Movie night~

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T (Tamaki): Hello. I umm...I ask y/n's mom about her daughter's birthday and she told me that it is in 2 days, so I was thinking that maybe we could throw her a surprise party.
A (All-Might): So, you know when her birthday is?!! Yay!!
N (Nejire): Tamaki! That's a great idea!
M (Mirio): I'm in.
E (Eraser): I guess I will come too.
I (Izumi): Thank you for thinking of my little girl. I am in too.
F (Fat-Gum): Should we start to divide chores??

I feel y/n shifting above my chest so I cast a glance at her and see her sleeping. Oh, thank goodness.

S (Sofia): Yes!!
L (Leo): I am making the cake.
M: ?
N: ?
T: ?
S: ?
L: Whaaat? I have secret talents....

The night goes by, planning y/n’s birthday. It’s around 4 AM, when we decide to continue the planning later and get some sleep. It is the festival tomorrow, umm today, after all.

At 8 AM, I open my eyes, to y/n playing with my hair and listening closely to my heartbeat. “M-morning.” I tell her and she flinches, removing her hand from my hair. “Oh my God, did I wake you up??!!” She asks me terrified. I chuckle. “No.” I reply and she smiles, placing her head back on my chest. I have a weird feeling on my stomach, like butterflies. It's no news to me. I feel it every time I am around her.

“Are you ready for the festival today?” She asks me. “Yep.” I reply. ‘Yep’? Really Amajiki?’ I think to myself. “Great!! We will go and pick up Eri too.” Y/n says and sits up on the bed. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and gets up. I am facing a difficulty getting up, since I got only 4 hours of sleep. “C’mon get up Amajiki! I need to get dressed.” She says and I groan getting up. I go over to her and give her a smooch and then go to my room.

I put on a shirt and a pair of pants. I style it with a pair of converse all-star that y/n has bought for me. I hear a knock on the door. “C-come in.” I say and the handle turns. Y/n comes in, in a beautiful outfit that points out her s/b/f {strong body feature(s) e.x. legs. Also, I don't specify the outfit because I don't know what you like to dress like. In my mind, I was thinking a flowery skirt with a white top and a white flat shoe.} I blush at her sight. She chuckles and blushes.

“S-shall we?” I ask her and she nods. We go downstairs, where the others are waiting for us. “Haha! This time you were late!!” Nejire shouts. God, where does she find the energy? “Should we go?” Tsuki asks. “You guys go. Me and Amajiki are going to pick Eri up and then we will come.” Y/n says and we leave, separately.

We walk towards the train, holding our hands. “Amajiki, do you think that I should have asked my mother about my birthday? Should I call her???” Y/n asks me and I feel my heart beating faster. I feel a lump in my throat. How do I handle that now?? “Ummm, I-I uhh, sure. I just think t-that you should w-wait until you see her again.” I stutter. “You are probably right. I shouldn't ask her through the phone.” Y/n replies and I sigh in relief. My pulse goes back to its normal speed.

We embark on the train. Y/n sits on the window side. While on the train, we talk about the exams that are coming up. We should get our asses down and study.

We reach our station, so we get down. We are walking, until y/n stops. I look at her confused. “Can I try something?” She asks me. “Sure bunny.” I reply and she motions me to lower down. I bend my knees, when I feel something on my back and two hands around my neck. I realize that y/n got up on my back. I put my arms behind her legs and get up. “Are you okay with that, cinnamon roll?” She asks me affectionately. I nod and begin walking.

I am walking, when I decide to speed up and a little more and a little more. After a few minutes I find myself running and y/n laughing in amusement. God, she is amazing. We enter Eri's room and y/n goes down from my back.

“Wow! I wanna do that too!!” Eri shouts and both me and y/n chuckle. “Are you ready to go?” Y/n asks Eri and she nods excited. “Then let's go.” Y/n says and puts Eri on her back, carrying the little girl.

After a lot of walking and Eri's sweet chatting, we reach the festival. We take a tour around, buying sweets and snacks.

By the time of the beauty pageant, we are kinda exhausted. We sit down by the catwalk and wait for out best friend to emerge. When Nejire shows up, we get up from our seats and clap like crazy. She does a trick with her quirk and then disappears behind the stage.

The night ends with Nejire winning the beauty pageant and with a sleeping Eri that y/n takes to her shoulders. After leaving Eri, we return to our dorms. “So, any plans for tomorrow? We don't have school.” Y/n asks me. “Oh, we will stay inside most probably.” Nejire says and winks at me. “Oh, cool.” Y/n says, as we get inside the house. We go around the table and sit on the couch to watch a movie like a class. We decide on Mr. Bean.

Y/n's POV

I laugh as Bean falls back and grunts. I look at Tamaki, since he would usually laugh, but I see him fast asleep. I 'aww' to myself and I place his head on my shoulder and my arm around him, as I play with his hair.

After the movie ends, I pick up Tamaki, bridal style. Kagetora casts a judgmental look at me. “What?” I ask him. “You, are carrying him?” He asks me. “He wants to get his ass kicked.” Nejire whispers. “Yes, I carry him. Why can’t I?” I ask him. “Well, you are a girl. Girls aren't strong enough to carry a boy.” Kagetora tells me. “Well, if I remember correctly, I was strong enough to beat your ass. So, it's either that girls are strong or that you are weak.” I tell him and we hear an ‘ooooh’. “Goodnight.” I tell everyone and leave.

I carry Amajiki up to my room and lay him on the bed. I lay next to him and cuddle with him. I fall asleep.


Disclamer: next part is the last chapter!!!

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