaving me alone in the bathroom. I pout, looking at the dirty bathtub water. I wrinkle my nose up, pulling the plug so that the dirt and stuff can go down the drain.

I sit back, watching the water drain. Then I fill the tub up again, getting Mommy's shampoo. I pour some into the water, struggling with the pump. It's like my body has decided that everything is much too hard to do. The only thing that sounded nice was cuddles.

I swirl my hand in the water, watching some bubbles form from the shampoo that was in it. I giggle slightly, clapping my hands together. That just flicks water off of my wet hand and onto my dress. I plop down on my bottom, not caring that I have to lean over the cold and uncomfortable side of the bathtub to splash in the water.

The bubbles keep popping and I watch them, trying to pop them before they pop themselves. I squeal happily when some of the water splashes over the side of the tub, soaking my dress. I clap my hands together, whining in confusion when I'm suddenly up in the air. I am turned around and I smile excitedly when I see Mummy.

"Mummy! Mummy, bubbles," I squeal as I point down at the bathtub, earning a small chuckle from Mummy.

"I see," Mummy says as she pats my bottom. I try to ignore how it makes my head fuzzy. Her holding me makes me feel small, like I belong in her arms and shouldn't ever leave them. I feel so small. My thumb slips into my mouth, quickly being spit out at the taste of shampoo that still covers it.

"Icky!" I cry, upset that it was so nasty. Tears prick my eyes as I look at Mummy who hums softly, taking me to the sink and washing my hands off. Tears are already falling down my face though, something I can't stop even once my hands are free of the icky shampoo taste.

"My poor baby, it's so hard getting into trouble," Mummy sighs as she bounces me on her hip slightly, carrying me into the bedroom. She sits down on the edge of the bed, laying back against her pillows. I stare at her with wide eyes, confused about what she was doing. She undoes her top, pulling it down before removing her top.

"Come here," Mummy says as she pulls me close, guiding my lips to her nipple. I latch on, starting to nurse. I snuggle into her, a sigh escaping me as I enjoy the contact of her skin against my face as she lets me lay on her lap.

"Mummy," I murmur against her breast, still nursing. My nursing slows down after a while and Mummy rubs my back, letting me fall asleep as I continue to nurse, still slowly nursing as she hums to me.

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