I will stay

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After three and a half hours I am almost done. Nejire and Togata have finished, because they had already understood everything from the class's lecture, so they left. I am alone with Tamaki. I look at Tamaki. He lifts his eyes and meets mines. I quickly turn back to my book, before he sees my blush. I yawn as I close my book. I am done. "F-finished?" Tamaki asks me and I nod. "Yeah. You?" I ask him and look at him. "A-almost." He replies.

I take my phone and text Nejire. {Y: Y/n and N: Nejire}


Y: You coming around for movie night?

N: I have school tomorrow y/n!

N: Of course I am coming.

Y: Hahaha, ok! Tell Togata to come too. I will set up my room.

N: Great. I am bringing snacks.

Y: Perfect. I am waiting.


"T-Tamaki, how would you l-like to stay for m-movie night with Nejire a-and Togata?" I ask him. "S-sure." He replies. "Great! C-could you help m-me set the r-room up?" I ask him and he nods. We clear the floor and put blankets down and pillows as well as sheets. Nejire knocks and comes in, holding many snacks. Soon enough, Togata emerges from the wall. With the help of the others, I lie down, with a groan, since my cut is not healed yet. The others lie down next to me. Tamaki is on left and Nejire is on my right. We set the laptop and sit up a bit, to watch the movie. We chose on my personal favorite; Bohemian Rhapsody. {if you don't like that movie, then change the title.}.

Of course, I teared up in the final scenes and then cried my eyes out. It is just so emotional! Nejire pushes me towards Tamaki and me, unable to control my body due to the crying, flop in Tamaki's side. My vision is blurry and my eyes are glued in the computer's screen. I don't realize what has happened and what happens next. Nejire shoots a look at Tamaki. Tamaki gives her a questioning look. Nejire rolls her eyes and takes his arm, putting it around me. I still have no idea what is happening by the way. Nejire pushes me closer to Tamaki and puts his hand on my head and pats it. In the title's scene, I calm down and that's when I realize...everything! I first feel an arm around my shoulders, which can only belong to Tamaki, since he is the one in my left. Then, I feel another hand on my head, caressing my hair. I blush, but don't move. It would make Tamaki embarrassed. That's the only reason why I am staying in his 'hug'. Mhm...not that I like it here or anything...or that I can smell his scent and daydream about life if we were dating. Nop, definitely not. Hold on a sec! This is an inner talk of myself, why am I not being honest?

I love it here, in Tamaki's arms. His scent is so amazing. I could smell that aroma every day for the rest of my life. He is tensed up and that makes it even cuter. I could stay like this forever. Unfortunately for me, Togata saw the time, before seeing me and Tamaki. "Oh! Would you look at the time? It's already late and we have school tomorrow. Sorry guys but we have to-" Togata makes eye contact with me and Tamaki. We both become embarrassed and get away from each other, blushing. "-leave." Togata finishes his sentence. Nejire rolls her eyes and gets up. "Yeah, Mirio is right. We will see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight." Nejire says and opens my dorm's door, going outside. I see her casting a deadly look at Togata. The moment the door closes, we hear a slapping sound and Togata's cry of pain. I smile lightly.

"I-I guess I-I should be going t-too." Tamaki says and gets up. I remember about the nightmares. No, he can't leave me! I can't stay alone again! "C-could you stay, p-please?" I ask him and my stuttering returns. He looks at me in surprise and I quickly have qualms about what I said. "I-I am sorry. It slipped o-" I start saying, but Tamaki cuts me off. "It's alright, I-I will s-stay." He says. "You don't have t-to, if you d-don't want." I tell him, looking away. "I-I know." He replies and blushes.

I sit on the bed and lay down. Tamaki lays next to me. We leave a good distance between us. I close my eyes and fall asleep immediately, not bothering about the light that was still turned on.

Tamaki's POV

Y/n was so tired, that she fell asleep despite the fact that the light was still on. A silly smile forms in my mouth as I think of it. I get up to turn off the light and then return to the bed, without seeing a thing in front of me. I get on the bed and in the darkness, I accidentally touch y/n's hand. I flinch, although I enjoyed the touch.

I remember what happened earlier. The way I had my arm around her, the way she calmed down when I held her, no it can't be thanks to me, can it? It is just a coincidence. I am not capable of calming myself down, much more another person. I sigh and close my eyes, losing myself in thoughts and eventually fall asleep.

Y/n's POV {about 3 hours after falling asleep}

NIGHTMARE-FLASHBACK (17 years old, four months before escape)

I am finished with the disassembling torturing for today. Overhaul is having a meeting and he can't pay attention to me. They have me tied on a chair with some hostages around me. We are of course guarded. I have however figured a way to escape, with the hostages. In the guards' shift, I will have about 5 minutes. I have already done some work with the rope that my hands are tied with. Yesterday, I made a small 'knife' with rocks (sharping the one rock with the other, until its edge is pointy) and I shove it in my pocket. They don't check them anyways. They believe I am too worn out to do anything.

I see a purple light turning on, on the guards' high-tech watches. That means their shift is up. They get ready to exit the room. "No funny business, or else..." say the one of them and runs his finger horizontally across his neck, motioning that the hostages will die. I gulp. The door closes, as I make the last cut on the rope, setting myself free. I then untie my legs and run to the hostages. After they are all free, I go to phase 2 of the plan; break the other's exit's door.

I go up to the wooden door and kick it with all my strength. It doesn't move a bit. I try again and again. The door is now cracking. One more kick should do the work. I take a few steps back and kick the door a hard as I can, breaking it. The alarm goes off. "RUN! FAST!" I yell to the hostages. I let them go first and follow them. I hear soldiers' footsteps. I see one approaching me. The others are not within my sight yet. I sigh as I know I am about to do something risky to my freedom plan.

I run up to the soldier and punch him on the face before he has the time to pull out his gun. I kick him in the stomach, despite the pain I am feeling and take his gun. The hostages are almost at the outside door now. I run and catch up with them. They have opened the door and they are ready to leave. But luck isn't exactly my way. The soldiers are now lined up and ready to shoot at me and the hostages. "RUN AWAY! DON'T LOOK BACK AND DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE ABOUT THIS! YOU WILL BE IN DANGER!" I shout at them, closing the door behind them as the run away, leaving myself for once more behind. Now the soldiers are mad. They aim at the one hostage that runs the slowest and that is visible from behind the gate. They shoot, the moment I jump in front of the hostage, to save him from the bullet. The bullet goes through my leg and I fall down on the snow. The white fluffy snow, is now turning slowly into red. I cry out in pain.

The soldiers, knowing now that there is no way they can reach the hostages, run up to me and grab me by the arms, dragging me inside the 'house' again. They tie me on the chair and let the bullet in my leg to do its work. The sharp pain that travels through my body, is not the worst thing that happened this day.

Overhaul enters the room. He looks at me. 'Y/n, because of you, a huge dealer, declined our offer. She didn't like the disruption caused by you. We need that dealer y/n. And she knows it. That's why, she said the following words. And I quote; 'I will agree to help you promote your product, only if you increase the process. I want you to do the double of what you do every day.' So, that means that we will take 2 times more blood that we used to." Overhaul says. "No, no please no. All I did, was help the hostages leave. They have nothing to do with this!" I say. "Are you talking back to me?! Remember who is in control ingredient. Who has the power? Who has the minions? Who has the base? I do, I do, I do!! So sit right, because we are staring now." Overhaul says and begins the process immediately. I cry and scream in pain.



Movie night with Nejire. Can this night get any better? 

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