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No, not the kiss happens. Aizawa happens. He bursts in the room, making me and Tamaki stop what we were going to and go back to our place. I don't think neither that Aizawa saw, nor realized that me and Tamaki were about to kiss. Aizawa comes towards us and grabs Tamaki's shoulder so firmly and strongly that Tamaki jumps and his face distorts from pain. Well, maybe I was wrong and Aizawa saw and knows exactly what me and Tamaki were about to do. Ooops.

"How are you feeling y/n?" Aizawa asks me. "G-good. Just sore throat." I say. "I am glad you are better. I hope Amajiki over here was keeping you a nice, friendly, company." Aizawa says, pointing out the last three words and griping Tamaki's shoulder tighter. "Hm? Oh yeah. We were um...talking, as friends." I say and Aizawa narrows his eyes at me, sending shivers down my spine. I don't think he bought it. I smile nervously at him. "We will take about this *looks at me and Tamaki* later. Now, I think you should talk to Eri." Aizawa says and I remember about that poor girl. "Y-yes." I say, stuttering since I remembered those big eyes of hers, that where full of pain.

Tamaki helps me get up, and allows me to rest on him to walk, receiving a death stare from Aizawa. I have my arm around Tamaki's neck and he has his hand behind my back, preventing me from falling. We walk down the corridor, towards Eri's room. "Here we are." Aizawa says, as we are standing in front of a white door. "W-want me to help you g-get in there, or e-even stay with you i-inside or y-you want to be a-alone?" Tamaki asks. "No, I think it will be better if I go in alone." I say, placing my hand on the door's handle. "Okay." Tamaki says, ending with a smile that I return.

I turn the handle and open the door. I see Eri on a hospital bed, looking out of the window. Her eyes turn quickly towards the door when she hears it opening. "Hey. May I come in?" I ask her in the most calming voice I can manage. "S-sure." Eri says and I smile at her. I close the door behind me. Before I close it, I hear Aizawa's voice. "Let's go and have a little chat Amajiki, okay?" he says and I gulp. Great, I am going to find a terrified Tamaki after this.

I move slowly, yet steadily towards the little girl, afraid of scaring her. I take a seat in front of her and lower down to her level. I smile at her and before I can open my mouth, Eri 'jumps' forward and hugs me. my hands are beside her at first, but then I embrace her in a warm hug, but at the same time, making sure that I don't hurt her "T-thank you." She mumbles. "You don't have to thank me." I tell her and she breaks the hug, going back to her seat. "No, I am really thankful. Thanks to you and your friends, I am safe again. Thank you y/n-san!" the little girl says and my eyes get teary, my vision blurry as Eri tries to smile. "Yes, yes you are safe. And call me y/n-chan." I utter and re-embrace her into a hug.

Tamaki's POV

Aizawa-sensei grabs me by the shoulders and guides me outside. "So..." he says and I gulp. "Care to explain what I saw when I walked in y/n's hospital room?" Aizawa asks me and I widen my eyes. "I-I...w-what d-do y-you m-mean?" I ask stuttering worse than ever. "You know exactly what I am talking about." He tells me and I gulp. "I-" I utter, but he cuts me off. "Tell me Amajiki, do you love y/n?" Aizawa asks. "I-yes sensei, with all my heart." I manage to say. "Good. I will tell you only one thing then; if you dare to hurt her, you will be found dead in an alley. Am I clear?" he says looking into my eyes. "Y-ye-yes." I say. "Great. Dismissed." Aizawa says and I run off, inside the hospital. I wait outside Eri's room for y/n.

Y/n's POV

After a long talk about what she went through, with that monster Overhaul (who turned out to be her father?!) I am doing a small talk with Eri. "Eri, you know that we will practically become sisters right now, right?" I ask her and she nods excitingly. "I want you to tell me everything that happens and fully trust me. I want to help you as much as I can. I will too, tell you everything that happens in my life. We will be sisters Eri. Sisters." I say and wipe the tears off of my cheek. "I know y/n-chan! And I promise that I will tell you everything!" Eri says and hugs me again. Recovery Girl enters the room and nods to me that I have to leave. "I have to go now, but I will come and visit you. You should come by the campus too." I tell her. "I will! Goodbye!" Eri says and flashes a big smile. "G-goodbye." I say, trying my best not to let the formed tears leave the strong 'prison' of my eyes.

I get up and walk towards the door. I turn the handle and take one last look at Eri she is smiling and waving her hand goodbye. I wave back, and exit the room. I close the door behind me and let my tears flow. Tamaki, who was waiting by the door, puts his arms around me, holding me close to him and I bury my head in his chest, dampening his shirt with my ugly tears. "What happened?" Tamaki asks me. "Her smiley face, makes me wanna cry, Tamaki. I see myself in this little girl and I can't handle it. She is so sweet and happy, even though she went through all that. Why did she have to go through all that Tamaki? Why her? why did Overhaul had to hurt another little girl and the most precious one too? Why this little girl? Why Tamaki? Why?" I ask rhetorically, as Tamaki's arms tighten around me. He strokes my back. "Shh...she is okay now. Eri is okay. You don't have to worry about her; she is safe." Tamaki says in a calming voice.

We stay like that for a while, until we hear coughing behind us. We look and see Aizawa-sensei. We quickly distance ourselves from one another. Tamaki earns a death-stare from Aizawa, who then looks at me and sighs. "Y/n, I have some news..." Aizawa starts and his voice has sentiment, unlike his usually bored tone. "What is it?" I ask concerned. "Remember when you told us that you don't know your last name because you were abducted when you were 2 years old?" He asks me. I nod. "Yes. What about it?" I ask. "I did some research, not knowing that I would find what I was looking for, but I am proven wrong by the facts." Aizawa says and pauses. "Y/n, I found your parents."


HAHAHAHA!! You thought the plot twists were over?? NO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! I AM EVIL. Okay, I am not evil and I am so, so, so sorry if you don't like plot twists. It's just how I write. Kisses!!! <333

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