Provisional licence exams

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But that was only the very beginning of my adventure. Around the end of June, I had passed my entrance exams to the U.A. Like the ones that students go through in the first grade of High School. It wasn't too hard. After that, I learnt to control my power better. It wasn't until early July, that I got my provisional license exam. I was very happy, because it was the first time, I saw Tamaki, after that walk with Nejire. He was always too busy with fulfilling Fat Gum's tasks.


I wake up from a nightmare again. Damn, do they ever stop? Who am I kidding? I was locked in that shithole for 13 years! I can't go back to sleep. I get up and go to the garden. I make some walls within certain meter-limits for warm-up. Then, I shape the earth however I want; make slopes, small mountains, caves, earthly cage (my one ultimate move; I make a cage, sourced by the earth. However, this takes a lot of precision and space). Then, I try to improve my other ultimate move, earth spear. It works like this; I take small parts of the ground and I levitate them. I make them pointy and then fire them. This requires lots of practice, because target is not exactly my thing. And to be quite honest, it took a lot of time to do this. I still can't do it very good, but I keep practicing.

It's daybreak, when I hear Aizawa's voice. "What are you doing here?" he asks me. "Isn't it obvious?" I ask him, not stuttering at all. (Now, when I am with people, I am comfortable with, I never stutter. Unless Tamaki's name comes up....) "What are you doing up so early? You have the provisional license today, remember?" he asks me. "Yes, I remember that." I reply. Aizawa scoffs and leaves.

I continue practicing, until I hear Aizawa calls for me. "Yes?" I ask him as I enter the kitchen. "Are you ready? We are leaving." He says. "Yes, I am ready. We are going where?" I ask him. "To a place." He says. "Very illuminating." I comment as we leave.

The car ride was very silent. We arrived outside of a stadium. I get out of the car and follow Aizawa in the stadium. There, I see some of the professors I have met, some others unknown to me, plus Togata and Nejire. I wave at them and they jump frantically and beam smiles. "So, we are here." Aizawa says. "We can see that." Lock-Rock says. "Y/n, today, you will try to pass the provisional license exam. For the first task, you will have to finish a course within a certain amount of time. That, we have concluded, will be 7 minutes. When these 7 minutes finish, you should be at the finish line." Nezu says. "Yes sensei." I say. "You will stand over there and when you hear a bang, you will start. When the seven minutes end, you will have to be on the ending line. Remember, every impediment to your target, is supposed to be a villain." He says, confusing me for a second.

I go and stand where I was told. I know exactly what I am going to do. 'BANG' I hear and immediately take control of the ground. I force it to make a wave-like shape and move it across the path. I enhance its speed and now I am traveling quite fast. I have mentally measured the time I have spent; about 1.25 minutes and I have already covered half the distance. I see Nejire in front of me. Now I know what mr. Nezu said about 'impediments'. I stop the 'wave's' moving and create the earthly cage. I make it with great precision, so now Nejire is trapped. I continue moving with the help of the ground, as I yell "I am sorry Nejire!".

I continue moving at a great amount of speed, but when I see an empty field ahead of me, I understand. I stop the ground's movement and look in front of me. I could make the earth to lower, leaving the mines untouched and visible, but that will mean almost suffocating. There is another way. I use the earth to make a bridge over the mines, so I end up safely on the other side of the field. I finished the course, in 2.36 minutes, if I am not mistaken.

Dang, that was pretty easy. There has to be a catch. Then, I hear shouting "Help! Someone help! Please!" SHIT! "NEJIRE I AM COMING." I shout, running to where I left her, forgetting my provisional license. I see her tangled in some roots, that weren't there before. That must be Tamaki. I can't cut the roots, otherwise I will hurt him. I just try to untangle Nejire, but without any success. I have to be quick. Wait! Since it is Tamaki, I can just make him loose his balance. Oh, that is going to be difficult. I force the earth to make weird shapes, 'copying' an earthquake. Just as I thought, Tamaki lost his balance and now the roots are looser. I manage to take Nejire out of them. I then remember about the provisional license; I must not have much time left.

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