Back to the dorms.

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“Hold on a second. Nejire, Togata do you have something to share with us?” I ask them. “Umm, about what?” Nejire asks. “When I said that me and Amajiki are together and how we got together, you didn’t scream. Why?” I ask Nejire. “I-it was just not the moment to scream.” She explains. “Hado-chan, you always scream.” I tell her. “Fine! We followed you and saw everything yesterday! You were so cute!!” Nejire shouts and everyone bursts into laughter.

We stay there laughing and talking for hours. It’s noon, when we get up to leave. “Oh, you are leaving? I made lunch.” My mother says. “Ah! I can’t say no to food.” I say and everyone agrees. I inform Aizawa-sensei and stay at my mother’s until 9PM.

“Bye!” I say as I close the door, after kissing my mom goodbye. “Oh, no. I forgot my jacket. Keep walking, I will be back in a sec.” Tamaki says and leaves. We keep walking.

Tamaki’s POV

I know on the door and Shimizu-san answers it. “Oh, hello Amajiki. Did you forget something?” Shimizu asks. “Ah, k-kind of. I purposely left my j-jacket here because I wanted to ask you s-something.” I tell her. “Go ahead.” She says with a big smile, giving me my jacket. “W-when is y-y/n’s birthday?” I ask her.

“It’s in two days actually.” Shimizu replies. “Great. W-we are going to throw a s-surprise birthday p-party, in our dorm house. Y-you should come. T-thanks, bye!” I nervously say and leave.

I catch up with the others. We walk to the train station and embarked on our train. The train is not that crowded, so we find seats and settle down. Y/n leans her head on my shoulder and she tangles her hands in mine. In a few minutes, I hear Nejire ‘psst’ing me. I look at her and Togata points to y/n. I turn my eyes to her and see her sleeping peacefully. I caress her cheeks, blushing. I am so glad that she is not having nightmares anymore. I lay my head on hers and drift off too.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and open my eyes. I see Togata’s smiling face, too close to mine and flinch. Togata laughs silently and points to y/n once more. I tap her shoulder and she opens her eyes. “H-hey. We are h-here.” I tell her and she yawns. She gets up and we walk out of the train, going towards our home. Y/n, unconsciously, rests her head on my shoulder as my fingers are intertwined with hers.

Y/n’s POV

We have reached the house. I turn the handle and walk in. “Heeeeyyyy.” We are welcomed by our classmates. “Hello.” I greet back. “So, how did it go?” Tsuki asks. “It went good. My mother is a really sweet person.” I reply. “That’s nice.” Sofia comments. I go to take off my jacket, but face some difficulties, Tamaki steps in and helps me with it. “Thank you, Amajiki.” I let the name slip out. I then turn my eyes to my classmates who appear shocked. “Amajiki?” my classmates unanimously question. “Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you; me and Amajiki are officially together.” I tell them as Tamaki makes his move and holds my hand.

A high-pitched scream is heard from behind. R.I.P. that window. We turn around and see Fat-Gum, Cementos, Nezu, All-Might, Midnight and Aizawa, all standing there with their mouths wide open. Their jaws are almost touching the floor. Of course, the one who shrieked was Midnight, who rushes to hug me. The others seem happy too. Everyone except Aizawa. He, casts a death stare at Amajiki that must be piercing through his soul.

Amajiki gulps and we both prepare for an ‘Aizawa dad mode talk’ but he just turns his gaze elsewhere. “So, what are you doing here?” I ask them. “We came to see how things turned out.” Fat-Gum replies. “Everything went perfect. She is amazing!!!” I tell them excited. “Did you learn about your roots?” Nezu asks. “Yes, kinda. I learnt about my parents and their quirks.” I explain. “Did you learn about your history? You know, why your mother went to c/o and stuff?” Aizawa questions. “Yes. I will narrate the story in a few secs.” I reply. “Oh, oh! Did you learn when your birthday is ??!!” All-Might asks, flipping his hands. “Uhh, no.” I tell them and he looks disappointed. “Get going with the story !!!” Sofia from behind demands and I comply.

After about an hour I have revealed everything me and my mother shared that were of importance. Realizing though, how late it was, they decide to leave. Me and Amajiki go upstairs.

“S-so, now that you h-have no n-nightmares, you don’t n-need me, do y-you?” Tamaki asks and I chuckle. “Of course I do! Don't be silly. C'mon cinnamon roll, I want to cuddle.” I tell him and he blushes. “C-cinnamon r-roll?” He stutters. “Yep, it's a nickname.” I proudly say. “Then, I get to call you bunny.” Tamaki says, full of confidence. “I-if t-that i-is o-okay w-with y-you.” Amajiki squeaked and I chuckle. “Yeah, it is okay with me. It's cute.” I tell him and he looks down on his hands, blushing. I blush too myself and none of us makes a move to go inside the room. “Oh, dear Lord! You guys are unbearable!!” I hear Nejire's voice behind me. Before I can turn around, I feel a hand shoving me into the room and making me fall on the bed, with my face. Tamaki follows. I turn around and see Nejire above us. She places me next to Tamaki and puts my head on his chest. She puts Tamaki's hand around my shoulders at first, but on a second look, she thinks it will be better around my waist, so she wraps it around it. She looks at us for a second and then puts Tamaki's head gently on top of mine. She then shifts me closer to Amajiki and after spiting on us, she speaks. “That's how it's done.” And leaves.

Both me and Tamaki are tensed up and don't exchange a word. Later on, we calm down and I drift off, feeling safe in the arms of my cinnamon roll.

Tamaki's POV

Once bunny is asleep, I grab my phone. I create a chat with me, my classmates, all the heroes that came today and y/n’s mom. Everyone except y/n. As a title, I put ‘Y/n’s surprise birthday party’. And I type.

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