Safe, at last

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"My name is y/n. I have no idea what's my last name, so you can call me just y/n. I was abducted when I was 4 years old, by Overhaul. I don't actually know what they wanted me for. All I know, is that Overhaul took my body apart, ripping it to pieces and then putting it back together as one. The head remained untouched, always. They collected my blood but I have no idea why. They wanted to make something out of my blood. I have a thing they called 'quirk' that they prevented me from using, with a drug they gave me. They did the same procedure every day. As I was getting older, Overhaul was only 'handling' my arms and my legs because otherwise my body would tear apart and he wouldn't be able to replace it. As I said before, my face they used to leave untouched. Overhaul thought that it was prettier when pain was shown without blood featuring. But once, he hit me in the face with a metal bat and he found it...entertaining." I stop narrating and chuckle ironically. My head is bowed and I am looking at my hands. "All these have been happening for the last 13 years, since I am 17 now. At least I think so. I don't know when I was born." I say. "So, you don't know when your birthday is?" All-Might ask me and I shake my head negatively. "Ow." I hear him exclaiming. I look up and understand that mr. Cementoss has hit him, because of what he said. I smile lightly and wipe the one tear I let slip down my cheek. I couldn't hold it as the others.

"Y/n, I am so sorry." Ms. Midnight says. "Don't be." I reply. "I had gotten used to it. But when I found the opportunity today, I run away. I thought that maybe it would be better." I say. "Tamaki, will you take y/n to Recovery girl while me and the teachers chat a bit?" principal Nezu asks. "Y-yes sensei." Tamaki says and we get up.

He opens the door for me and we walk outside. "Ta-Tamaki, what d-do you think they are t-talking about?" I ask him. "Probably ab-about your coming to U.-U.A." He replies. "Wha-what?" I ask him. "Well, i-it's the most l-likely." He replies. "A-and through U.A. s-someone becomes a h-hero?" I ask him and he nods. "And heroes save people, right?" I ask. "Y-yeah." Tamaki replies. "A-are you thinking of a-accepting principal's N-Nezu s-suggestion?" he asks me. "Well, were things different, I definitely would. Now, I am not sure, but most probably I will." I tell him. "A-already?" he asks me. "What do you mean?" I ask him. "W-well, usually when we save people, they want too to become h-heroes. But that happens after some y-years, when they have gotten o-over their p-past." Tamaki says. "I get your point, but what if d-during these years someone n-needs a h-hero?" I ask him. "You will have to put a lot of w-work you know. B-but if you t-tell me that you want it very m-much, I will be of h-help to you." He says, not replying to my question. "I w-want people to feel like I did. A little safer. You understand me?" I say. "Yeah. Yeah I do." He replies.

I was always sympathetic with people. I never thought about myself. I always prioritized others over myself. The reason why I never escaped before, is because I always helped other prisoners escape. Same thing now; I want to help those who need it. I am sure that there are more kids out there, that are abused by villains. I will find them.

We enter Recovery Girl's office. "Ah hello Amajiki! Hello sweetie. Who are you?" she asks me. "Y-y/n." I mumble. I am still anxious and nervous. "Would you like some checkup?" she asks me and I look straight into her eyes. "Kind of." I say. She can see the pain in my eyes. She gives me a kind smile. "Sit on the bed here. I will be with you in a sec." she says and I nod.

"T-Tamaki, I am really s-sorry t-to ask you t-this, but due to my arm i-injuries, I can't apply p-pressure on t-them. So, w-would you m-mind h-helping me out a b-bit?" I ask him, looking at my hands. "S-sure." He says. He carefully pics me up and sits me on the bed. "T-thank you and I am s-sorry for once m-more." I say. "No worries. A-and don't a-apologize." He says and looks deep in my eyes.

Recovery girl enters the room. "Did you put these bandages yourself sweetie?" she asks me. "N-no. Overhaul did. B-blood repels him." I say and her lips form an 'o'. She probably was informed about what I went through. "Let me just remove them sweetie." She says and I nod. She removes the bandage on my right arm. "Oh, dear Lord! What did they do to you?!" she asks me, at the sight of the lines that the 'putting back' did. I let two tears run down my cheeks. They run hot, down my cold skin. I close my eyes. I feel something warm on my face. I open my eyes and see Amajiki wiping my tears away. He gives me a sad smile, which I return.

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