Alone with him

365 16 8

Y/n's POV

I slowly open my eyes, drowsily. I don't realize anything different at first. I feel a warmth embracing me and I want to dig deeper into it. I shrink and let this warmth take over me. I see a purple cloth in front of me, that I am griping on it tightly. Must be my bed sheets. I release my grip. Hold on a damn minute! My sheets are white, not purple. What the? I look up and see Tamaki! I blush as I realize that I was moving closer to him all this time. How did this happen? As far as I know, we always keep a distance between us. I tense up, as I feel something tightening around my waist. I look slowly down to my waist and see Tamaki's arm wrapped around me, tightly. I blink, trying to understand what, how and when all this happened. You know what? I don't care! I just want to enjoy this moment, cause it won't happen again. Tamaki doesn't even like me. I lay my head back down on Tamaki's chest and calm down at the sound of his heartbeat and his calm breath.

{Dude! The fact that there is a fucking slope in the middle of the room and no one pays attention to it. Like, it's right fucking there!!}.

I feel Tamaki moving a bit. Oh, no! Don't tell me he is waking up! I could stay like this for a little longer. I am going to pretend like I just woke up too. Tamaki opens his eyes and I do the same. I yawn, acting as if I haven't realized anything. I let my head rest back down on Tamaki's chest. I hear Tamaki gasping. I know he is blushing right now. We stay like that for a while, until my phone rings. I look up to find my phone and then I see Tamaki looking at me. I pretend that I hadn't realized that I was laying on him. My cheeks fluster and his, become even redder. I move away, getting away from his grip and mumble a 'Sorry' as I take my phone and pick it up. It's Aizawa. "Y/n, what took you so long? I got worried." Aizawa says. "S-sorry sensei. I was s-sleeping." I say. "Oh. Are you alright in general?" he asks me. "Yes. I don't feel any severe pain." I tell him. "Good. Rest well. Bye." Aizawa says. "Thank you, goodbye." I tell him and hang up.

I look at Tamaki. We open our mouths at the same time and close them again. "Sorry." We say to each other at the same time. We smile and chuckle. "Why are you sorry?" I ask him. "B-because I-I didn't keep t-the distance." He says. "C'mon, n-no big deal. I am s-sorry for being like...t-that all night." I say. "N-no need to apologize." He says. "I-I kinda liked it." He mumbles, but I hear it. I blush and widen my eyes. "Y-you heard m-" Tamaki starts, but I cut him off. "I liked it t-too." I mumble and now, he is the one to blush even more and widen his eyes. Then, I spot the slope in the middle of the room. {Finally!}. "What's that?" I ask Tamaki. "Y-you created it, in the m-middle of the night. T-that's why I b-broke the distance b-barrier, to stop t-the slope." He says and my lips form an 'O'. We stay in a silence for a while.

The silence is broken by the rumbling of my stomach. Tamaki giggles. "W-want some breakfast?" he asks me and I nod. "Sounds good." I reply and he gets up, bending his knees. I remember how I am going to get to the kitchen and gulp. I get on Tamaki's back and we walk down the kitchen. We are sitting on the living room, eating some biscuits, when we spot a note. I pick it up and see that it is double-sided. I read the one side.

'For y/n' it says, so it must be for me. It is written by Nejire for sure. I read silently. 'Dear -stupid- y/n. I walked in your room today and I saw Tamaki holding you close to him. I hope you woke up soon enough to see it too. He was looking so caring with you, even in his sleep. Please, stop being an idiot and realize his feelings about you. With love, Nejire.' I blink multiple times and turn the note around. 'For Amajiki' it says, written by Togata. I hand it over to Tamaki, silently. He reads it.

Tamaki's POV

I am quietly eating cookies, when y/n gives me a note. 'For Amajiki' I read. Togata wrote this, I am sure. 'Dear Tamaki! Good morning! It's an amazing day, isn't it? Let me get straight to the point, alright? Today, Nejire walked inside y/n's room and saw you holding y/n tightly and caringly. I don't know how this was caused, but it was amazing! Good job pal, you are making progress. Also, you should have seen how relaxed she looked in your arms. Be like that more. She likes you Tamaki, realize it please. Lots of love, your best friend and helper in this journey of life, with lots of ups and downs, Togata.' I smile at the usual happy expressions of Mirio. I look at y/n, she is looking at me. We look away.

Y/n's POV

I have finished eating, when I remember about the slope in my room. "T-Tamaki?" I seek for his attention. He looks at me, so I continue. "D-do you think you could t-take me to my room, to reverse the s-slope?" I ask him. "S-sure." He replies and I get on his back. We walk up to my room and he lays me on the bed. I sit up on the bed and I concentrate in the slope. I start shaking at the memories that come up, but I calm down when I feel a hand on mine. I reverse the slope and look at my hand. Tamaki's hand is on mine, but it quickly leaves. I take a big breath and take the step.

I search for his hand and hold it. He tenses up and looks at me, however I don't make eye contact with him. There is a silent understanding between us. I go and take the laptop, to continue our series, with Tamaki. We lay on the bed, leaving again a distance between us. I press 'play' and we relax. 'Seriously girl? You woke up that close to Tamaki, he tells you that he liked holding you in his arms, then you hold his hand and now you keep distance?? You stupid?' I hear Nejire's voice in my head. She may be right. I shift a little closer to Tamaki. Tamaki copies me. Soon enough, I have my head on Tamaki's chest and he has his arm around my shoulders. The both of us are tensed up at first, but then relax. I look at him and see his eyes glued on the screen. He looks at me with a look that asks if I am alright. I nod and we turn back to the screen.

After two hours, we get tired of being in front of the screen, so we turn off the laptop. I get up and take a look at my library. I find the book that Tamaki had once borrowed. I take it on the bed and we read together.

At 2 P.M. approximately, we hear the door downstairs opening. I get on Tamaki's back, who was already prepared for it, and we go downstairs 'running'. We stand in front of the others happily. I have my arms up in the air. "Welcome back!" I shout. "Of course you are happy. You didn't write two pop quizzes today." Sofia says. "Oh my God, you are joking!" I say as Tamaki puts me on the couch and sits next to me. "No, I am not. One at Cementos-sensei class and another at Present-Mic-sensei." Tsuki says. "Oh, it wasn't that bad." Leonardo speaks up. "Says the guy who is smart since birth." Sofia comments and we burst into laughing. "Enough about us. What did you do today?" Nejire asks. I blush and look at Tamaki. "Nothing, just watched a series." I say after communicating with Tamaki through our eyes. "Mhm..." Togata says silently with a smirk on his face. I look at him and he looks away, 'innocently'. "Let's go study, we have lots to do." Nejire says and I understand that she wants to talk about mine and Tamaki's day, since she hates studying. I gulp, as I get on Tamaki's back and we walk upstairs. Tamaki leaves me and Nejire in my room. "So..." Nejire says, closing the door with a 'BAM!' "Tell me everything!!" she says, already shrieking. I smile and narrate everything that happened today.


OMG!! Go y/n!! I hoped you enjoued this chapter and if you did, please consider giving it a vote! <33

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