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The lecture goes by quickly. Once the bell rings, I get up from my seat and start making my way home. But I forgot one small detail. "Y/n wait!" Togata shouts behind me. "Yeah, wait for us!" Nejire shouts, dragging Tamaki. Aizawa has them promised to walk me home every day. I stop and wait for them to catch up. "Why are you rushing?" Togata asks me. "N-no reason." I reply. "Hey! Did you realize that we are the Big 4? We are the four best! We need to celebrate! Want to go out for ice cream?" Nejire asks excited. "Oh yes!! That's an amazing idea!!" Togata says, equally excited. "Sure, why not. It will be fun." I say and then look at Tamaki. "I-I don't k-know." Tamaki says. "I know for you. C'mon!" Togata says and drags him by the hand.

The way to the ice-cream shop, was...awkward. Nejire was talking to Togata and they had left me and Tamaki together. "Y-you were very g-good today." I compliment Tamaki. "T-thanks. Y-you were b-better though." He compliments me back, making the both of us blush. "S-so, are y-you okay from t-today? Y-you know, the r-reversing thing?" Tamaki anxiously asks. "What? Ah, yes I am fine!" I say, giggling. "S-so, how is your w-work with F-Fat-Gum?" I ask him. "G-good. H-he is still scolding me about my a-anxiety though." Tamaki says. "No need to w-worry about it. Y-you will learn to d-deal with it." I reply and smile to Tamaki. He replies with a trembling smile, causing me to blush hard. We have now reached the ice-cream shop. Nejire orders a bubblegum flavored and Togata takes a lemon one. I order a vanilla and so does Tamaki. "You guys ordered...vanilla? It's so boring!" Nejire says. "M-many people b-believe so. I-it's not actually." Tamaki says. "Mhm. It is pure." I agree with Tamaki. "Woah you guys have a lot in common." Togata says, taking both me and Tamaki by surprise. "W-what?" I ask. "I said it looks to me that you are mdfrchthr." Togata starts saying, but Nejire covers his mouth with her hand, and as a result muffling his words. "Let them figure out on their own!" Nejire says. I am confused. What is she talking about? "Ok...what was that about?" I ask. "Nothing." Nejire and Togata say at the same time. I chuckle with their craziness.

"Want to come to my house for a sleepover after this? We will study too." Nejire suggests. "Yes. Let me just inform Aizawa." I say and dial Aizawa's number. After lots of negotiations and pleading, he agreed. "Great! I am coming after all!" I say with a smile on my face. "Well, so are the boys, so let's get going already!" Nejire says and we start walking towards the train station, to go to her house.

Tamaki sat next to Togata, so I sat next to Nejire. "Hey, what was all that 'let them figure out on their own' about?" I ask her. "Umm, I am not supposed to tell you, so good luck finding out on your own." Nejire says and I scoff. "You are so annoying some times." I say. "I know." Nejire says and giggles.

We enter Nejire's house and run upstairs. It is a common for me to jump on her bed, but I guess, it is Tamaki's too, because I ended up being on top of his back, and his belly, facing the bed. He is basically sandwiched between me and the bed. "O-oh, I-I am sorry." I mumble and get up. "N-no w-worries." Tamaki says and sits up on the bed. I sit awkwardly on the floor. "So, what are we studying first?" Togata asks. "H-how about English? It's the e-easiest." I suggest. "Y-you are s-so r-right." Tamaki says and I can't help but blush.

We study for hours, changing places from times to times. Now, Tamaki is sitting on the floor and I am on the bed. "We are finally done." I say and lay down on the bed. "Yes! At last. Now everyone flop on the bed, we are watching a movie!!" Nejire excitingly says and I make room for the others. I sit on the edge of the bed. Togata sits on the other edge. Tamaki sits next to Togata and Nejire sits between me and Tamaki. Then, it hits her. "I must go and uhh...fetch some popcorns." She says and leaves an empty spot between me and Tamaki.

Togata sets the movie. It's a romantic-action movie. When Nejire returns, she orders me to scoot over so that she can sit next to the night-table. I give her the 'wtf?' look but she just acts all-innocent. I am sitting next to Tamaki now. His eyes are widened and he is blushing. I turn my eyes back to the screen.

"Hey, can you pass me the popcorn?" Togata asks. "Sure." I reply and Nejire gives me the bowl, to pass it on. I give it to Tamaki. He takes the bowl, accidentally touching my fingers. We freeze there. He looks at our hands touching and then straight into my eyes. I look at his sparkling purple eyes and he looks in my dark/light e/c eyes. I adore the way his cheeks turn slightly pink. "Umm hello? The pop-" Togata says and then looks at us. "-corn." He continues. Tamaki passes the bowl and hides his face in the sheets. I look at Nejire who is freaking out. I cover my face in between my arms. I turn my face to the screen.

Nejire's POV

Of course, y/n fell asleep during the first 20 minutes of the movie. So did Tamaki, in the first hour. After the end of the movie, we wanted to see how this would escalate, so we turned them face-to-face and we left them sleeping there. The only thing I am worrying about, is y/n's nightmares. We will see I guess...or hear her screams....

Y/n's POV


"You can't run away for ever y/n. We will find you eventually. And when we do, you will never escape again." Overhaul says. I am suddenly handcuffed to the wall. "You know, I didn't want it to happen like this. You could have cooperated with us. But no, you didn't want to." Overhaul continues. "And what are you now? A hero? You truly believe you are a hero? How can you be a hero, when you are only a burden to those around you?" Overhaul says. I finally find the strength to open my mouth and talk. "T-that's not true." I manage to utter. "Mhm. Yeah sure. Keep living in your bubble." Overhaul says and the handcuffs tighten around my wrists and legs. "Stop. It is hurting!" I say, not applying any filter in my words. "Stop it is hurting!" Overhaul mockingly says. "Looks like you are now used to a calm lifestyle. Prepare, because it won't be long until we find you. And we will have to recompensate for the lost time." Overhaul says, spreading fear to me. "See you soon..." Overhaul says. "...ingredient." He adds.


Tamaki's POV {it's at the start of the nightmare}

I was sleeping peacefully, when I hear a whimpering. I open my eyes and see y/n placed next to me. I panic, but try not to show it too much, otherwise I will wake her up. I see her, not very good. Is she having a...nightmare? I place a hand on her shoulder; she is trembling. She moves, unconsciously, closer to me. I am starting to panic even more. I try to remain as calm as possible. She looks scared. My reflexes, cause me to wrap my hands around her. I have no idea why I did that. She snuggles into my chest? What is going on? Oh shit, oh shit! She must think I am someone else! Otherwise, she wouldn't want to be so close to me, right? Or no? No, no, no. There is absolutely no way she likes me. I am no one...but now she needs me. Even if she thinks I am somebody else. I enfold her carefully into my arms in a way that her head is facing my chest. She is beautiful. Her light/dark h/c hair are looking magnificent even in the dark. Her figure fits perfectly into my hug. I stroke her hair and see that she is finally calming down. I fall asleep with her in my arms.


Awww! Aren't they the cutest? I ship.

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