Nejire has a plan...again!

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Y/n's POV

I hear some talking around me, but I can't make out nor the voices, nor the topic of the conversation. What happened? Ah, yes; Overhaul happened. I remember everything now. Why did I have to go out? The people talking around me, must be Aizawa and Nejire. After some effort, I manage to open my eyes. I see the whole group there; Nejire, Aizawa-sensei, Togata and...Tamaki!! They see me opening my eyes and they take a place around me. Thankfully, they do not bomb me with questions.

Once I find the strength to do so, I open my mouth and start talking. "Hey." I weakly say. "Hey." They all say in union. "How are you?" Nejire asks me. "Do you feel any pain?" Togata asks me. "What happened?" Aizawa-sensei asks me. "Who hurt you?" Tamaki asks me, with the most concern of all, making me melt. "I am fine, thank you. I am *cough* not in pain, my throat is just a little *cough* rough. And I will tell you right now, what *cough* happened and who is responsible *cough*." I say, with a raspy voice. Tamaki brings me a glass of water in a matter of seconds. I look at him with gratitude and imbibe the cold liquid.

"So, basically, Overhaul sent his minion to retrieve me. He wanted his ingredient back." I say, shivering to the word 'ingredient'. I feel my heart beating just a little faster. I start narrating, in hopes I don't get a panic attack.

"I was in the city's center walking, when I realized that someone was following me..." I start saying, with my heart beating faster as the memory is vividly playing in my mind. I continue talking.

"...No one could hear my screams apart from him. He said 'Nowhere to go now ingredient. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to go now.' he kept repeating it, as if mocking my situation." I feel my heart rate going up.

"...Then Tamaki came and the rest is history." I finish. I don't even realize that I am practically shaking. I feel a hand on my shoulder and only then do I realize that I have to keep my cool. I take a deep breath and let it out.

I look at the hand on my shoulder and realize that it belongs to Tamaki. He pulls his hand away, blushes and turns to the wall. "Y/n, due to your injuries, you will be excused from school, for two days. However, someone must stay with you. Nejire?" Aizawa-sensei says and then turns to Nejire. Staying two days with Nejire at home, excites me. "I am sorry Aizawa-sensei, but I am far behind in classes and I can't afford to lose more." Nejire says and winks at me, which Aizawa doesn't see. "Hm, I see. Togata?" Aizawa turns to Mirio. "I am actually not the best to keep company to an injured. I talk a lot you see. Just like that time when-" Togata says and Aizawa cuts him off "That's enough. Tamaki? Can you stay with y/n these two days?" Aizawa finally turns to Tamaki. "I...uhh, I d-don't think that-" Tamaki starts saying but Togata cuts him off. "-that you will find anyone better than Tamaki to stay with y/n. You can rely on him Aizawa-sensei." "Good. I am going to sleep now. If you need anything y/n, inform me." Aizawa says and leaves.

"Let's go back to the dorms now, shall we?" Togata suggests. "Sure. Oh, one more question y/n. Why were you out, alone?" Nejire asks me. "I-well...I was stupid." I say and she smiles at me. "Like always." Nejire comments.

I sit up on the hospital bed and groan from the pain; the cut in my ribs has obviously not healed yet. "Ouch!" I exclaim and clench to the side of the cut. "Shoot, I forgot about your cut! Don't worry, we will help you. Tamaki help y/n stand and Togata, you will clear our way to the dorms." Nejire orders, moving her hands as she talks, as usual. "I will go and ask Recovery Girl for medications and such. I will find you guys at home." She continues. Everyone nods in agreement.

Tamaki moves closer and puts his hand lightly around my waist. His cheeks turn a dark shade of pink. His grip tightens, but he is careful not to touch my wound. I put my arm that is closer to him, around his neck and I stand up. I shut my eyes close, as I feel a stinging pain to my side. "D-did I d-do something w-wrong?" Tamaki asks me, with eyes full of concern. "N-no. its n-not your f-fault." I reply and he blushes harder as he nods. It is needless to say, that I have blushed a lot, too.

I try to walk, but I am not as steady as I wanted to, concluding Tamaki's grip to get tighter and firmer. I blush a lot, as my shoulder and back, touch lightly his chest. The next steps are steadier. We are almost out of Recovery Girl's office, when we hear a voice, well more like a shriek... "What on earth are you doing, you foolish children?!" Recovery Girl shouts at us. We stop walking and look at her; she looks really mad. "You shouldn't be walking y/n! You must not apply pressure on your ribs. One of you boys, please carry her home." She says. " don't think that's a good idea. It is a 5-minute walk from here to the dorms. You can't say it is a short walk for someone with me on his back." I say. "It's either that, or a wheelchair. But we are short on wheelchairs, so it is only that." Recovery Girl and I bow my head. I open my mouth, but she cuts me off "Yes, it is too long a walk to continue walking with Tamaki's support." She says and I shut my mouth.

"D-don't worry y/n-chan; I-I can c-carry you h-home." Tamaki says, to my surprise. "Are y-you s-sure?" I ask him with hesitation. He replies with a head nod. He lowers down and -with the help of Togata- I try to get on his back. I place my legs inside the gaps between his ribs and his arms. He takes a good grip of my thighs and I press my chest against his back. I can feel him tensing up. My cheeks are now redder than tomatoes. Togata walks in front of us, clearing the way as Nejire told him to do so. Now that you mention it, where is Nejire?

Nejire's POV (few minutes ago)

I have an amazing plan! Again! I run up to Recovery Girl, seconds before y/n and the others leave. "Recovery Girl-san, should y/n walk home?" I ask her 'innocently'. "What? Of course not! She should be on a wheelchair." She says. "I know, that's what I thought too. However, could you do me one small favor?" I ask her and lower to her level, bending my back. "Let's hear it." She replies, narrowing her eyes. "Could you tell her that there is a shortage of wheelchairs and you can't give her one and that one of the boys have to carry her home?" I tell her in one breath. "Sure, but why?" she asks. "Uh...maybe to set her up with Amajiki..." I say, playing with my fingers. Recovery Girl chuckles. "Sure." She agrees. Thank you so much!" I say and jump from happiness. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes before she goes outside to say what I told her. I am impressed; she played her part better than expected.

Y/n's POV

We have reached home. Tamaki goes up the stairs outside and Togata opens the door. "Oh, hey Togata! Hello Tamaki! Hell-oh my! Y/n-chan are you alright?!" Sofia asks, dropping the books she was holding to rush next to Tamaki, consequently next to me. "Yes, I am fine, thank you Mizu-chan. I just had a small accident when I was returning home." I say with a smile. "Didn't you say you would just go outside the house to get some air?" Leo asks me concerned as well. "I d-did, but then I d-decided to go on a s-stroll." I lie. "And how did you get into that accident?" Kagetora asks me, in his usual unfriendly tone. "Y/n-chan will explain everything at another time. She has to rest now." Togata saves me and nods to Tamaki to take me upstairs. "Get well soon!" Tsuki shouts. "Whatever you need we are here for you!" Sofia yells. "Don't you worry about anything!" Leo says as well. "Tsk." Kagetora exclaims, receiving death stares from everyone.

Although they are not close friends, they care for me, just as I care for them. I think that I have to tell them about Overhaul sometime soon. Tamaki opens the door to my room and gets inside. Thank goodness I had cleaned my room prior to leaving. He takes me to my bed and lays me there, carefully. He opens the window and puts the covers over me. I smile gratefully and he smiles back. "Thank you, T-Tamaki." I say. "N-no w-worries." He says and leaves, closing the door behind him. I put on my pjs, a painful process and when I am done, and toss my clothes to the side. I close my eyes and fall asleep; it is late after all.


Nejire, you sneaky bestie. You all have to admit that she makes the best plans. Also, I beleive that Recovery Girl ships!! Hahaha lol. I hoped you enjoy this chapter darlings!!! <33

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