Kicking ass

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After about one hour of boring class, something interesting finally happens! "Guys, now it is time to go to the gym. You will battle in pairs to check your abilities. And since we got a new student, do I have any volunteer to fight with her? I have heard she is quite strong." The professor says. "Hm. As if. I am going to beat her ass sensei." a brown-haired guy. Nejire hits his head with her book. "For your information, we are inside a school. So watch your language." She says and the brown-haired guy (whose name is Kagetora I think) frowns. {no hate towards Kagetora Nanase. He is pretty cute, yes, I agree, but I need a little competition.} I am getting nervous. "D-don't worry. Y-you are much b-better." Tamaki whispers in my ear, causing me to turn bright red. "Get your costumes and follow me." the professor says and we all get the box with our number on. I figure that my costume must be in here. "Go change and meet me here in a few minutes." The professor says and we all nod and leave.

I open the case with my costume in. I unfold my costume and look at it in adoration. It is simply amazing!! I put it on and check myself out. I look quite nice. I go where our professor is. I am getting looks. Some are looks of admiration and others of pure criticism. I lower my head. I go and stand next to Tamaki and Nejire. "Someone looks hot." Nejire comments and I look at her. "Must be you, cause it is definitely not me." I say and turn my attention back to the professor. I cast a glance at Tamaki, but he quickly turns his gaze away. {the constume is down there, for anyone who wonders how I imagined it. :)}

Tamaki's POV

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Tamaki's POV

I walk out from the changing room and go where the professor is. Nejire and y/n appear after a few seconds. Y/n is hot. I-I mean...did I really think that? Well, her body is beautifully engraved on that costume, but...yeah. She looks at me and I turn away, blushing as hell.

Y/n's POV

After the professor explains to us about safety and boring stuff like that, we are separated into pairs. I stand face to face with Kagetora. He looks at me. "So you are the 'powerful' one?" he asks me, mocking the word 'powerful'. "That's what they say. But I disagree. Have you seen Suneater in action?" I ask him. He just huffs. "So, your quirk is?" he asks me. "Are you going to tell me yours?" I ask. "Pff no!" Kagetora replies. "Then I guess we will find out both of them later on." I say and give him an ironic smile.

"START!" the professor shouts and I smirk. I let him activate his quirk first, to 'study' him. He turns into a monster, a Kong if I am more precise. Hah! Easy. I avoid his attacks for a while, when I think it is time I started attacking as well. I fire earth spears and while he is shielding his face with his hands, I capture him in an earth cage. I make it extra thick, so that he doesn't escape. When I stop the earth spears, he is already imprisoned. I still can't believe how I did two moves at the same time. Kagetora-Kong opens his eyes and see what he happened while he wasn't looking. He roars, angry. "Woah, calm down. It's not like you challenged me and I beat your ass, destroying your ego. Oh wait, it is like that." I say, making circle around his cage. He tries to break out of the cage, but I make extra layers almost every 5 seconds.

"STOP!" the professor shouts, meaning that we stop fighting and he will come by to declare the winner. I hear him calling out my friends' names, as the winners. "Suneater, is the winner." I see a smile on Tamaki's face. He looks at me and I give him a thumbs up. "Lemillion, you won." The prof. says and I give a thumbs up to him as well. "Nejire Chan, you are the winner. I didn't expect anything less from the Big 3." The professor says and I give a thumbs up to Nejire as well. The professor comes by me and . "Wow. Very good job y/n. You are the winner. You seem strong. Hmm...try to release him." The professor says and I make an opening to the cage, from the front. Kagetora, who has deactivated his quirk, gets out of the cage and gives me a death stare. "No, no. I mean make this whole thing disappear." The professor says and I cast a quick glance at Nejire. Everyone from the class has gathered around. I sigh and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and reverse my movements, layer by layer. Of course, the flashbacks don't die off.


I am pinned against the wall, hanged by my neck, while Overhaul is preparing to disassemble me. "P-please. I-I can't b-breathe." I utter. "Do I really seem like I care?" Overhaul says.


I am suffocating, but I am trying to make it look like I am not struggling.


"P-please." I manage to utter. I can't breathe at all. I am feeling the life leaving my body. To be honest, it may be better if I am dead. You know, the torturing will be over and I will be free, but no, Overhaul won't allow me to spoil his plans. He releases me and I gasp for air.


I have no breath left in me. I struggle a bit, but don't show it. I feel like the last bits of earth cage disappear. I open my eyes and take a deep inhale. Nejire, Tamaki and Togata are looking at me with great concern. "Hm, very good. You passed the test. You are now part of the Big 4." The professor says and I can't believe what he just said. "Really?!" I say. "Yes. You overcame your biggest impediment considering your quirk. But now, tell me your hero name, cause I haven't written down any." He says and I smirk. We thought about it with Nejire last week. "Gi-Lady." I say and the professor gives me a confused look. "You see, 'earth' in Greek is 'Gi', written as 'Γη'. And we took that and matched it with -Lady, so now I am Gi-Lady, so basically Earth-Lady, but more sophisticated." I say and the professor's lips form an 'o'. "Well, I guess that Gi-Lady is now part of the Big 4." The professor says and Nejire runs to hug me. "Now, go for your lunch and we will meet again in class." The professor says and we are dismissed.

Tamaki takes Togata a little further to talk and Nejire drags me to the cafeteria claiming that she is starving. I choose to believe her. We get our lunch and sit at a remoted table, according to my wish. "So..." Nejire starts and I know exactly where this is going. "So what?" I ask her. "About the...reversing. You good?" she asks me and I nod. "Now yes. But back there, uhh...not so good. Why? Was it shown?" I nervously ask. "No, no. I figured it because I can read you." Nejire says. "Oh, is that true?" I ask her. "Mhm. I can read you like an open book." Nejire says. "And what do you read?" I ask her. "Ah, many things. That you are happy you are in the big 4, that you are pressured a bit now and that you like Tamaki." Nejire says and my eyes widen in her last phrase. "Wh-what?!" I ask her. "Hm, there comes the stuttering again. Whenever Tamaki is around, or even his name is mentioned, you stutter. Proof number one. You look at him every 5 seconds. Proof number two. You look at him asking for his approval and in admire. Proof number three. Last but not least, when you look at him, your eyes sparkle. Proof number four." Nejire says. "So, it is all about the way I look at him?" I ask her and she nods. "I-I guess you could say I have a slight crush on him..." I say and Nejire shakes her head negatively. "Nop. It is not a crush. That is straight up love darling." She says. "No! No, no, no! It is just a small liking and that's it. It's nothing more." I say, panicking. "Y/n, why are you denying it?" Nejire says in a mild tone and touches my shoulder. A tear rolls down my cheek. "He will never feel the same way. No one will. They only pity me." I say and get up from my seat. I go to the classroom and open my textbook.

Nejire came after me. "Hey, why are you so sensitive about it?" she asks me. "I just, I just believe that no one who knows my past would ever love me truly. He will just feel pity for me. For the little special ingredient who is traumatized after 13 years of torture. The only feeling I cause, is pity." I say, wiping the tear that has rolled down my cheek. "Y/n-" thankfully the bell rings and the professor enters the classroom.


My dear readers! Don't worry! Y/n is not that sensitive in the rest of the book. Right now she is just pressured. Kisses! <33

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