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I don't remember much more of that day. The last thing I can think of, is drifting off in Nejire's shoulder, since I was too shy to lean on anyone else. But, one of the best days of my life, is the day, I passed the exams of second year. Although I got injured due to Endeavor's mistake, something happened that made my day.


I am fighting against pro heroes All-Might, Hawks, Ectoplasm, Edgeshot and Kamui Woods. Thankfully, I have as allies Nejire, Togata and Tamaki. Everything is going great, since most heroes are immobilized (the pro heroes, weren't using their 100% strength of course! Maybe like 50%. And then we have All-Might, who is using the 30% of his strength cause...yeah.), except from Hawks and Ectoplasm, who slip away. All of us are injured. Togata and Nejire, take the captured heroes -who play the villains obviously- while me and Tamaki, handle Ectoplasm and Hawks.

However, pro hero Endeavor, saw fighting from wherever he was, and came to 'help' the heroes. Little did he know that it was all planned according to professor Nezu as a test for me to go to the third grade. Endeavor lands between Ectoplasm and Hawks. "Stop this at once villains!" he says. "No Endeavor-" Hawks starts saying but Endeavor cuts him off. "Don't worry I got this." He says. Me and Tamaki believe that it is part of Nezu's plan, so we go along with it. I immobilize Hawks and Ectoplasm because they are distracted and get back to Endeavor.

He shoots fireballs, which me and Tamaki easily avoid. However, Tamaki gets burnt on his left arm. {Hmm Todorokis' got something with the left sides!!!!} "Don't worry Suneater. I will take care of Endeavor. You take care of your burn. Those flames don't joke around." I say and Tamaki nods, because I have been handling the situation pretty good before. "You? Take care of me? You have to be kidding me!" Endeavor shouts and I am preparing for his major attack. Yet, it was not as harmless as I thought it would be. I thought he would shoot with 50% like the others, but he used 110%. "PROMINENCE BURN!" Endeavor shouts and I immediately make a wall, sourced from the earth, which burns up, so I have to keep making a new one and a new one, every almost 2 seconds. I feel part of my face burning, but my priority is to keep Tamaki safe. I am getting exhausted. Thankfully, Tamaki gives a punch to Endeavor with the Kraken, pushing him back. I have a few seconds to relax, but Endeavor doesn't look too good. "Is that so?" he says and becomes all fiery. Shit.

I have an idea. "Tamaki, when I tell you, activate your wings and fly out of here." I say. "What about y-you?" he asks me. "Not of importance." I reply. I make a huge earth cave over Endeavor, that is closed from every side, so Endeavor is trapped. I keep adding more and more layers. "Now!" I say to Tamaki. He activates his wings and begins to fly away, but last minute he changes his mind and flies back to me. He grabs me and then flies away again. He is holding me so protectively, I am blushing. His one arm is wrapped around my waist and he is supporting me only from there. I put my arm around his shoulder and neck, to be more sure that I won't fall.

We land quite far from Endeavor. Tamaki puts me down and takes a look at my burn. It is far from being alright. "I-I have a-a way of h-healing your b-burn." Tamaki says. "I-if it's p-possible please." I reply. Tamaki nods and places one of his Kraken's tentacle, on my face, on the burn. I feel the pain alleviating, however, my heart is going like crazy. "I-it's a little b-better now. Thank y-you. For e-everything." I say. "N-no problem." He replies and I smile at him, causing him to look down to his hands. He is as red as a tomato right now.

We keep hiding for 1 minute or so, in complete silence. "I-it's time t-to r-remove the tenta-acle." Tamaki says and I nod. He removes it, but there is a bit of goo, that stays on my face. We both giggle and Tamaki, with trembling hands, wipes the goo off of my face with his costume. He is too close. I am looking straight into his eyes. They are sparkling with hope. I could look at these eyes for hours. He is blushing a lot and I bet I am too, but I don't want this moment to end. But what do we have Endeavor for? To ruin everything of course!

"So here you are!" we hear him from behind. I am quick enough to make a curved wall, to protect us from Endeavor. But, I wasn't quick enough to support it correctly. The result? The wall collapsed on me and Tamaki. Well, mostly on me because I used myself as a shield over Tamaki. I don't remember much more. I could hear teachers shouting to Endeavor. Someone removed the wall on top of us and saw us. A girl screamed, must have been Nejire. Then everything went black.

It didn't take me long to wake up. After 30 minutes being passed out, I opened my eyes. We still haven't left the area, but we are out of the practice stadium. I see Nejire talking to Tamaki. I try to get up, but all I manage, is let out a groan of pain. "Woah, woah! Y/n what are you doing? You are injured, you stupid. How are you feeling?" Nejire asks me. "I am alright Nejire. Thanks. What happened?" I ask them. "Well, when we found you, it was almost too late. A wall had collapsed on you guys and Endeavor was ready to burn you down. We got to you just in time to tell him what was going on. All-Might lifted the wall and we saw you two under it, you were shielding Tamaki with your body." Nejire says and I can't help the blushing. "I immediately screamed. Then, you passed out. We dragged both of you out. Then, guess who picked you up and brought you here? T-" Nejire narrates and I see with the corner of my eye Tamaki shaking his head negatively. "The All Might!" Nejire saves it last minute, but I think that she is lying. "And then we placed you here and the others left and me and Tamaki stayed." Nejire finishes.

"Did I pass the exams?" I ask. "Girl, are you stupid? Of course you did! Nejire says. "Well, that's good." I say. "Are you kidding? That's brilliant! You will go to the same class as we and omg it's going to be amazing!!" Nejire says and I nod. "Yep, it sure will." I say with a massive smile.

Aizawa approaches us. "How are you y/n?" he asks me. "Good, thanks." I reply. "I am sorry for Endeavor. He got out of control." He says. "It's alright." I reply. "You three get home by train, along with Togata. We will come later. Nejire, please stay with y/n until I return." Aizawa says. "Yes sensei." Nejire replies and helps me get up. I lean against her, trying to stand.

We wait for Togata. He comes running from afar. "Hey y/n! Hello guys! How are you? The battle was amazing! You were just perfect y/n! I mean battle against Endeavor? Wow. Same for you Tamaki! You really ate the sun this time. You were incredible!" Togata compliments us and I smile. "Thanks Togata." I say and he gives me his usual smile. "So, where are we going now?" Togata asks. "To y/n's house, by train." Nejire says. "Cool, let's go." Togata says and we walk to the train station. I am walking thanks to Nejire's support.

Seconds before we get on the train, Nejire hits her forehead with her hand. "Shoot! I forgot about that thing I had to do! Togata, I will need your help please. Tamaki, help y/n on the train. Me and Togata may not be able to get on this train, but we will get on the next one. Gotta go now. Togata come!" Nejire says in her usual hyper voice. She gives me over to Tamaki carelessly, and so as not to fall, Tamaki wraps his arms around me, while my hands are shrinked against his chest. Nejire grabs Togata by the hand and runs off.

Tamaki, shaking, puts my arm around his shoulder and his arm around my waist and helps me get on the train. He sits next to the window and I sit next to him. The doors close, without Togata and Nejire in the train. I yawn and close my eyes. It's a long way to my house.

Nejire's POV

"What happened Nejire?" Togata asks me. "Think about it!" I say. "What could you have forgotten?" Togata asks, still oblivious of my plan. "We are here together...so y/n and Tamaki are-" I start but he cuts me off, realizing everything. "-ARE ALONE SO OUR SHIP WILL SAIL!!!" Togata shouts. "YES! FINALLY! I still can't believe that Tamaki refused to see y/n all these months." I say. "He was just nervous. But hopefully, today everything changes!!" Togata says and I hug him.


Sooo, this is the 8th chapter. I really hope you are enjoying the book. Kisses! <33

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